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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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// Functor instances. Define Functor as a single case discriminated union
// to help with overload resolution.
type Functor = Functor with
static member fmap(Functor, mapping, option) = mapping option
static member fmap(Functor, mapping, list) = mapping list
// Helper function to resolve Functor overload. Needed because we can't specify a concrete type
// such as Functor in a statically-resolved type parameter constraint, so we instead pass in an
// instance of Functor to resolve the ^o parameter. Also notice we have ^c and ^d instead of
// ^f< ^a > and ^f < ^b > because F# doesn't allow this.
let inline fmapHelper overloads mapping instance =
((^o or ^c): (static member fmap : ^o * (^a -> ^b) * ^c -> ^d) (overloads, mapping, instance))
// Finally, define fmap
let inline fmap mapping instance = fmapHelper Functor mapping instance
// It works!
fmap ((*)2) [1;2;3]
fmap ((*)2) (Some 3)
// FsControl library:
// In fairness, it's far easier to just define an interface if you control the type.
// The advantage of this is that you can add "instances" to types after the fact.
// Here's another version that uses an operator overloading trick to avoid the
// helper and specifying the constraints explicitly.
type Functor = Functor with
static member ($) (Functor, instance) = fun mapping -> mapping instance
static member ($) (Functor, instance) = fun mapping -> mapping instance
let inline fmap mapping instance = (Functor $ instance) mapping
fmap ((*)2) [1;2;3]
fmap ((*)2) (Some 3)
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