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Last active January 4, 2016 04:19
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# To run this script you need the following modules installed:
# jenkinsapi==0.2.16
# pytz==2013.9
# requests==2.2.0
# sh==1.09
# wsgiref==0.1.2
import getopt
from jenkinsapi import jenkins
import os
import sh
import shutil
import string
import sys
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
def usage(argv, msg=None):
if msg:
print >>sys.stderr, msg
print >>sys.stderr
print >>sys.stderr, """\
Usage: %s [options]
Required options
--jenkinsUsername A user in jenkins who has permission to create new jobs
--jenkinsPassword The password for the jenkins user
--gerritUsername A username in gerrit who is in the Bypass Review group.
--version The version of the release i.e. 0.22
--developmentVersion The next development version on the branch i.e. 0.22.1-SNAPSHOT
--nextMasterVersion The next working version on master i.e. 0.23-SNAPSHOT
--buildDirectory The base location to check out all source to. Will delete if it exists
defaults to ./builds
--verbose Be a little chatty on stdout
Standard options
-h, --help show this help and exit
""" % (sys.argv[0])
def main():
baseBuildDir = "./builds/"
jenkinsUsername = None
jenkinsPassword = None
gerritUsername = None
version = None
developmentVersion = None
nextMasterVersion = None
branchName = None
scmTag = None
verbose = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h',
['help', 'jenkinsUsername=', 'jenkinsPassword=', 'buildDirectory=', 'developmentVersion=', 'version=', 'nextMasterVersion=', 'gerritUsername=', 'verbose'])
allopts = set(opt[0] for opt in opts)
if '-h' in allopts or '--help' in allopts:
return 0
except getopt.error, err:
usage(sys.argv, 'Error: %s' % err)
return 1
except IndexError:
usage(sys.argv, 'Error: Insufficient arguments.')
return 1
except UnicodeError:
print >>sys.stderr, (
'Error: Multibyte filename not supported on this filesystem '
'encoding (%r).' % fs_encoding)
return 1
for opt, val in opts:
if opt == '--jenkinsUsername':
jenkinsUsername = val
elif opt == '--jenkinsPassword':
jenkinsPassword = val
elif opt == '--buildDirectory':
baseBuildDir = val
elif opt == '--version':
version = val
branchName = "{0}.X".format(version)
scmTag = "release-{0}".format(version)
elif opt == '--gerritUsername':
gerritUsername = val
elif opt == '--developmentVersion':
developmentVersion = val
elif opt == '--nextMasterVersion':
nextMasterVersion = val
elif opt == '--verbose':
verbose = True
if verbose:
print "jenkinsUsername: %s" % jenkinsUsername
print "jenkinsPassword: %s" % jenkinsPassword
print "baseBuildDir: %s" % baseBuildDir
print "version: %s" % version
print "branchName: %s" % branchName
print "scmTag: %s" % scmTag
print "gerritUsername: %s" % gerritUsername
print "developmentVersion: %s" % developmentVersion
print "nextMasterVersion: %s" % nextMasterVersion
if not (jenkinsUsername and jenkinsPassword and version and developmentVersion):
return 0
builds = [
'name' : 'Platform-IntegrationTests',
'url' : "ssh://{0}".format(gerritUsername),
'repository' : 'motech',
'jobName' : "Platform-{0}".format(branchName)
'name' : 'Platform-Communications',
'url' : "ssh://{0}".format(gerritUsername),
'repository' : 'platform-communications',
'jobName' : "Platform-Communications-{0}".format(branchName)
'name' : 'Platform-Campaigns',
'url' : "ssh://{0}".format(gerritUsername),
'repository' : 'platform-campaigns',
'jobName' : "Platform-Campaigns-{0}".format(branchName)
'name' : 'Platform-MRS',
'url' : "ssh://{0}".format(gerritUsername),
'repository' : 'platform-medical-records',
'jobName' : "Platform-MRS-{0}".format(branchName)
# Connect to Jenkins
ci = jenkins.Jenkins("", jenkinsUsername, jenkinsPassword)
# First check if all the builds are passing
print "Checking build status"
brokenBuild = False
for b in builds:
job = ci.get_job(b['name'])
build = job.get_last_build()
isRunning = build.is_running()
# get_status returns None if building. is_good returns False if building
print "\t%s: %s" % (b['name'], build.get_status())
if not build.is_good():
print "\t\t*** Unable to continue: failed or in progress build ***"
brokenBuild = True
if brokenBuild:
return 1
if os.path.exists(baseBuildDir):
print "\nChecking out repositories"
for b in builds:
repository = b['repository']
url = b['url']
print "\tCloning " + b['name']
sh.git("clone", url, repository)
sh.git("config", "remote.origin.push", "refs/heads/*:refs/for/*")
sh.scp("-p", "-P", "29418", "{0}".format(gerritUsername), ".git/hooks/")'..')
except Exception, e:
print "\t\t*** Unable to continue: exception pulling %s ***" % b['repository']
print e
return 1
# run mvn release:branch command
print "\nBranching repositories"
for b in builds:
repository = b['repository']
print "\tBranching %s" % repository
branchNameArg = "-DbranchName={0}".format(branchName)
masterVersion = "-DdevelopmentVersion={0}".format(nextMasterVersion)
scmConnectionArg = "-Dscm.connection=scm:git:ssh://{0}{1}".format(gerritUsername, repository)
scmDeveloperConnectinArg = "-Dscm.developerConnection=scm:git:ssh://{0}{1}".format(gerritUsername, repository)
for line in sh.mvn("release:branch", branchNameArg, masterVersion, scmConnectionArg, scmDeveloperConnectinArg, _iter=True):
if verbose:
except Exception, e:
print "\t\t*** Unabe to continue: exception branching %s ***" % b['repository']
print e
return 1'..')
print "\nUpdate MOTECH Version for module repositories"
for b in builds:
if b['name'] is "Platform-IntegrationTests":
repository = b['repository']
print "\tUpdateing version for %s" % repository
# Update motech.version to the release version
pom = open("pom.xml")
dom = parse(pom)
mv = dom.getElementsByTagName('motech.version')
mv[0].childNodes[0].data = nextMasterVersion
f = open("pom.xml", 'w')
print "\nCommit and Push changes"
for b in builds:
repository = b['repository']
print "\tUpdateing %s" % repository
# commit the file
sh.git("commit", "-am", "Update to latest released version")
sh.git("push", "origin", "master")'..')
# Leave the directory with the code folders'..')
# Create new jobs on jenkins for each of the builds
print "\nCreating Jenkins jobs"
for b in builds:
repository = b['repository']
# Use api and config.xml files downloaded from (will need to process config.xml to update version numbers)
# Also use api to add new jobs to views
# Should old jobs be deprecated?
d = { 'branchName' : branchName, 'version' : version, 'developmentVersion' : developmentVersion, 'scmTag' : scmTag}
filein = open("build-configs/{0}/config.xml".format(repository))
src = string.Template(
result = src.substitute(d)
jobName = b['jobName']
print "\tCreating %s" % jobName
newJob = ci.create_job(jobName, result)
ci.views['Releases'].add_job(jobName, newJob)
except Exception, e:
print "\t\t*** Unabe to continue: exception creating job %s ***" % jobName
print e
return 1
return 0
if False:
# For the modules repositories I need to:
# - Change motech.version to the release version.
# - Trigger the build.
# - Change motech.version to the developmentVersion
# I think to trigger a release build post to:
# args = "name=releaseVersion&value=%s&name=developmentVersion&value=%s&name=scm.tag&value=%s&json=json:{\"parameter\": [{\"name\": \"releaseVersion\", \"value\": \"%s\"}, {\"name\": \"developmentVersion\", \"value\": \"%s\"}, {\"name\": \"scm.tag\", \"value\": \"%s\"}]}" % ("0.22", "0.22.1-SNAPSHOT", "release-0.22", "0.22", "0.22.1-SNAPSHOT", "release-0.22")
# curl --data-urlencode args
# releaseVersion, developmentVersion, scm.tag
# For each of the module before triggering it's release build I'll need to update motech.version in the pom
# look into for editing the pom file
for b in builds:
if b['name'] is "Platform-IntegrationTests":
repository = b['repository']
# I'll need to be on the release branch
# Update motech.version to the release version
pom = open("pom.xml")
dom = parse(pom)
mv = dom.getElementsByTagName('motech.version')
mv[0].childNodes[0].data = version
f = open("pom.xml", 'w')
# commit the file
# git commit -am "Update motech to latest released version"
# "git push origin {0}.format(branchName)'..')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# MOTECH-Platform (Platform-IntegrationTests), Platform-Communications, Platform-Campaigns, Platform-MRS and Platform-Demo jobs are green on our CI server
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