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Created April 29, 2021 11:26
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Create Template Page WordPress
Class TemplatePage
public function __construct()
$this->templates = array();
if ( version_compare( floatval( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ), '4.7', '<' ) ) {
add_filter('page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args',array( $this, 'register' ));
} else {
add_filter('theme_page_templates', array( $this, 'create' ));
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data',array( $this, 'register' ));
add_filter('template_include',array( $this, 'view'));
$this->templates = array(
// 'main.php' => __( 'LSDDonation - Main', 'lsddonation' ),
'payment.php' => __( 'LSDDonation - Payment', 'lsddonation' ),
public function create( $posts_templates )
$posts_templates = array_merge( $posts_templates, $this->templates );
return $posts_templates;
public function register( $atts ) {
$cache_key = 'page_templates-' . md5( get_theme_root() . '/' . get_stylesheet() );
$templates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates();
if ( empty( $templates ) ) {
$templates = array();
wp_cache_delete( $cache_key , 'lsddonation');
$templates = array_merge( $templates, $this->templates );
wp_cache_add( $cache_key, $templates, 'lsddonation', 1800 );
return $atts;
public function view( $template ) {
if ( is_search() ) {
return $template;
global $post;
if ( ! $post ) {
return $template;
if ( ! isset( $this->templates[get_post_meta(
$post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true
)] ) ) {
return $template;
// Allows filtering of file path
$filepath = apply_filters( 'page_templater_plugin_dir_path', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
$file = LSDD_PATH . 'public/templates/' . get_post_meta(
$post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true
// Just to be safe, we check if the file exist first
if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
return $file;
} else {
echo $file;
return $template;
new TemplatePage;
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