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Last active February 7, 2018 10:12
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  • Save larvata/5e8727906518c36ae012d01ec855feb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save larvata/5e8727906518c36ae012d01ec855feb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
dump pages from
const fs = require('fs');
const requestDefault = require('request');
const curlParser = require('parse-curl');
const Jimp = require('jimp');
const jar = requestDefault.jar();
const request = requestDefault.defaults({ jar });
const requestPromise = (requestOption) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request(requestOption, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(res);
const componseQuery = ({ sid, utg, cmd, pid, layer, x, y }) => {
const params = [];
if (sid) {
if (utg) {
if (cmd) {
if (pid) {
if (layer) {
if (x) {
if (y) {
const query = `<p><query ${params.join(' ')}/></p>`;
const composed = `query=${encodeURIComponent(query).replace(/-/g, '%2D')}`;
return composed;
const getMatrix = (index) => {
const r = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0];
const g = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0];
const b = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
const a = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
let result = [...r, ...g, ...b];
if (index === 0) {
result = [...g, ...r, ...b];
else if (index === 1) {
result = [...r, ...b, ...g];
else if (index === 2) {
result = [...b, ...g, ...r];
else if (index === 3) {
result = [...b, ...r, ...g];
else if (index === 4) {
result = [...g, ...b, ...r];
result = result.concat(a);
return result;
// load session from curl command
const curlCommand = fs.readFileSync('./curl-command.txt', 'utf8');
const { method, header, body, url } = curlParser(curlCommand);
const requestOption = {
headers: header,
// extract session id from query
const query = decodeURIComponent(body);
const sid = query.match(/sid="\{(\S+)\}"/)[1];
const utg = query.match(/utg="(\S+)"/)[1];
if (!sid || !utg) {
console.log('sid or utg is invalid in the given curl command.');
const pageFrom = process.argv[2];
const pageTo = process.argv[3];
console.log(`dump page ${pageFrom}-${pageTo}`);
(async () => {
try {
for (let pid = pageFrom; pid <= pageTo; pid++) {
// get master metadata query
const metadataQuery = componseQuery({ sid, utg, cmd: 2, pid });
// console.log('metadataQuery', metadataQuery);
requestOption.body = metadataQuery;
const { body } = await requestPromise(requestOption);
// parse metadata
const orig_width = +body.match(/orig_width="(\d+)"/)[1];
const orig_height = +body.match(/orig_height="(\d+)"/)[1];
const tile_width = +body.match(/tile_w="(\d+)"/)[1];
const tile_height = +body.match(/tile_h="(\d+)"/)[1];
const obf_tile_width = +body.match(/obf_tile_w="(\d+)"/)[1];
const obf_tile_height = +body.match(/obf_tile_h="(\d+)"/)[1];
// fetch tiles in pages
const tile_count_x = Math.ceil(orig_width / tile_width);
const tile_count_y = Math.ceil(orig_height / tile_height);
const tiles = [];
for (let ty = 0; ty < tile_count_y; ty++) {
for (let tx = 0; tx < tile_count_x; tx++) {
const tile_x = (tx * tile_width).toString();
const tile_y = (ty * tile_height).toString();
const tileQuery = componseQuery({ sid, utg, cmd: 4, pid, layer: 0, x: tile_x, y: tile_y });
requestOption.body = tileQuery;
requestOption.encoding = null;
const { body: tile } = await requestPromise(requestOption);
// get tile meta
const tileMetaQuery = componseQuery({ sid, utg, cmd: 5, pid, layer: 0, x: tile_x, y: tile_y });
requestOption.body = tileMetaQuery;
requestOption.encoding = 'utf8';
const { body: meta } = await requestPromise(requestOption);
const metaMatch = meta.match(/<key size="\d+" rgbcode="(\d+)">(\S+)<\/key>/);
const matrix = getMatrix(+metaMatch[1]);
const seq = metaMatch[2].split(',').map(x => +x);
// re-arrange tiles
const image = await => {
// adjust color
const { width, height } = image.bitmap;
return image.scan(0, 0, width, height, function (x, y, idx) {
const red =[idx + 0];
const green =[idx + 1];
const blue =[idx + 2];
const alpha =[idx + 3];
const r = (matrix[0] * red) + (matrix[1] * green) + (matrix[2] * blue) + (matrix[3] * alpha) + matrix[4];
const g = (matrix[5] * red) + (matrix[6] * green) + (matrix[7] * blue) + (matrix[8] * alpha) + matrix[9];
const b = (matrix[10] * red) + (matrix[11] * green) + (matrix[12] * blue) + (matrix[13] * alpha) + matrix[14];
const a = (matrix[15] * red) + (matrix[16] * green) + (matrix[17] * blue) + (matrix[18] * alpha) + matrix[19];
const hex = Jimp.rgbaToInt(r, g, b, a);, idx, true);
const subtiles = [];
const subtile_count_x = Math.floor(tile_width / obf_tile_width);
const subtile_count_y = Math.floor(tile_height / obf_tile_height);
// console.log('subtiles: '+ subtile_count_x + 'x' + subtile_count_y);
for (let sty = 0; sty < subtile_count_y; sty++) {
for (let stx = 0; stx < subtile_count_x; stx++) {
// console.log('crop: ', stx, ',', sty, ',', obf_tile_width, ',', obf_tile_height);
const subtile = await image.clone().crop(stx * obf_tile_width, sty * obf_tile_height, obf_tile_width, obf_tile_height);
// const fn = `dump/${tx}-${ty}-s.jpg`;
// await image.write(fn);
// console.log(fn);
seq.forEach(async (s, i) => {
const sx = s % subtile_count_x;
const sy = Math.floor(s / subtile_count_x);
const subtile = subtiles[i];
const x = sx * obf_tile_width;
const y = sy * obf_tile_height;
// console.log(`${s}: [${sx}, ${sy}]`);
await image.blit(subtile, x, y);
const filename = `dump/${tx}-${ty}.jpg`;
await image.write(filename);
// compose tiles
const wholeImage = new Jimp(orig_width, orig_height);
tiles.forEach(async (tile, i) => {
const tx = i % tile_count_x;
const ty = Math.floor(i / tile_count_x);
const x = tx * tile_width;
const y = ty * tile_height;
await wholeImage.composite(tile, x, y);
await wholeImage.write(`dump/whole-${pid}.jpg`);
console.log(`-> saved page: ${pid}`);
catch(e) {
"name": "zasshi-teardown",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"jimp": "^0.2.28",
"parse-curl": "^0.2.6",
"request": "^2.83.0"
"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "^4.16.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^12.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.8.0"
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larvata commented Feb 7, 2018

the async forEach should be replaced with for...of

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