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Created April 10, 2013 17:03
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Save lasandell/5356474 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Class to compare two lambda expressions so that methods taking expressions as arguments can be mocked with NSubstitute.
/// <summary>
/// Compare two expressions so that methods taking lambda
/// expressions as arguments can be mocked with NSubstitute.
/// <example>
/// _ordersRepository.Find(Expr.Is&lt;Order&gt;(o => o.Id == 2)).Returns(order2)
/// </example>
/// </summary>
public static class Expr
public static Expression<Func<TArg, bool>> Is<TArg>(Expression<Func<TArg, bool>> expression)
// Delegate to NSubstitute Arg.Is() method
return Arg.Is((Expression<Func<TArg, bool>> e) =>
ExpressionComparer.Equals(expression, e));
/// <summary>
/// Helper to determine if two expressions are equivalent.
/// Currently only understands a subset of the Expression types,
/// and does know about commutativity, associativity, etc. It only
/// compares the inherent properties of the expression itself and not
/// its children since they will be compared seperately.
/// </summary>
internal static class ExpressionComparer
public static bool Equals<TDelegate>(Expression<TDelegate> left, Expression<TDelegate> right)
var leftExpressions = ExpressionExplorer.GetSubExpressions(
var rightExpressions = ExpressionExplorer.GetSubExpressions(
if (leftExpressions.Count() == rightExpressions.Count())
return leftExpressions.Zip(rightExpressions, Tuple.Create)
.All(t => ExpressionEquals(t.Item1, t.Item2, left.Parameters, right.Parameters));
return false;
private static bool ExpressionEquals(
Expression left, Expression right,
ReadOnlyCollection<ParameterExpression> leftParams,
ReadOnlyCollection<ParameterExpression> rightParams)
if (left.NodeType == right.NodeType)
var constantLeft = left as ConstantExpression;
if (constantLeft != null)
var constantRight = (ConstantExpression)right;
return constantLeft.Type == constantRight.Type
&& Equals(constantLeft.Value, constantRight.Value);
var binaryLeft = left as BinaryExpression;
if (binaryLeft != null)
var binaryRight = (BinaryExpression)right;
return binaryLeft.Method == binaryRight.Method
&& binaryLeft.Conversion == binaryLeft.Conversion;
var memberLeft = left as MemberExpression;
if (memberLeft != null)
var memberRight = (MemberExpression)right;
return memberLeft.Member == memberRight.Member;
var paramLeft = left as ParameterExpression;
if (paramLeft != null)
var paramRight = (ParameterExpression)right;
return leftParams.IndexOf(paramLeft) == rightParams.IndexOf(paramRight);
throw new Exception("Don't know how to compare these expressions.");
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Helper to "flatten" an expression tree into a list of
/// nodes contained within the tree. Nodes are returned in
/// infix order (parents before children).
/// </summary>
internal class ExpressionExplorer : ExpressionVisitor
private readonly List<Expression> _expressionList;
private ExpressionExplorer()
_expressionList = new List<Expression>();
public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
return base.Visit(node);
public static List<Expression> GetSubExpressions(Expression expression)
var instance = new ExpressionExplorer();
return instance._expressionList;
/// <summary>
/// Helper to replace subexpressions that can be evaluated
/// immediately with equivalent constants. This is needed because an
/// expression like o => o.Id = orderId will reference orderId on a
/// generated closure type rather than the constant value of orderId
/// when the expression was created, which would cause our comparisons
/// to fail.
/// </summary>
internal class ConstantReducer : ExpressionVisitor
private ConstantReducer()
public static Expression Reduce(Expression expression)
return new ConstantReducer().Visit(expression);
public override Expression Visit(Expression expr)
if (expr.NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant)
// Compile subexpression to delegate and evaluate it
var value = Expression.Lambda(expr).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
return Expression.Constant(value, expr.Type);
// Subexpression failed to compile to nullary delegate, meaning it
// contained a parameter somewhere and so cannot be reduced to a constant.
return base.Visit(expr);
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