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Created June 8, 2016 15:35
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# CloudFlare API
# This is a library created to easily interact with CloudFlare's API in Python
# API Documentation is located at
# @author David Lasley <>
# @url
# @package toolbox.cloudflare
# @license GPLv3 (
# @version $Id: bcfe2db60346 2013-12-13 22:25:47Z dlasley $
import json
from urllib2 import urlopen, quote
class CloudFlare(object):
def __init__(self, api_key, email):
self.tkn = api_key = email
def stats(self, zone, interval):
Retrieve the current stats and settings for a particular website.
This function can be used to get currently settings of values
such as the security level.
@param str zone The zone (domain) that statistics are being retrieved from
@param int interval The time interval for the statistics denoted by these values:
For these values, the latest data is from one day ago
20 = Past 30 days
30 = Past 7 days
40 = Past day
The values are for Pro accounts
100 = 24 hours ago
110 = 12 hours ago
120 = 6 hours ago
@return dict
return self._do_api_call({'z':zone, 'interval':interval, 'a':'stats'})['result']
def zone_load_multi(self, ):
This lists all domains in a CloudFlare account along with other data.
@return dict
return self._do_api_call({'a':'zone_load_multi'})['zones']
def rec_load_all(self, zone):
Lists all of the DNS records from a particular domain in a CloudFlare account
@param str zone The domain that records are being retrieved from
@return dict
return self._do_api_call({'a':'rec_load_all', 'z':zone})['recs']
def zone_check(self, zones):
Checks for active zones and returns their corresponding zids
@param list zones List of zones to check
@return dict Name:ID
return self._do_api_call({'a':'zone_check', 'zones':','.join(zones)})['zones']
def zone_ips(self, zone, hours=24, class_=None, geo=False):
Returns a list of IP address which hit your site classified by type.
@param str zone The target domain
@param int hours Past number of hours to query. Maximum is 48.
@param str class_ Optional. Restrict the result set to a given class as given by:
"r" -- regular
"s" -- crawler
"t" -- threat
@param bool geo Add longitude and latitude information to response
@return list IP list
return self._do_api_call({'a':'zone_ips', 'z':zone, 'hours':hours,
'class':class_, 'geo':int(geo)})['ips']
def ip_lkup(self, ip):
Find the current threat score for a given IP.
Note that scores are on a logarithmic scale,
where a higher score indicates a higher threat.
@param str ip Target IP
@return str Lookup result
return self._do_api_call({'a':'ip_lkup', 'ip':ip})[ip]
def zone_settings(self, zone):
Retrieves all current settings for a given domain.
@param str zone The target domain
@return list result zone objects
self._do_api_call({'a':'zone_settings', 'z':zone})['result']['objs']
# Modify
def sec_lvl(self, zone, lvl):
This function sets the Basic Security Level to I'M UNDER ATTACK! / HIGH / MEDIUM / LOW / ESSENTIALLY OFF.
@param str zone The domain that records are being retrieved from
@param str lvl The security level:
"help" -- I'm under attack!
"high" -- High
"med" -- Medium
"low" -- Low
"eoff" -- Essentially Off
@return dict zone_obj
return self._do_api_call({'a':'sec_lvl', 'z':zone, 'v':lvl})['zone']
def cache_lvl(self, zone, lvl):
This function sets the Caching Level to Aggressive or Basic.
@param str zone The target domain
@param str lvl The cache level:
"agg" -- Aggressive
"basic" -- Basic
@return dict zone_obj
return self._do_api_call({'a':'cache_lvl', 'z':zone, 'v':lvl})['zone']['obj']
def devmode(self, zone, lvl=False):
This function allows you to toggle Development Mode on or off for a particular domain.
When Development Mode is on the cache is bypassed.
Development mode remains on for 3 hours or until when it is toggled back off.
@param str zone The target domain
@param bool lvl True for `on` False for `off`
@return dict zone_obj
return self._do_api_call({'a':'devmode', 'z':zone, 'v':int(lvl)})['zone']['obj']
def fpurge_ts(self, zone):
This function will purge CloudFlare of any cached files.
It may take up to 48 hours for the cache to rebuild and
optimum performance to be achieved.
This function should be used sparingly.
@param str zone The target domain
@return dict zone_obj
return self._do_api_call({'a':'fpurge_ts', 'z':zone, 'v':1})['zone']['obj']
def zone_file_purge(self, zone, url):
This function will purge a single file from CloudFlare's cache.
@param str zone The target domain
@param str url The full URL of the file that needs to be purged from Cloudflare's cache.
Keep in mind, that if an HTTP and an HTTPS version of the file exists,
then both versions will need to be purged independently
@return dict
return self._do_api_call({'a':'zone_file_purge', 'z':zone, 'url':url})
def zone_grab(self, zid):
Tells CloudFlare to take a new image of your site.
@param int zid ID of zone, found in zone_check
@return bool
return self._do_api_call({'a':'zone_grab', 'zid':zid})
def ip_to_lists(self, ip, list_='nul'):
Add/Remove IP From Whitelist/Blacklist
and use "nul" to remove the IP from either of those lists
@param str ip The IP Address you want to whitelist/blacklist
@param str list_ Which list to modify:
"wl" -- add to whitelist
"ban" -- add to blacklist
"nul" -- remove from all lists
@return dict
return self._do_api_call({'a':list_, 'key':ip})
def ipv46(self, zone, lvl=False):
Toggles IPv6 support
@param str zone The target domain
@param bool lvl True to enable
@return dict zone_obj
return self._do_api_call({'a':'ipv46', 'z':zone, 'v':int(lvl)})['zone']['obj']
def async(self, zone, lvl):
Changes Rocket Loader setting
@param str zone The target domain
@param int lvl Rocket Loader Lvl:
0 -- Off
1 -- Auto
2 -- Manual
@return bool
lvl_map = {0:0, 1:'a', 2:'m'}
return self._do_api_call({'a':'async', 'z':zone, 'v':lvl_map[lvl]})
def minify(self, zone, lvl):
Changes minification settings
@param str zone The target domain
@param int lvl What to minify:
0 -- off
1 -- JavaScript only
2 -- CSS only
3 -- JavaScript and CSS
4 -- HTML only
5 -- JavaScript and HTML
6 -- CSS and HTML
7 -- CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
@return bool
return self._do_api_call({'a':'minify', 'z':zone, 'v':lvl})
def mirage2(self, zone, lvl=False):
Toggles mirage2 support
@param str zone The target domain.
@param bool lvl True for on
@return bool
return self._do_api_call({'a':'mirage2', 'z':zone, 'v':lvl})
# Record Management
def rec_edit(self, zone, type_, name, content, ttl=1, prio=None,
service=None, srvname=None, protocol=None, weight=None,
port=None, target=None, rec_id=None):
Create or Edit a DNS record for a zone
@param str zone The target domain.
@param str type_ Type of DNS record. Values include: [A/CNAME/MX/TXT/SPF/AAAA/NS/SRV/LOC]
@param str name Name of the DNS record.
@param str content The content of the DNS record, will depend on the the type of record being added
@param int ttl TTL of record in seconds. 1 = Automatic, otherwise, value must in between 120 and 4,294,967,295 seconds.
@param int prio MX record priority. [applies to MX/SRV]
@param str service Service for SRV record [applies to SRV]
@param str srvname Service Name for SRV record [applies to SRV]
@param str protocol Protocol for SRV record. Values include: [_tcp/_udp/_tls]. [applies to SRV]
@param int weight Weight for SRV record. [applies to SRV]
@param int port Port for SRV record. [applies to SRV]
@param str target Target for SRV record. [applies to SRV]
@param int rec_id DNS Record ID. Available by using the rec_load_all call. [`None` for new]
@return dict rec_obj
# List of possible values for type_
type_vals = ['A', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'TXT', 'SPF', 'AAAA',
'NS', 'SRC', 'LOC' ]
if type_ not in type_vals:
raise LookupError(
'"%s" is not a valid DNS record type. Valid types are "%s"' % (
type_, ','.join(type_vals)
# Check required params
req_params = {
'SRV':[prio, service, srvname, protocol, weight, port, target]
if None in req_params.get(type_, [True]):
raise TypeError('Not all parameters were supplied for this record type.')
data_var = {
'a':'rec_new', 'z':zone, 'type':type_, 'name':name, 'content':content,
'ttl':ttl, 'prio':prio, 'service':service, 'srvname':srvname,
'protocol':protocol, 'weight':weight, 'port':port, 'target':target}
if rec_id is not None:
data_var.update({'a':'rec_edit', 'id':rec_id})
return self._do_api_call(data_var)['rec']['obj']
def rec_delete(self, zone, rec_id):
Delete a record for a domain.
@param str zone The target domain.
@param int rec_id DNS Record ID. Available by using the rec_load_all call.
@return bool
if not isinstance(rec_id, int):
raise TypeError('rec_id (%s) is of type %s, but should be int' % (
rec_id, type(rec_id)))
return self._do_api_call({'a':'rec_delete', 'z':zone, 'id':rec_id})
def _do_api_call(self, data):
URLEncode data with tkn and email appended, then perform API call
@param dict data POST data
@return dict
# Add tkn and email for auth
data['tkn'] = self.tkn
data['email'] =
# URLEscape
out = []
for key, val in data.iteritems():
if val:
out.append('%s=%s' % (quote(key), quote(str(val))))
data = '&'.join(out)
# Send and parse
response = json.loads(urlopen(self.GATEWAY, data).read())
if response['result'] == 'success':
return response.get('response', True)
raise EnvironmentError('Invalid response received\r\n%r' % response)
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