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Created March 24, 2012 03:40
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###I'm trying to get Ajax working for my sign in forms, but I can't get it work. It literally does nothing!
###Here's my controller
def create
session[:user_id] = nil if session[:user_id] # Destroy any current sessions
user = User.where(email: params[:email]).first
respond_to do |format|
if !params[:bot].blank?
# If the bot hidden field has a value, assume it's a bot
format.html do
flash[:error] = "We don't like bots.."
redirect_to root_path
elsif user && user.authenticate(params[:password])
# 'authenticate' comes from the 'has_secure_password' method in the User model
delete_signin_error # Delete the signin_error cookies on signin
session[:user_id] = # Set a session from the id = user.time_zone # Set the users time zone on sign in
format.html { redirect_to profile_path, notice: "You have been signed in as #{user}." }
signin_error # Add a signin_error cookies or increment the number by one
format.html do
flash[:error] = "There was an error, please check your email/password and try again."
redirect_to root_path
###And here is my view partial with the remote form
<%= form_tag sessions_path, remote: true do %>
<table border="0">
<td><%= text_field_tag :email, nil, placeholder: "Email" %></td>
<td><%= password_field_tag :password, nil, placeholder: "Password" %></td>
<%= hidden_field_tag :bot, nil %>
<%= submit_tag "Sign In" %>
<% end %>
###So is there any particular reason why it isn't working? It should redirect, but it just sits there.
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