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Forked from khellang/Kodekamp2.fs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
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File Dedupe checker (based on @khellang original code).
module Kodekamp
open System
open System.IO
open System.Security.Cryptography
type Arguments = { ByteCount: int64; Path: string; }
let (|Long|_|) str =
match Int64.TryParse(str) with
| (true, int) -> Some(int)
| _ -> None
let ignoreAndWarn f path =
| :? System.UnauthorizedAccessException as x -> eprintfn "UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS: %A" x.Message; Seq.empty
| x -> eprintfn "%A" x.Message; Seq.empty
let rec getFiles path = seq {
yield! ignoreAndWarn Directory.EnumerateFiles path
for directory in ignoreAndWarn Directory.EnumerateDirectories path do
yield! getFiles(directory)
let getHash (file: FileInfo) =
use md5 = MD5.Create()
use stream = file.OpenRead()
|> BitConverter.ToString
let realMain argv =
let args =
match argv with
| [|Long byteCount; path|] -> { ByteCount = byteCount; Path = path }
| _ -> eprintfn "Invalid Arguments - Usage: DuplicateFileFinder <byteCount> <path>"; exit 1
let directory = new DirectoryInfo(args.Path);
if (not directory.Exists) then
eprintfn "Invalid Argument: Directory '%s' does not exist!" args.Path; exit 2
printfn "Searching for duplicates in '%s'...%s" directory.FullName Environment.NewLine
|> (fun path -> new FileInfo(path))
|> Seq.filter (fun file -> file.Length >= args.ByteCount)
|> (fun file -> (getHash file, file.FullName))
|> Seq.groupBy fst
// TODO: check if it is wise to do a Seq.toList here (in order to avoid multiple passes over the sequence with possible side-effects).
|> (fun (key, value) -> key, snd value)
|> Map.ofSeq
|> Map.filter (fun _ value -> Seq.length value > 1)
|> Map.iter (fun key value -> begin
value |> Seq.iter (fun duplicate -> printfn " - %s" duplicate)
printfn "Duplicates with hash '%s' found:" key
printfn ""
exit 0
realMain [|"100"; System.Environment.GetFolderPath System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal|] |> ignore
let main argv =
realMain argv
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larsw commented Aug 25, 2015

Note to self:
Maybe I need to write a new workflow builder, wrapping the seq workflow with additional exception handling.
(Or just drop the workflow altogether - but there's not much fun in that :-) )

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