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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Parsing DBus type signatures. Comparing FParsec solution to an earlier solution using active patterns and regular pattern matching. More info on what I'm parsing:
type DBusType =
| Byte
| Boolean
| Int16
| UInt16
| Int32
| UInt32
| Int64
| UInt64
| Double
| String
| Signature
| ObjectPath
| Array of DBusType
| Struct of DBusType list
| Variant
| Dictionary of DBusType * DBusType
| UnixFD
let parseSignature signature =
let rec (|BasicType|_|) = function
| code::rest ->
match code with
| 'b' -> Some DBusType.Boolean
| 'y' -> Some DBusType.Byte
| 'n' -> Some DBusType.Int16
| 'q' -> Some DBusType.UInt16
| 'i' -> Some DBusType.Int32
| 'u' -> Some DBusType.UInt32
| 'x' -> Some DBusType.Int64
| 't' -> Some DBusType.UInt64
| 'd' -> Some DBusType.Double
| 's' -> Some DBusType.String
| 'g' -> Some DBusType.Signature
| 'o' -> Some DBusType.ObjectPath
| 'v' -> Some DBusType.Variant
| 'h' -> Some DBusType.UnixFD
| _ -> None
|> ty -> ty, rest)
| _ ->
and (|ArrayType|_|) = function
| 'a'::AnyType(ty, rest) ->
Some(DBusType.Array ty, rest)
| _ ->
and (|DictionaryType|_|) = function
| 'a'::'{'::BasicType(keyType, AnyType(valueType, '}'::rest)) ->
Some(DBusType.Dictionary(keyType, valueType), rest)
| _ ->
and (|StructType|_|) = function
| '('::AnyTypes(tys, (')'::rest)) when tys <> [] ->
Some(DBusType.Struct tys, rest)
| _ ->
and (|AnyType|_|) = function
| BasicType x
| ArrayType x
| DictionaryType x
| StructType x ->
Some x
| _ ->
and (|AnyTypes|) = function
| AnyType (ty, AnyTypes(tys, rest)) ->
((ty::tys), rest)
| rest ->
[], rest
match List.ofSeq signature with
| AnyType (ty, []) -> ty
| _ -> failwithf "Invalid type signature '%s'." signature
open FParsec
type DBusType =
| Byte
| Boolean
| Int16
| UInt16
| Int32
| UInt32
| Int64
| UInt64
| Double
| String
| Signature
| ObjectPath
| Array of DBusType
| Struct of DBusType list
| Variant
| Dictionary of DBusType * DBusType
| UnixFD
let signatureParser =
// Needed due to F# not liking mutually recursive values
let anyType, anyTypeImpl =
let basicType =
[ 'b', DBusType.Boolean
'y', DBusType.Byte
'n', DBusType.Int16
'q', DBusType.UInt16
'i', DBusType.Int32
'u', DBusType.UInt32
'x', DBusType.Int64
't', DBusType.UInt64
'd', DBusType.Double
's', DBusType.String
'g', DBusType.Signature
'o', DBusType.ObjectPath
'v', DBusType.Variant
'h', DBusType.UnixFD ]
|> ((<||) charReturn)
|> choice
let structType =
pchar '('
>>. many1 anyType
.>> pchar ')'
|>> DBusType.Struct
let dictType =
pstring "a{"
>>. tuple2 basicType anyType
.>> pchar '}'
|>> DBusType.Dictionary
let arrayType =
pstring "a"
>>. anyType
|>> DBusType.Array
anyTypeImpl :=
[ basicType
arrayType ]
|> choice
anyType .>> eof
let parseSignature signature =
match run signatureParser signature with
| Success (result, _, _) -> result
| Failure (error, _, _) -> failwith error
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