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Last active December 25, 2015 08:59
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Erlang Camp Day 2

Distributed Erlang

Starting Nodes

erl -sname somename

erl -setcookie foo -sname somename

Erlang cookie is not for security, it is only for topology.

Pinging Nodes


Returns pong if found, pang if not found.

Listing Nodes



Notes: nodes() does not include self.

Registering processes

register(shell, self()).


Note: registration is local. Do not use global registration.

Messageable structures

Here are the specs for messeagable structures:



NameNode::{name, node()}

Here are some examples of using them:

{shell, 'somename@Laptop'} ! {from, node()}

[{name, Node} || Node <- nodes() ]

[{name, Node} ! self() || Node <- nodes()]

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