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Last active July 9, 2019 08:08
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  • Save lasida/dcc676ee5c5fd19820c67083db07fcbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lasida/dcc676ee5c5fd19820c67083db07fcbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Monitoring Penampung Sampah : Menggunakan WEMOS D1, HTTP, PHP, MYSQL
$sql = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM tb_tes WHERE id=1");
$data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
<div id="container">
<div id="empty-space"></div>
<h3 style="text-align: center;margin-top: 10%;">Monitoring Ketinggian Penampung Sampah</h3>
<h4 style="text-align: center;">Tanggal Input: <?php echo $data['tanggal']; ?> <?php echo $data['waktu']; ?></h4>
<div id="wrapper" class="wrapper">
<style>.wrapper {
background-color: #2d4e5a;
height: 200px;
width: 450px;
position: relative;
margin-left: 38%;
var log = console.log.bind(console);
function $_GET(q,s) {
s = (s) ? s :;
var re = new RegExp('&amp;'+q+'=([^&amp;]*)','i');
return (s=s.replace(/^\?/,'&amp;').match(re)) ?s=s[1] :s='';
(function ($) {
$.fn.analogTank = function (config) {
let $this = $(this);
return new AnalogTank($this, config);
class AnalogTank {
constructor($this, config) {
let defaults = {
tankType: "tower", // available types: 'tower', 'round'
tankWidth: null, // outside width.
tankHeight: null, // outside height.
fillPadding: null, // gap between perimeter and inside tank area that displays water.
borderWidth: 2, // perimeter width.
borderColor: "#333", // outside border color. usually the perimeter of the tank
defaultFillColor: "#FFAB3F", // default water color. this is assigned to fillColor if water level does not pass any thresholds.
fillColor: null, // used later to set water color. it could be different color depending on situations.
backFillColor: "#fafafa", // background color inside the tank where there is no water.
backFillOpacity: 1, // opacity of the background.
innerCornerRadius: 3,
borderCornerRadius: 5,
innerWidth: null,
innerHeight: null,
neckWidth: 50, // only applies to round tank
neckHeight: 50, // only applies to round tank
fillAnimationColor: null, // used later to set the color while animating.
fillMaxValue: 100, // maximum possible value for the main text.
fillMinValue: 0, // minimum possible value for the main text.
fillValue: null, // value used to display the main text.
fillUnit: null, // unit that is appended to the main text.
decimal: 1, // number of decimal places for the main text.
overlayTextFillOpacity: 0.8, // opacity of the main text.
arrow: true, // arrow that is displayed to the right of the main text.
fontFamily: "Helvetica",
fontWeight: "bold",
fontSize: 20,
backFontColor: null,
backFontAnimationColor: null,
frontFontColor: null,
waveWidth: 100,
amplitude: 3,
horizontalWaveDuration: 2000,
transitionDuration: 1000,
delay: 0,
ease: d3.easePolyInOut.exponent(4),
marker: true,
markerPosition: "in",
markerGap: [5, 3],
markerLabelXOffset: 0,
markerLabelYOffset: 0,
markerWidth: 2,
markerLength: 10,
topMarkerText: null,
topMarkerColor: "#133440",
topMarkerFontColor: "#133440",
bottomMarkerText: null,
bottomMarkerColor: "#133440",
bottomMarkerFontColor: "#133440",
markerFontSize: 10,
markerFontWeight: "bold",
markerFontFamily: "Helvetica",
enableSupportLabel: true,
supportLabelFontColor: "#133440",
supportLabelFontFamily: "Helvetica",
supportLabelFontWeight: "bold",
supportLabelFontSize: 14,
supportLabelText: "NA",
supportLabelYOffset: -1,
mergeSupportLabelToBorder: false,
dualSupportLabel: false,
topSupportLabelFontColor: "#133440",
topSupportLabelFontFamily: "Helvetica",
topSupportLabelFontWeight: "bold",
topSupportLabelFontSize: 14,
topSupportLabelText: "Container 1",
topSupportLabelYOffset: -1,
enableSupportLabelBg: true,
supportLabelBackgroundColor: "#fff",
supportLabelBackgroundOpacity: 0.7,
supportLabelBackgroundHeight: null,
supportLabelBackgroundWidth: null,
supportLabelBackgroundBorderWidth: 1,
supportLabelBackgroundBorderColor: null,
supportLabelPadding: 0,
supportLabelWidthFix: 0,
arrowName: null,
upArrowName: "\uf176",
downArrowName: "\uf175",
noArrowName: "\uf07e",
arrowFontFamily: "FontAwesome",
arrowFontWeight: "bold",
arrowFontSize: 12,
arrowXOffset: 3,
arrowYOffset: -1,
topFillBackArrowColor: null,
bottomFillBackArrowColor: null,
frontArrowColor: null,
backArrowColor: null,
markerBarXOffset: 3,
tooltipFontSize: 10,
thresholds: [],
lookupTableValue: null, // if lookup table value is set, a secondary text is displayed under the main text.
lookupTableValueUnit: null, // unit for lookupTableValue.
lookupTableValueDecimal: 0, // number of decimal places for lookup table value.
lookupTableValueEnabled: false,
lookupTableValueFontSize: 14,
lookupTableValueYOffset: 2,
changeRateValueArrowEnabled: false,
changeRateValueArrowYOffset: 0,
changeRateValue: null,
changeRateValueDecimal: 0,
changeRateValueEnabled: false,
changeRateValueFontSize: 14,
changeRateValueYOffset: 2,
changeRateValueUnit: ''
Object.assign(defaults, config);
this.container = $this;
Object.assign(this, defaults);
this.url = window.location.href;
if (this.tankType !== 'tower' && this.tankType !== 'round') {
throw new Error(`Unknown Tank Type specified: ${this.tankType}. Should be either 'tower' or 'round'.`);
// initializer
init() {
if ( this.tankType === "tower" ) {
} else if ( this.tankType === "round" ) {
drawSvgContainer() {
this.width = this.container.outerWidth();
this.height = this.container.outerHeight();
let viewBoxDef = `0, 0, ${this.width}, ${this.height}`;
this.svgContainer =[0])
.attr('id', 'svg-container')
.attr("width", "100%")
.attr("height", "100%")
.attr("viewBox", viewBoxDef);
this.bodyGroup = this.svgContainer.append('g')
.attr('id', 'body-group')
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.width/2}, ${this.height/2})`);
// scale that returns pixel value for positioning the waveClip vertically
setGaugeScale () {
this.gaugeScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([this.fillMinValue, this.fillMaxValue])
.range([(this.innerHeight + this.amplitude)/2, -(this.innerHeight + this.amplitude)/2])
getNewHeight () {
this.newHeight = this.fillValue === null ? 0 : this.gaugeScale(this.fillValue);
initTower () {
let uniqId = this.uniqId();
// this.tankGroup = this.bodyGroup.append('g').attr('id', 'tank-group');
this.waveClip = this.bodyGroup.append('defs').append('clipPath').attr('id', uniqId);
this.waveHorizontal = this.waveClip.append('path');
this.backFill = this.bodyGroup.append('rect').attr('id', 'back-fill');
this.border = this.bodyGroup.append('rect').attr('id', 'border');
this.behindText = this.bodyGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'behind-text');
this.behindArrow = this.bodyGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'behind-arrow');
if (this.lookupTableValueEnabled) {
this.lookupTableValueBehindText = this.bodyGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'lookup-value-behind-text');
if (this.changeRateValueEnabled) {
this.changeRateValueBehindText = this.bodyGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'change-rate-value-behind-text');
this.waveGroup = this.bodyGroup.append('g').attr('clip-path', this.getUniqUrl(uniqId));
this.waterFill = this.waveGroup.append('rect').attr('id', 'water-fill');
this.overlayText = this.waveGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'overlay-text');
this.overlayArrow = this.waveGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'overlay-arrow');
if (this.lookupTableValueEnabled) {
this.lookupTableValueOverlayText = this.waveGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'lookup-value-overlay-text');
if (this.changeRateValueEnabled) {
this.changeRateValueOverlayText = this.waveGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'change-rate-value-overlay-text');
this.supportLabelGroup = this.bodyGroup.append('g').attr('id', 'support-label-group');
this.supportLabelBg = this.supportLabelGroup.append('rect').attr('id', 'support-label-bg');
this.supportLabel = this.supportLabelGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'overlay-support-label');
this.topSupportLabel = this.supportLabelGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'top-overlay-support-label');
this.topMarkerLabel = this.bodyGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'top-marker-label');
this.bottomMarkerLabel = this.bodyGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'bottom-marker-label');
this.markerBarGroup = this.bodyGroup.append('g').attr('id', 'marker-bar-group');
// for debug purpose
// this.bodyGroup.append('path').attr('d', 'M-${this.height/2} 0 L ${this.height} 0').attr('stroke-width', 1).attr('stroke', 'red');
initRound () {
let that = this;
let uniqId = this.uniqId();
this.tankGroup = this.bodyGroup.append('g').attr('id', 'tank-group');
this.waveClip = this.bodyGroup.append('defs').append('clipPath').attr('id', uniqId);
this.waveHorizontal = this.waveClip.append('path');
this.backFill = this.tankGroup.append('ellipse').attr('id', 'back-fill');
this.border = this.tankGroup.append('ellipse').attr('id', 'border');
this.neckBackFill = this.tankGroup.append('path').attr('id', 'neck-back-fill');
this.behindText = this.tankGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'behind-text');
this.behindArrow = this.tankGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'behind-arrow');
if (this.lookupTableValueEnabled) {
this.lookupTableValueBehindText = this.tankGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'lookup-value-behind-text');
if (this.changeRateValueEnabled) {
this.changeRateValueBehindText = this.tankGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'lookup-value-rate-behind-text');
this.waveGroup = this.tankGroup.append('g').attr('clip-path', this.getUniqUrl(uniqId));
this.neckFill = this.waveGroup.append('path').attr('id', 'neck-fill');
this.waterFill = this.waveGroup.append('ellipse').attr('id', 'water-fill');
this.neckBorder = this.tankGroup.append('path').attr('id', 'neck-border');
this.overlayText = this.waveGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'overlay-text');
this.overlayArrow = this.waveGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'overlay-arrow');
if (this.lookupTableValueEnabled) {
this.lookupTableValueOverlayText = this.waveGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'lookup-value-overlay-text');
if (this.changeRateValueEnabled) {
this.changeRateValueOverlayText = this.waveGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'lookup-value-rate-overlay-text');
this.supportLabelGroup = this.bodyGroup.append('g').attr('id', 'support-label-group');
this.supportLabelBg = this.supportLabelGroup.append('rect').attr('id', 'support-label-bg');
this.supportLabel = this.supportLabelGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'overlay-support-label');
this.topSupportLabel = this.supportLabelGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'top-overlay-support-label');
this.topMarker = this.tankGroup.append('line').attr('id', 'top-marker');
this.bottomMarker = this.tankGroup.append('line').attr('id', 'bottom-marker');
this.topMarkerLabel = this.tankGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'top-marker-label');
this.bottomMarkerLabel = this.tankGroup.append('text').attr('id', 'bottom-marker-label');
this.markerBarGroup = this.tankGroup.append('g').attr('id', 'marker-bar-group');
// sets the inital text and color to display based on fillValue
setInitialValues () {
this.lookupTableValueEnabled = this.lookupTableValue !== null ? true : false;
this.changeRateValueEnabled = this.changeRateValue !== null ? true : false;
this.fillColor = this.defaultFillColor;
this.topMarkerText = this.topMarkerText === null ? this.fillMaxValue.toString() : this.topMarkerText;
this.bottomMarkerText = this.bottomMarkerText === null ? this.fillMinValue.toString() : this.bottomMarkerText;
this.topMarkerFontColor = this.tankType === 'tower' ? '#000' : '#fafafa';
this.bottomMarkerFontColor = this.tankType === 'tower' ? '#000' : '#fafafa';
setMarkerAttributes() {
this.applyAttributes(this.topMarkerLabel, {
'text-anchor': 'end',
'font-family': this.markerFontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.markerFontSize}px`,
fill: this.topMarkerFontColor,
'font-weight': this.markerFontWeight,
text: this.topMarkerText
this.applyAttributes(this.bottomMarkerLabel, {
'text-anchor': 'end',
'font-family': this.markerFontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.markerFontSize}px`,
fill: this.bottomMarkerFontColor,
'font-weight': this.markerFontWeight,
text: this.bottomMarkerText
calculateDimensions() {
this.markerLabelWidth = this.getMaxWidth(this.topMarkerLabel, this.bottomMarkerLabel);
let markerGapSum = this.markerGap[0] + this.markerGap[1];
if (this.tankType === 'tower') {
this.tankWidth = this.width - this.borderWidth;
this.tankHeight = this.height - this.borderWidth;
if ( this.fillPadding !== null && typeof this.fillPadding === "number" && this.fillPadding !== 0 ) {
this.innerWidth = this.tankWidth - 2*this.fillPadding; // in case there is a padding, this will be the inner fill part
this.innerHeight = this.tankHeight - 2*this.fillPadding; // same as above
} else {
this.innerWidth = this.tankWidth - this.borderWidth;
this.innerHeight = this.tankHeight - this.borderWidth;
} else if (this.tankType === 'round') {
this.tankWidth = this.width - 2*(this.borderWidth + this.markerLabelWidth); // this is how wide the tank will draw
this.tankHeight = this.height - this.borderWidth - this.neckHeight; // this is how tall the round part of the tank will draw
if ( this.fillPadding !== null && typeof this.fillPadding === "number" && this.fillPadding !== 0 ) {
this.innerWidth = this.tankWidth - 2*this.fillPadding; // in case there is a padding, this will be the inner fill part
this.innerHeight = this.tankHeight - 2*this.fillPadding; // same as above
} else {
this.innerWidth = this.tankWidth - this.borderWidth;
this.innerHeight = this.tankHeight - this.borderWidth;
//subtract the support height use the minimum value
this.tankRx = this.tankWidth/2;
this.tankRy = this.tankHeight/2;
this.innerRx = this.innerWidth/2;
this.innerRy = this.innerHeight/2;
addThresholdMarkers() {
let topPixelPosition = this.gaugeScale(this.fillMaxValue) + this.borderWidth;
let color = this.tankType === 'round' ? '#fafafa' : '#000';
if (this.tankType === 'round') {
.attr('id', 'top-edge-marker')
.attr('x1', -this.markerLength-4)
.attr('x2', 1)
.attr('y1', topPixelPosition)
.attr('y2', topPixelPosition)
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('stroke', color)
.attr('stroke-linecap', 'round');
let bottomPixelPosition = this.gaugeScale(this.fillMinValue) - this.borderWidth;
.attr('id', 'bottom-edge-marker')
.attr('x1', -this.markerLength-4)
.attr('x2', 1)
.attr('y1', bottomPixelPosition)
.attr('y2', bottomPixelPosition)
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('stroke', color)
.attr('stroke-linecap', 'round');
this.markerBar = this.markerBarGroup.append('line')
.attr('id', 'marker-bar')
.attr('x1', 1)
.attr('x2', 1)
.attr('y1', topPixelPosition)
.attr('y2', bottomPixelPosition)
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('stroke', color);
this.thresholdMarkerPositions = [];
this.thresholdTooltips = [];
this.thresholdMarkers = [];
this.thresholds.forEach( (threshold, i) => {
let id = this.uniqId();
let pixelPosition = this.gaugeScale(threshold.value);
let marker = this.markerBarGroup.append('line')
.datum({ yCoord: pixelPosition, strokeWidth: this.markerWidth, x1: -this.markerLength })
.attr('id', `threshold-marker-${id}`)
.attr('x1', -this.markerLength)
.attr('x2', 0)
.attr('y1', pixelPosition)
.attr('y2', pixelPosition)
.attr('stroke-width', this.markerWidth)
.attr('stroke', threshold.alarm ? 'red' : color);
let tooltip =[0]).append('div')
.datum({ name:, value: threshold.value, type: threshold.type })
.html(function(d) { return '<div>Name: ' + + '</div>' + '<div>Value: ' + d.value + '</div>' + '<div>Type: ' + d.type + '</div>'; })
.attr('id', `tooltip-${id}`)
.style('position', 'absolute')
.style('right', `${this.markerLabelWidth*2}px`)
.style('top', `${pixelPosition + this.innerHeight/2 - 30}px`)
.style('padding', '8px')
.style('background', 'rgba(97,97,97,0.9)')
.style('color', '#fff')
.style('font-family', "'Roboto', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif")
.style('font-size', '10px')
.style('display', 'initial')
.style('-webkit-animation', 'pulse 200ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) forwards')
.style('animation', 'pulse 200ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) forwards');
if (this.thresholdMarkers.length > 0) {
this.thresholdMarkerPositions.push({ yCoord: (this.thresholdMarkers[i-1].datum().yCoord + pixelPosition)/2 });
this.thresholdMarkers.push(marker);'display', 'none');
applyFillAttributes() {
if (this.tankType === 'tower') {
this.applyAttributes(this.backFill, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: this.innerWidth,
height: this.innerHeight,
rx: this.innerCornerRadius,
ry: this.innerCornerRadius,
fill: this.backFillColor,
'fill-opacity': this.backFillOpacity,
transform: `translate(-${(this.tankWidth - this.borderWidth)/2}, -${(this.tankHeight - this.borderWidth)/2})`
this.applyAttributes(this.waterFill, {
datum: { color: this.fillColor },
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: this.innerWidth,
height: this.innerHeight,
rx: this.innerCornerRadius,
ry: this.innerCornerRadius,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
transform: `translate(-${(this.tankWidth - this.borderWidth)/2}, -${(this.tankHeight - this.borderWidth)/2})`
this.applyAttributes(this.border, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: this.tankWidth,
height: this.tankHeight,
rx: this.borderCornerRadius,
ry: this.borderCornerRadius,
'fill-opacity': 0,
stroke: this.borderColor,
'stroke-width': this.borderWidth,
transform: `translate(-${this.tankWidth/2}, -${this.tankHeight/2})`
} else if (this.tankType === 'round') {
this.applyAttributes(this.tankGroup, {
transform: `translate(0, -${this.height/2 - this.tankRy - this.borderWidth/2})`
this.applyAttributes(this.backFill, {
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
rx: this.innerRx,
ry: this.innerRy,
fill: this.backFillColor
this.applyAttributes(this.waterFill, {
datum: { color: this.fillColor },
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
rx: this.innerRx,
ry: this.innerRy,
fill: this.fillColor
this.applyAttributes(this.border, {
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
rx: this.tankRx,
ry: this.tankRy,
'fill-opacity': 0,
stroke: this.borderColor,
'stroke-width': this.borderWidth
let xCoord = this.getXCoordOfEllipse(this.tankRy/8*7);
let topRight = `${xCoord} ${this.tankRy/8*7}`;
let bottomRight = `${this.tankRx/4} ${this.height - this.tankRy - this.borderWidth/2}`;
let topLeft = `-${xCoord} ${this.tankRy/8*7}`;
let bottomLeft = `-${this.tankRx/4} ${this.height - this.tankRy - this.borderWidth/2}`;
let topRightInflectionPt = `${this.tankRx/4} ${this.tankRy}`;
let bottomRightInflectionPt = `${this.tankRx/4} ${this.tankRy}`;
let topLeftInflectionPt = `-${this.tankRx/4} ${this.tankRy}`;
let bottomLeftInflectionPt = `-${this.tankRx/4} ${this.tankRy}`;
// for debug purpose
// let topRightInfxPt = this.tankGroup.append('circle').attr('r', 2).attr('fill','red').attr('transform', `translate(${topRightInflectionPt})`);
// let bottomRightInfxPt = this.tankGroup.append('circle').attr('r', 2).attr('fill','red').attr('transform', `translate(${bottomRightInflectionPt})`);
let neckFillPathDef = `M${topRight}, C${topRightInflectionPt}, ${bottomRightInflectionPt}, ${bottomRight}, L${bottomLeft}, C${bottomLeftInflectionPt}, ${topLeftInflectionPt}, ${topLeft} Z`;
let neckBorderDef = `M${topRight}, C${topRightInflectionPt}, ${bottomRightInflectionPt}, ${bottomRight}, L${bottomLeft}, C${bottomLeftInflectionPt}, ${topLeftInflectionPt}, ${topLeft}`;
this.applyAttributes(this.neckFill, {
datum: { color: this.fillColor },
d: neckFillPathDef,
fill: this.fillColor,
this.applyAttributes(this.neckBorder, {
d: neckBorderDef,
stroke: this.borderColor,
fill: 'transparent',
'stroke-width': this.borderWidth
this.applyAttributes(this.neckBackFill, {
d: neckFillPathDef,
fill: this.backFillColor,
'stroke-width': 0
applyTextAttributes() {
let transform = `translate(0, ${this.fontSize/4})`;
this.applyAttributes(this.behindText, {
datum: { color: this.backFontColor === null ? this.fillColor : this.backFontColor },
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.fontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.fontSize}px`,
'font-weight': this.fontWeight,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
text: `0 ${this.fillUnit}`,
transform: transform
this.applyAttributes(this.behindArrow, {
datum: { color: this.backFontColor === null ? this.fillColor : this.backFontColor },
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.arrowFontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.arrowFontSize}px`,
'font-weight': this.arrowFontWeight,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
text: `${this.arrowName === null ? this.noArrowName : this.arrowName}`,
this.applyAttributes(this.overlayText, {
datum: { color: this.frontFontColor === null ? "#fff" : this.frontFontColor },
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.fontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.fontSize}px`,
'font-weight': this.fontWeight,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
'fill-opacity': this.overlayTextFillOpacity,
text: `0 ${this.fillUnit}`,
transform: transform
this.applyAttributes(this.overlayArrow, {
datum: { color: this.frontFontColor },
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.arrowFontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.arrowFontSize}px`,
'font-weight': this.arrowFontWeight,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
text: `${this.arrowName === null ? this.noArrowName : this.arrowName}`,
if (this.lookupTableValueEnabled) {
let lookupTransform = `translate(0, ${this.fontSize/4 + this.lookupTableValueFontSize + this.lookupTableValueYOffset})`;
this.applyAttributes(this.lookupTableValueBehindText, {
datum: { color: this.backFontColor === null ? this.fillColor : this.backFontColor },
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.fontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.lookupTableValueFontSize}px`,
'font-weight': this.fontWeight,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
text: `0 ${this.lookupTableValueUnit}`,
transform: lookupTransform
this.applyAttributes(this.lookupTableValueOverlayText, {
datum: { color: this.frontFontColor === null ? "#fff" : this.frontFontColor },
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.fontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.lookupTableValueFontSize}px`,
'font-weight': this.fontWeight,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
'fill-opacity': this.overlayTextFillOpacity,
text: `0 ${this.lookupTableValueUnit}`,
transform: lookupTransform
if (this.changeRateValueEnabled) {
let yOffset = this.fontSize/4 + this.changeRateValueFontSize + this.changeRateValueYOffset;
if (this.lookupTableValueEnabled) {
yOffset += this.lookupTableValueFontSize + this.lookupTableValueYOffset;
let rateTransform = `translate(0, ${yOffset})`;
this.applyAttributes(this.changeRateValueBehindText, {
datum: { color: this.backFontColor === null ? this.fillColor : this.backFontColor },
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.fontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.changeRateValueFontSize}px`,
'font-weight': this.fontWeight,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
text: '',
transform: rateTransform
this.applyAttributes(this.changeRateValueOverlayText, {
datum: { color: this.frontFontColor === null ? "#fff" : this.frontFontColor },
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.fontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.changeRateValueFontSize}px`,
'font-weight': this.fontWeight,
fill: function(d) { return d.color; },
'fill-opacity': this.overlayTextFillOpacity,
text: null,
transform: rateTransform
applyWaveHorizontalAttributes() {
this.clipDef = `M0 0 Q${this.waveWidth/2} ${this.amplitude}, ${this.waveWidth} 0 T${2*this.waveWidth} 0`;
var minRequiredClipWidth = this.width*2 + 2*this.waveWidth + this.borderWidth/2;
this.clipWidth = 2*this.waveWidth;
while ( this.clipWidth < minRequiredClipWidth ) {
this.clipWidth += this.waveWidth;
this.clipDef += ` T${this.clipWidth} 0`;
this.clipWidth += this.waveWidth;
this.clipDef += ` T${this.clipWidth} 0`;
this.clipDefArray = [this.clipDef, `L${this.clipWidth}`, `${this.height}`, "L0", `${this.height}`, "Z"];
this.clipDef = this.clipDefArray.join(" ");
this.applyAttributes(this.waveHorizontal, {
d: this.clipDef
applySupportLabelAttributes() {
this.applyAttributes(this.supportLabelBg, {
datum: { color: this.fillColor },
width: 50,
height: 50,
rx: this.innerCornerRadius,
ry: this.innerCornerRadius,
fill: '#fafafa',
'fill-opacity': this.supportLabelBackgroundOpacity,
stroke: function(d) { return d.color; },
'stroke-width': this.supportLabelBackgroundBorderWidth
this.applyAttributes(this.supportLabel, {
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.supportLabelFontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.supportLabelFontSize}px`,
fill: this.supportLabelFontColor,
'font-weight': this.supportLabelFontWeight,
text: `Container 1`
this.applyAttributes(this.topSupportLabel, {
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-family': this.supportLabelFontFamily,
'font-size': `${this.topSupportLabelFontSize}px`,
fill: this.supportLabelFontColor,
'font-weight': this.supportLabelFontWeight,
text: `Container 1`
tweenWaveHorizontal () {
let that = this;
let startHeight = (this.tankHeight - this.innerHeight)/2 - this.amplitude/2;
let transformStart = `translate(-${this.width + 2*this.waveWidth}, ${startHeight})`;
let transformEnd = `translate(-${this.width}, ${startHeight})`;
this.waveHorizontal.attr('transform', transformStart);
function animate() {
.attrTween("transform", function(d) {
return d3.interpolateString(transformStart, transformEnd);
}).on("end", function (d) {
animateFromZero () {
.datum({ transform: `translate(0, ${this.gaugeScale(this.fillMinValue) + this.amplitude})`})
.attr('transform', function(d) { return d.transform; });
animateNewHeight (val) {
let that = this;
if ( typeof val !== "undefined" ) {
this.newHeight = this.gaugeScale(val);
this.fillValue = val;
tweenWaveVertical() {
let endTransform = `translate(0, ${this.newHeight})`;
return this.waveClip
.attrTween("transform", function(d) {
let interpolator = d3.interpolateString(d.transform, endTransform);
return function(t) {
d.transform = interpolator(t);
return d.transform;
calculateColor () {
this.fillAnimationColor = this.fillColor === null ? this.defaultFillColor : this.fillColor;
this.backFontAnimationColor = this.backFontColor === null ? this.fillColor : this.backFontColor;
this.backArrowAnimationColor = this.backArrowColor === null ? this.fillColor : this.backArrowColor;
tweenElements () {
this.colorTransition(this.waterFill, "fill", this.fillAnimationColor);
this.colorTransition(this.supportLabelBg, 'stroke', this.fillAnimationColor);
if ( this.arrow === true ) {
this.colorTransition(this.behindArrow, "fill", this.backArrowAnimationColor);
this.colorTransition(this.overlayArrow, "fill", this.frontArrowColor);
if (this.tankType === 'round') {
this.colorTransition(this.neckFill, 'fill', this.fillAnimationColor);
colorTransition(selection, attribute, targetColor) {
.attrTween(attribute, function(d) {
let interpolator = d3.interpolateRgb(d.color, targetColor);
return function(t) {
d.color = interpolator(t);
return d.color;
textFormatter(val) {
if (this.fillUnit) {
return `${(Number(Math.round(parseFloat(val) + 'e' + this.decimal) + 'e-' + this.decimal)).toFixed(this.decimal)} ${this.fillUnit}`;
return `${(Number(Math.round(parseFloat(val) + 'e' + this.decimal) + 'e-' + this.decimal)).toFixed(this.decimal)}`;
lookupTextFormatter(val) {
if (this.lookupTableValueUnit) {
return `${Number(Math.round(parseFloat(val) + 'e' + this.lookupTableValueDecimal) + 'e-' + this.lookupTableValueDecimal).toFixed(this.lookupTableValueDecimal)} ${this.lookupTableValueUnit}`;
return `${Number(Math.round(parseFloat(val) + 'e' + this.lookupTableValueDecimal) + 'e-' + this.lookupTableValueDecimal).toFixed(this.lookupTableValueDecimal)}`;
changeRateValueTextFormatter(val) {
if (this.changeRateValueUnit) {
return this.changeRateValueDecimal;
return `${Number(Math.round(parseFloat(val) + 'e' + this.changeRateValueDecimal) + 'e-' + this.changeRateValueDecimal).toFixed(this.changeRateValueDecimal)}`;
tweenText() {
let that = this;
.tween("text", function(d) {
let node = this;
let interpolate = d3.interpolate(that.textFormatter(node.textContent), that.textFormatter(that.fillValue));
return function(t) {
node.textContent = that.textFormatter(interpolate(t));
.attrTween("fill", function(d) {
let interpolator = d3.interpolateRgb(d.color, that.backFontAnimationColor);
return function(t) {
d.color = interpolator(t);
return d.color;
.tween("text", function(d) {
let node = this;
let interpolate = d3.interpolate(that.textFormatter(node.textContent), that.textFormatter(that.fillValue));
return function(t) {
if (that.arrow === true) {
node.textContent = that.textFormatter(interpolate(t));
.attrTween("fill", function(d) {
let interpolator = d3.interpolateRgb(d.color, that.frontFontColor);
return function(t) {
d.color = interpolator(t);
return d.color;
.on('end', function() {
if (that.arrow === true) {
if (this.lookupTableValueEnabled) {
.tween("text", function(d) {
let node = this;
let interpolate = d3.interpolate(that.lookupTextFormatter(node.textContent), that.lookupTextFormatter(that.lookupTableValue));
return function(t) {
node.textContent = that.lookupTextFormatter(interpolate(t));
.attrTween("fill", function(d) {
let interpolator = d3.interpolateRgb(d.color, that.backFontAnimationColor);
return function(t) {
d.color = interpolator(t);
return d.color;
.tween("text", function(d) {
let node = this;
let interpolate = d3.interpolate(that.lookupTextFormatter(node.textContent), that.lookupTextFormatter(that.lookupTableValue));
return function(t) {
node.textContent = that.lookupTextFormatter(interpolate(t));
.attrTween("fill", function(d) {
let interpolator = d3.interpolateRgb(d.color, that.frontFontColor);
return function(t) {
d.color = interpolator(t);
return d.color;
// if (this.changeRateValueEnabled) {
// this.changeRateValueBehindText
// .transition()
// .delay(this.delay)
// .ease(this.ease)
// .duration(this.transitionDuration)
// .tween("text", function(d) {
// let node = this;
// let interpolate = d3.interpolate(that.changeRateValueTextFormatter(node.textContent), that.changeRateValueTextFormatter(that.changeRateValue));
// return function(t) {
// node.textContent = that.changeRateValueTextFormatter(interpolate(t));
// };
// })
// .attrTween("fill", function(d) {
// let interpolator = d3.interpolateRgb(d.color, that.backFontAnimationColor);
// return function(t) {
// d.color = interpolator(t);
// return d.color;
// };
// });
// this.changeRateValueOverlayText
// .transition()
// .delay(this.delay)
// .ease(this.ease)
// .duration(this.transitionDuration)
// .tween("text", function(d) {
// let node = this;
// let interpolate = d3.interpolate(that.changeRateValueTextFormatter(node.textContent), that.changeRateValueTextFormatter(that.changeRateValue));
// return function(t) {
// node.textContent = that.changeRateValueTextFormatter(interpolate(t));
// };
// })
// .attrTween("fill", function(d) {
// let interpolator = d3.interpolateRgb(d.color, that.frontFontColor);
// return function(t) {
// d.color = interpolator(t);
// return d.color;
// };
// });
// }
updateArrowPosition () {
let {xOffset, yOffset} = this.calculateArrowPosition();
this.behindArrow.attr('x', xOffset).attr('y', yOffset);
this.overlayArrow.attr('x', xOffset).attr('y', yOffset);
calculateArrowPosition () {
let xOffset, yOffset;
// if (this.changeRateValueArrowEnabled && this.changeRateValueEnabled) {
// xOffset = this.changeRateValueOverlayText.node().getBBox().width/2 + this.overlayArrow.node().getBBox().width/2 + this.arrowXOffset;
// yOffset = this.fontSize/4 + this.changeRateValueFontSize + this.changeRateValueYOffset - 1;
// if (this.lookupTableValueEnabled) {
// yOffset += this.lookupTableValueFontSize + this.lookupTableValueYOffset;
// }
// } else {
// xOffset = this.overlayText.node().getBBox().width/2 + this.overlayArrow.node().getBBox().width + this.arrowXOffset;
// yOffset = this.overlayArrow.node().getBBox().height/4 + this.arrowYOffset;
// }
return {xOffset: xOffset, yOffset: yOffset};
repositionElements () {
this.setSupportLabelText('Container 1');
// calculate the needed transformation values for positioning the markers
repositionMarker () {
let topMarkerLabelTrans = `translate(${this.innerWidth/2 + this.markerLabelXOffset - this.markerFontSize/4}, -${this.innerHeight/2 - this.markerFontSize + this.markerLabelYOffset})`;
let bottomMarkerLabelTrans = `translate(${this.innerWidth/2 + this.markerLabelXOffset - this.markerFontSize/4}, ${this.innerHeight/2 - this.markerFontSize/4 + this.markerLabelYOffset})`;
this.topMarkerLabel.attr('transform', topMarkerLabelTrans);
this.bottomMarkerLabel.attr('transform', bottomMarkerLabelTrans);
if (this.tankType === 'round') {
let markerBarGroupTrans = `translate(${this.innerWidth/2 + this.markerLength + this.markerBarXOffset}, 0)`;
this.markerBarGroup.attr('transform', markerBarGroupTrans);
} else if (this.tankType === 'tower') {
let markerBarGroupTrans = `translate(${this.innerWidth/2}, 0)`;
this.markerBarGroup.attr('transform', markerBarGroupTrans);
repositionSupportLabelGroup() {
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${this.height/2 - this.borderWidth - this.supportLabelBgHeight/2})`);
repositionSupportLabelBg () {
let paddingForAesthetic = 1.6*this.supportLabelPadding;
let {width, height} = this.getSupportLabelDimensions();
let requiredWidth = width + 2*this.supportLabelPadding + paddingForAesthetic;
let requiredHeight = height + 2*this.supportLabelPadding;
this.supportLabelBgWidth = requiredWidth;
this.supportLabelBgHeight = requiredHeight;
.attr('width', this.supportLabelBgWidth)
.attr('height', this.supportLabelBgHeight)
.attr('transform', `translate(-${this.supportLabelBgWidth/2}, -${this.supportLabelBgHeight/2})`);
repositionSupportLabel () {
if ( this.dualSupportLabel === true ) {
this.topSupportLabelTrans = `translate(0, ${this.supportLabelYOffset + this.topSupportLabelYOffset})`;
this.supportLabelTrans = `translate(0, ${this.supportLabelFontSize + this.supportLabelYOffset})`;
} else if ( this.dualSupportLabel === false ) {
this.supportLabelTrans = `translate(0, ${this.supportLabelFontSize/2 + this.supportLabelYOffset})`;
this.topSupportLabel.attr('transform', this.topSupportLabelTrans);
this.supportLabel.attr('transform', this.supportLabelTrans);
applyAttributes(selection, datum = {}) {
let properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(datum);
properties.forEach((p) => {
if (p === 'datum') {
return selection.datum( datum[p] );
} else if (p === 'text') {
return selection.text( datum[p] );
} else if (p === 'style') {
return datum[p] );
} else {
return selection.attr( p, datum[p] );
getSupportLabelDimensions () {
let width, height;
if ( this.dualSupportLabel === true ) {
width = this.getMaxWidth(this.supportLabel, this.topSupportLabel);
height = this.supportLabelFontSize - this.supportLabelYOffset + this.topSupportLabelFontSize - this.topSupportLabelYOffset;
} else if ( this.dualSupportLabel === false ) {
width = this.supportLabel.node().getBBox().width;
height = this.supportLabelFontSize - this.supportLabelYOffset;
return {width: width, height: height};
getHeight(selection) {
return selection.node().getBBox().height;
getMaxWidth (first, second) {
if (typeof second === 'object') {
return Math.max(first.node().getBBox().width, second.node().getBBox().width);
return first.node().getBBox().width;
getXCoordOfEllipse(y) {
return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(this.tankRx, 2)*(1 - ( Math.pow(y, 2)/Math.pow(this.tankRy, 2) )) );
getYCoordOfEllipse(x) {
return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(this.tankRy, 2)*(1 - ( Math.pow(x, 2)/Math.pow(this.tankRx, 2) )) );
slopeOfLineTangentToEllipse(x, y) {
return -x*Math.pow(this.tankRy,2)/(y*Math.pow(this.tankRx,2));
setDecimal (val) {
this.decimal = val;
updateHeight (val) {
updateLookupTableValue (val) {
this.lookupTableValue = val;
updateChangeRateValue (val) {
this.changeRateValue = val;
setMarkerText (top, bottom) {
if ( this.marker === true ) {
} else {
console.log("markers are not enabled.");
setSupportLabelText (...args) {
if ( this.enableSupportLabel === true ) {
if ( args.length === 1 ) {
this.dualSupportLabel = false;
this.topSupportLabel.attr('fill-opacity', 0);
} else if ( args.length === 2 ) {
this.dualSupportLabel = true;
this.topSupportLabel.attr('fill-opacity', 1);
//resize and reposition support label elements
updateFillColor (options) {
if ( typeof options === "object" ) {
if ( "fillColor" in options ) {
this.fillColor = options.fillColor;
if ( "overlayTextFillOpacity" in options ) {
this.overlayTextFillOpacity = options.overlayTextFillOpacity;
if ( "topFillColor" in options ) {
this.topFillColor = options.topFillColor;
if ( "topFillBackFontColor" in options ) {
this.topFillBackFontColor = options.topFillBackFontColor;
if ( "bottomFillColor" in options ) {
this.bottomFillColor = options.bottomFillColor;
if ( "bottomFillBackFontColor" in options ) {
this.bottomFillBackFontColor = options.bottomFillBackFontColor;
if ( "backFontColor" in options ) {
this.backFontColor = options.backFontColor;
if ( "frontFontColor" in options ) {
this.frontFontColor = options.frontFontColor;
if ( "topFillBackArrowColor" in options ) {
this.topFillBackArrowColor = options.topFillBackArrowColor;
if ( "bottomFillBackArrowColor" in options ) {
this.bottomFillBackArrowColor = options.bottomFillBackArrowColor;
if ( "frontArrowColor" in options ) {
this.frontArrowColor = options.frontArrowColor;
if ( "backArrowColor" in options ) {
this.backArrowColor = options.backArrowColor;
updateColor (color) {
this.fillColor = color;
this.backFontColor = color;
this.backArrowColor = color;
updateArrow (options) {
if ( "destroy" in options ) {
if ( options.destroy === true ) {
} else if ( "enable" in options ) {
this.arrow = true;
if ( typeof this.behindArrow !== "undefined" && typeof this.overlayArrow !== "undefined" ) {
if ( "topFillBackArrowColor" in options ) {
this.topFillBackArrowColor = options.topFillBackArrowColor;
if ( "bottomFillBackArrowColor" in options ) {
this.bottomFillBackArrowColor = options.bottomFillBackArrowColor;
if ( "frontArrowColor" in options ) {
this.frontArrowColor = options.frontArrowColor;
if ( "backArrowColor" in options ) {
this.backArrowColor = options.backArrowColor;
if ( "direction" in options ) {
let direction = options.direction;
if ( direction === "up" ) {
this.arrowName = this.upArrowName;
} else if ( direction === "down" ) {
this.arrowName = this.downArrowName;
} else if ( direction === "none" ) {
this.arrowName = this.noArrowName;
if ( "changeRateValueArrowEnabled" in options ) {
this.changeRateValueArrowEnabled = options.changeRateValueArrowEnabled;
addArrow() {
this.behindArrow.attr('fill-opacity', 1);
this.overlayArrow.attr('fill-opacity', 1);
removeArrow () {
this.behindArrow.attr('fill-opacity', 0);
this.overlayArrow.attr('fill-opacity', 0);
this.arrow = false;
redraw() {
destroy() {
this.tankWidth = null;
this.tankHeight = null;
this.viewPortWidth = null;
this.viewPortHeight = null;
this.topMarkerText = null;
this.bottomMarkerText = null;
click(callback) {
if ( typeof callback !== "function" ) {
throw new Error("argument must be a function");
this.svgContainer.on("click", callback);
setBisector() {
this.bisector = d3.bisector(function(d) { return d.yCoord; }).left;
transitionMarker(marker, targetWidth, targetX1) {
.attrTween('stroke-width', function(d) {
let interpolator = d3.interpolateNumber(d.strokeWidth, targetWidth);
return function(t) {
d.strokeWidth = interpolator(t);
return d.strokeWidth;
.attrTween('x1', function(d) {
let interpolator = d3.interpolateNumber(d.x1, targetX1);
return function(t) {
d.x1 = interpolator(t);
return d.x1;
hover() {'mouseleave', () => {
this.thresholdMarkers.forEach( (marker, i) => {
this.transitionMarker(marker, this.markerWidth, -this.markerLength);
this.thresholdTooltips[i].style('display', 'none');
});'mousemove', () => {
let yCoord = d3.mouse(this.markerBarGroup.node())[1];
let locationIndex = this.bisector(this.thresholdMarkerPositions, yCoord);
if (locationIndex >= 0) {
this.thresholdMarkers.forEach( (marker, i) => {
if ( i === locationIndex) {
this.transitionMarker(marker, this.markerWidth+3, -(this.markerLength+3));
this.thresholdTooltips[i].style('display', 'initial');
} else {
this.transitionMarker(marker, this.markerWidth, -this.markerLength);
this.thresholdTooltips[i].style('display', 'none');
} else {
this.transitionMarker(this.thresholdMarkers[0], this.markerWidth+3, -(this.markerLength+3));
this.thresholdTooltips[0].style('display', 'initial');
// utility functions
uniqId() {
// Convert it to base 36 (numbers + letters), and grab the first 9 characters
// after the decimal.
return "clipPath" + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);
getUniqUrl(id) {
return `url(${this.url}#${id})`;
insertFirstBeforeSecond(container, first, second) {
return container.insert(
function() { return first.node(); },
function() { return second.node(); }
insertFirstAfterSecond(container, first, second) {
function() { return first.node(); },
function() { return second.node(); }
return container.insert(
function() { return second.node(); },
function() { return first.node(); }
appendSecondElementToFirst(first, ...args) {
args.forEach((arg) => first.append( () => arg.node() ) ); // for each second argument, return a function: first.append( function(arg) { arg.node() });
} // end of class
var thresholds = [
name: 'Alarm High',
value: 90,
type: 'High',
alarm: true
name: 'Pump On',
value: 55,
type: 'High',
alarm: false
name: 'Pump On',
value: 40,
type: 'Low',
alarm: false
name: 'Alarm Low',
value: 10,
type: 'Low',
alarm: true
var options = {
tankType: 'tower',
fillValue: '<?php echo isset( $data['nilai'] ) ? $data['nilai'] : 0; ?>',
fillUnit: "%",
supportLabelPadding: 5,
frontFontColor: "#000",
thresholds: thresholds,
lookupTableValue: 6000,
lookupTableValueUnit: 'liter',
lookupTableValueDecimal: 1,
changeRateValueArrowEnabled: true,
changeRateValue: 0,
changeRateValueUnit: ''
var tank = $('.wrapper').analogTank(options);
var that = this;
<title>Monitoring Penampung Sampah</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
div#datapenampung {
text-align: center;
<script language = "javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var refreshId = setInterval(function() {
delete thresholds;
delete options;
}, 10000);
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
<div id="datapenampung"></div>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
const char* ssid = "yourNetworkName";
const char* password = "yourNetworkPassword";
void setup () {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
void loop() {
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { //Check WiFi connection status
HTTPClient http; //Declare an object of class HTTPClient
http.begin(""); //Specify request destination
int httpCode = http.GET(); //Send the request
if (httpCode > 0) { //Check the returning code
String payload = http.getString(); //Get the request response payload
Serial.println(payload); //Print the response payload
http.end(); //Close connection
delay(30000); //Send a request every 30 seconds
$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$db = "db_tes";
$conn = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db);
echo "Database Not Connected".mysqli_connect_error();
$date = date("Y-m-d");
$time = date("H:i:s");
$nilai = $_GET['level'];
$sql = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE tb_tes SET tanggal='$date',waktu='$time',nilai='$nilai' WHERE id=1");
echo "Simpan Data Berhasil";
echo "Simpan Data Gagal";
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