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Last active September 18, 2023 03:36
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Cardiac Agatston scoring function for 3D Slicer
# There are several variants of the metric. If you need to compute the metric slice by slice then
# you can use Mask volume effect to create a volume where all voxels are blanked out (set to -1000)
# except the calcifications in the selected vessel and compute the total score using this script.
# (based on Agatston (1990) -
# Sample data set is available at:
def computeAgatstonScore(volumeNode, minimumIntensityThreshold=130, minimumIslandSizeInMm2=1.0, verbose=False):
import numpy as np
import math
import SimpleITK as sitk
voxelArray = slicer.util.arrayFromVolume(volumeNode)
areaOfPixelMm2 = volumeNode.GetSpacing()[0] * volumeNode.GetSpacing()[1]
if verbose:
print(f"Area of one pixel: {areaOfPixelMm2:.2f} mm2")
sliceSpacing = volumeNode.GetSpacing()[2]
minimumIslandSizeInPixels = int(round(minimumIslandSizeInMm2/areaOfPixelMm2))
if verbose:
print(f"Minimum island area: {minimumIslandSizeInPixels} voxels")
numberOfSlices = voxelArray.shape[0]
totalScore = 0
for sliceIndex in range(numberOfSlices):
voxelArraySlice = voxelArray[sliceIndex]
maxIntensity = voxelArraySlice.max()
if maxIntensity < minimumIntensityThreshold:
# Get a thresholded image to analyse islands (connected components)
# If island size less than minimum size then it will be discarded.
thresholdedVoxelArraySlice = voxelArraySlice>minimumIntensityThreshold
sliceImage = sitk.GetImageFromArray(voxelArraySlice)
thresholdedSliceImage = sitk.GetImageFromArray(thresholdedVoxelArraySlice.astype(int))
labelImage = sitk.ConnectedComponentImageFilter().Execute(thresholdedSliceImage)
stats = sitk.LabelStatisticsImageFilter()
stats.Execute(sliceImage, labelImage)
sliceScore = 0
if verbose:
numberOfNonZeroVoxels = 0
numberOfIslands = 0
minWeightFactor = 1e6
maxWeightFactor = -1
minIslandSize = 1e6
maxIslandSize = -1
for labelIndex in stats.GetLabels():
if labelIndex == 0:
islandSizeVoxels = stats.GetCount(labelIndex)
if islandSizeVoxels < minimumIslandSizeInPixels:
maxIntensity = stats.GetMaximum(labelIndex)
weightFactor = math.floor(maxIntensity/100)
if weightFactor > 4:
weightFactor = 4.0
numberOfNonZeroVoxelsInIsland = islandSizeVoxels
sliceScore += numberOfNonZeroVoxelsInIsland * areaOfPixelMm2 * weightFactor
if verbose:
if minWeightFactor > weightFactor:
minWeightFactor = weightFactor
if maxWeightFactor < weightFactor:
maxWeightFactor = weightFactor
if minIslandSize > islandSizeVoxels:
minIslandSize = islandSizeVoxels
if maxIslandSize < islandSizeVoxels:
maxIslandSize = islandSizeVoxels
numberOfNonZeroVoxels += numberOfNonZeroVoxelsInIsland
numberOfIslands += 1
totalScore += sliceScore
if (sliceScore > 0) and verbose:
print(f"Slice {sliceIndex} score: {sliceScore:.1f} (from {numberOfIslands} islands of size {minIslandSize} to {maxIslandSize},"
f" in total {numberOfNonZeroVoxels} voxels, weight factor: {minWeightFactor} to {maxWeightFactor})")
normalizedTotalScore = totalScore * sliceSpacing / 3.0
if verbose:
print(f"Total Score without slice space scaling: {totalScore}. After normalizing from {sliceSpacing} to 3.0mm spacing: {normalizedTotalScore}.")
return normalizedTotalScore
print("Total Agatston score: {0}".format(computeAgatstonScore(getNode('Panoramix-cropped masked'), verbose=True)))
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