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Last active May 28, 2024 15:53
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Photoshop script to replace a smart object within a PSD with selected image(s) and save result as a JPG. (Transformations to the smart object will be applied to new images).
// Replace SmartObject’s Content and Save as JPG
// 2017, use it at your own risk
// Via @Circle B:
// JPG code from here:
#target photoshop
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
var theName =*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
var thePath = myDocument.path;
var theLayer = myDocument.activeLayer;
// JPG Options;
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = 8;
// Check if layer is SmartObject;
if (theLayer.kind != "LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT") {
alert("selected layer is not a smart object")
} else {
// Select Files;
if ($ != -1) {
var theFiles = File.openDialog("please select files", "*.psd;*.tif;*.jpg", true)
} else {
var theFiles = File.openDialog("please select files", getFiles, true)
if (theFiles) {
for (var m = 0; m < theFiles.length; m++) {
// Replace SmartObject
theLayer = replaceContents(theFiles[m], theLayer);
var theNewName = theFiles[m].name.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
// Save JPG. If you have need of saving different artboards into separate files,
// see
myDocument.saveAs((new File(thePath + "/" + theName + "_" + theNewName + ".jpg")), jpgSaveOptions, true,Extension.LOWERCASE);
// Get PSDs, TIFs and JPGs from files
function getFiles(theFile) {
if (\.(psd|tif|jpg)$/i) != null || == "Folder") {
return true
// Replace SmartObject Contents
function replaceContents(newFile, theSO) {
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = theSO;
// =======================================================
var idplacedLayerReplaceContents = stringIDToTypeID("placedLayerReplaceContents");
var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = charIDToTypeID("null");
desc3.putPath(idnull, new File(newFile));
var idPgNm = charIDToTypeID("PgNm");
desc3.putInteger(idPgNm, 1);
executeAction(idplacedLayerReplaceContents, desc3, DialogModes.NO);
return app.activeDocument.activeLayer
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schroef commented Mar 21, 2023

Check the version in my post above yours. I adjusted it if someone earlier

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Great thanks in the end I just amended the smart object size.
One more thing is it possible to batch edit 3D layer content in this way and save the files?
I have seen someone doing it with a script on youtube.

I'm not sure how to do it though

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schroef commented Mar 24, 2023

I honestly don't know. I have not worked that much with 3d files inside Photoshop, i find it sluggish and slow. Rather do that in dedicated 3d apps. Way better control and render engines.

I'm not sure that part is exposed to extendscript, honestly never have seen code related to that. But I've never search for it

I did a quick peek with scriptlistner. Seems it is exposed. Not sure how you would tackle this, because when you import meshes you need to do a lot of work most times to get it somewhat representable nicely.

I did a quick check with "replace mesh", i see the code exposed. This means you could batch edit it. But i dont know if everything is exposed. When i checked the 3d items in the object, i dont see selecting parts shows code. But when i changed a color, something did show. However, if you need to script this as well, im not sure you would be able to. The mesh names all need to be the same in order to get this working. That almost impossible i think

// =======================================================
var idreplaceMesh = stringIDToTypeID( "replaceMesh" );
    var desc125 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idkeythreeDObjectFileList = stringIDToTypeID( "key3DObjectFileList" );
        var list82 = new ActionList();
        list82.putPath( new File( "/Users/macpro1/Downloads/3d Presentaties Renders/Models/Banners/Roll-Up Banner_86x206/Banner206x86cm.obj" ) );
    desc125.putList( idkeythreeDObjectFileList, list82 );
    var idkeythreeDNameList = stringIDToTypeID( "key3DNameList" );
        var list83 = new ActionList();
        list83.putString( """VinyilDoek250x220_v3_Mar2013 Scene Replacement""" );
    desc125.putList( idkeythreeDNameList, list83 );
    var idkeythreeDObjectTypeList = stringIDToTypeID( "key3DObjectTypeList" );
        var list84 = new ActionList();
        list84.putInteger( 2 );
    desc125.putList( idkeythreeDObjectTypeList, list84 );
executeAction( idreplaceMesh, desc125, DialogModes.NO );

Also i dont see how we can replace the entire 3dlayer. I need to go into the 3d panel and then select a mesh part. Thus this wont allow us to replace objects. What you could try is simply place an object, then say render and then delete layer and than add a new layer.
Lots of items i did when adding a new 3d layer are not exposed to extendscript. However, the part add 3dlayer seems to be exposed. This could mean you could sort of do batch work with it. I dont know enough about 3d in photoshop. Not sure what you are trying to do

// =======================================================
var idaddthreeDLayerFromFile = stringIDToTypeID( "add3DLayerFromFile" );
    var desc237 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idfileList = stringIDToTypeID( "fileList" );
        var list131 = new ActionList();
        list131.putPath( new File( "/Users/macpro1/Downloads/3d Presentaties Renders/Models/Banners/Roll-Up Banner_86x206/Banner206x86cm.obj" ) );
    desc237.putList( idfileList, list131 );
executeAction( idaddthreeDLayerFromFile, desc237, DialogModes.NO );

Here's a simple function i made for place 3d objects. I would need to invest some more time to make the layer hide/show or delete with each new item you want to use.

var fileToPlace = "/Users/macpro1/Downloads/3d Presentaties Renders/Models/BILLBOARDS/Billboard500x250/MODELS/EXPORTS/Halogeen_spot.obj"
// var fileToPlace = "/Users/macpro1/Downloads/3d Presentaties Renders/Models/Banners/Roll-Up Banner_86x206/Banner206x86cm.obj"
function placeFile(fileToPlace){
    // =======================================================
    var idaddthreeDLayerFromFile = stringIDToTypeID( "add3DLayerFromFile" );
        var desc237 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idfileList = stringIDToTypeID( "fileList" );
            var list131 = new ActionList();
            list131.putPath( new File( fileToPlace ) );
        desc237.putList( idfileList, list131 );
    executeAction( idaddthreeDLayerFromFile, desc237, DialogModes.NO );


The variable fileToPlace is simply the test OBJ i used. You can call this function from a loop. So if we use a dialog to get a list of 3d objects. We then call this function to place the object as a 3d layer. Then you do your work, i guess you want to render 3d previews orso

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stahlsparre commented Apr 21, 2023

Getting a wierd problem when using this script. The placed JPG's in the smartobject become super zoomed in. Looking at the smartobject transform after processing, it seems it's been scaled up a lot.

My JPGs and smartobject canvas size are 1264px x 1895px

The output smartobjects turn into 5263px x 7896px. This makes the output images truly zoomed in. (I get the same result if I rightclick the smartobject-layer and replace contents.)


If I click the Reset Transform button manually it snaps into the correct place:

Any ideas why this is happening? This script is great but I don't get why it transforms the smartobject.

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laryn commented Apr 21, 2023

Just a quick guess but does the dpi match between the destination and the smart object?

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schroef commented Apr 24, 2023

If you check the last nk i added to the file dropper website couple comments back. You'll find an update version of this script. This will adjust the new added image to match the correct size.

You new image has a bigger resolution than when that smart object initially was created

See this post how the new version works
That WeTransfer like NJ doesn't work anymore, a couple posts below is a file dropper link. That site is safe, chrome Warns of it but it's okay

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miguelalbert369 commented Aug 15, 2023


It seems like the FileDropper web server is down for a week or more now. Is there another link that you can post? Cheers

Screenshot 2023-08-15 220239

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schroef commented Aug 22, 2023


Ive added to my own github. >
I added it quickly so not much info. Make sure you have the same structure as i show in that image, especially the naming. If this doesnt match, the script will return errors

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amfie commented Sep 29, 2023

How could I amend this to include linked smart objects nested within regular smart objects? Also is it possible to ignore smart objects with no link?

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schroef commented Sep 29, 2023


For nested smart objects inside a smartonbject it would need a extra loop and call the same function again.

What do you mean by smart objects without a link? Do you you mean those layers which are converted to smartobject and once being edited are a temp psb file?

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schroef commented Sep 30, 2023 via email

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Hi, I am new to using scripts and I tried this one, but for some reason it places image incorrectly, as if moves my original smart object. Any idea what I am setting up incorrectly?

here's link to example psd file

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schroef commented Oct 12, 2023

I just tried it and it works fine for me with the send link. PS is it perhaps you used a different image. I see a image with green leaves and not pink leaves.

Have you tried this version?

okay after checking one time more. I noticed this seems to be happening because your initial smartobject is skewed or transformed into perspective. Once i test it using a not deformed image it looks better. But still doesnt fit properly because the mask is skewed. Perhaps it would need more work. Im not sure if we can also apply proper skewing or perspective transformation using script.

using not skewed smartobject

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I am trying a different approach :D
Here's a different mockup I downloaded. I tried adjusting the layers to match your requirements - changed names on smart object and existing mask layer, ungrouped the folder.
However, now the image is too zoomed in. Is there something I do incorrectly with the layers? I am not quite sure how to create correct mask layer on smart object myself..
here's the original mockup as well as the one edited by me, if you would have time to review.




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schroef commented Oct 12, 2023

Hi, I am trying a different approach :D Here's a different mockup I downloaded. I tried adjusting the layers to match your requirements - changed names on smart object and existing mask layer, ungrouped the folder. However, now the image is too zoomed in. Is there something I do incorrectly with the layers? I am not quite sure how to create correct mask layer on smart object myself.. here's the original mockup as well as the one edited by me, if you would have time to review.


You need to use the exaxt same layer setup as i showed earlier. I wont work otherwise.
Screen Shot 2023-10-12 at 17 47 56
This is the correct order

layers naming and order

PS i found a different script and have altered it. That script now works on your earlier example and also does keep the correct perspective. Ill post a link tomorrow

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Thank you so much! I will wait for the link.

Would you be able to guide me through creating your layers?
I'm not sure what exactly is done to get this masked layer.

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schroef commented Nov 2, 2023

Sorry for the long wait. Ill try to show you the workflow which is needed for this other version of the script.

Relink SmartObjects - v2

  1. Open the PSD file containing the artwork
  2. Selected linked SmartObject layer or place (link) a new SmartObject.
  3. Now convert this layer (SmartObject) again to a SmartObject. The earlier layer/SmartObject will become nested in the other. Name this layer "REPLACE DESIGN"
    You can copy this layer and move it to the top and set visibility OFF for easy access.
  4. Now apply your perspective transformation on the layer/smartobject in the main document.
  5. Optionally you can add a mask and transform the layer so its a bit bigger. This will fix the issue if a new linked image has a different ratio causing blank areas to appear. See images below for more clear explanation of why we want to do that.

I think im going to merge these 2 versions of the scripts into 1 main script. Then when with a dialog a user can pick either method. Thats way we can keep it as 1 script

This is the layer order you need to have now

Issue which shows when you relink images with different image ratio.

Add overlap to fix this issue

Relink SmartObjects keeping Perspective

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schroef commented Dec 2, 2023

@milqnomadu have you already tried the version which I linked above?
They do exactly what you ask for, minus that prompt at the end. That's easy to add yourself. You can also very easily adjust the export settings to your need.

There are 2 versions now of this export file. One does not adjust the image of it's skewed or perspective transformer. However it will fit your images inside a mask. Proportions will matter depending on your mask. Meaning borders can appear showing the image below if a new linked image has different proportions vs the mash proportions.

The other version will linked images inside a transformed smartobject and will keep that transformation. That is something the original script here did not do.

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I have an issue with the code, I will link the detailed explaination because I cannot add images here:

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@schroef I tried the version above, however the output is the same I describe there. I don't really know how to cope with it.

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schroef commented Dec 2, 2023

If you go to my GitHub link, I added it a couple posts above, it will show a layout in the layer panel. This is need to make it scale down the image to the mask dimensions. This will fix the issue I saw in that post you linked. I I understand correctly, your new linked image "design" is to big for the mockup, is that correct?

Here's the link to my repo

Notice the layer panel and the order, this is very important for the resizing to work properly

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schroef commented Jan 12, 2024

Ive been working on a new version of this script. After someone contacted me about a small issue with the current script. The original script did not resize the image. By adding the code from @magicsun and adding a mask, that work. But the image aspect ratio can cause an issue in that version. If the new images don't fit in terms of the image ratio, you would get blank spots. Ive also now have a version which replaces the content inside the linked SmartObject. This is a different approach and in some cases solves the issue.
I've also found a function on Adobe Community by Stephen A Marsh which allows the user to save as WebP.

I'm stilling testing out if this script can be one version or perhaps we keep both methods. Anyway, im working on adding a dialog window. The user can define settings and placement of the new image. This is for the version which edit the content of the SmartObject. The script also uses ObjectToDescriptor, this means when you reload the script it restores all last settings.

This is how it looks now, it already works with hard-coded save to WebP. Im now in the process of adding all other formats; BMP,JPG,PDF,PSD,TARGA,TIFF,WEBP,PNG-8,PNG-24.


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To replace a smart object within a PSD with selected image(s) and save the result as a JPG using a Photoshop script, you can refer to the detailed instructions provided in the article on BulkMockup. The article covers the use of scripts to automate the process and includes steps for replacing smart objects in bulk. The script mentioned in the article applies transformations to the smart objects and ensures that the changes are saved as JPG files.

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schroef commented Jan 31, 2024

My new versions actually does this, I've implemented 2 version now. One which edit the link itself, the other will edit the content inside the smartobject. The latter is slower however to the workflow need. But it's still a fraction of doing this all manually .

It's nice you have such expanded tutorials and writing. But it's a commercial product. $15 per month. Kinda steep price if you can get ir for free here

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