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Last active May 27, 2022 15:38
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Config file for Stata
// Derived from
// with minor corrections
clear all
set more off
program main
* *** Add required packages from SSC to this list ***
local ssc_packages ""
* *** Add required packages from SSC to this list ***
if !missing("`ssc_packages'") {
foreach pkg in `ssc_packages' {
* install using ssc, but avoid re-installing if already present
capture which `pkg'
if _rc == 111 {
dis "Installing `pkg'"
quietly ssc install `pkg', replace
* Install packages using net, but avoid re-installing if already present
*capture which yaml
* if _rc == 111 {
* quietly cap ado uninstall yaml
* quietly net install yaml, from("")
* }
* Install complicated packages : moremata (which cannot be tested for with which)
capture confirm file $adobase/plus/m/moremata.hlp
if _rc != 0 {
cap ado uninstall moremata
ssc install moremata
/* after installing all packages, it may be necessary to issue the mata mlib index command */
/* This should always be the LAST command after installing all packages */
mata: mata mlib index
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