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Last active January 25, 2023 19:32
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Set of commands and files to enable timed theme (dark/light) change
kretyn@meland:~/$ mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
kretyn@meland:~/$ mkdir -p ~/.scripts
kretyn@meland:~/$ cd ~/.config/systemd/user
kretyn@meland:~/.config/systemd/user$ cat light.service
Description=Automatically change the "Window Theme" to "light" in the morning.
ExecStart=/home/kretyn/.scripts/ light
kretyn@meland:~/.config/systemd/user$ cat light.timer
Description=Automatically change the "Window Theme" to "light" in the morning.
OnCalendar=*-*-* 06:00:00
kretyn@meland:~/.config/systemd/user$ cat dark.service
Description=Automatically change the "Window Theme" to "dark" in the evening.
ExecStart=/home/kretyn/.scripts/ dark
kretyn@meland:~/.config/systemd/user$ cat dark.timer
Description=Automatically change the "Window Theme" to "dark" in the evening.
OnCalendar=*-*-* 19:00:00
kretyn@meland:~/$ cat ~/.scripts/
get_uuid() {
# Print the UUID linked to the profile name sent in parameter
local profile_name=$1
profiles=($(gsettings get org.gnome.Terminal.ProfilesList list | tr -d "[]\',"))
for i in ${!profiles[*]}
local uuid="$(dconf read /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:${profiles[i]}/visible-name)"
if [[ "${uuid,,}" = "'${profile_name,,}'" ]]
then echo "${profiles[i]}"
return 0
echo "$profile_name"
if [ $1 == "dark" ]; then
elif [ $1 == "light" ]; then
UUID=$(get_uuid $1)
/usr/bin/gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme $THEME
/usr/bin/gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.ProfilesList default $UUID
kretyn@meland:~$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
kretyn@meland:~$ systemctl --user enable dark.timer light.timer
kretyn@meland:~$ systemctl --user start dark.timer light.timer
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W-Floyd commented Oct 4, 2020

It took me a while to figure it out, but you can add this to change all currently running terminal windows to the correct theme also:

gdbus introspect -e -x -d org.gnome.Terminal -o /org/gnome/Terminal/window |
  xmllint --xpath '/node/node/@name' - |
  sed -e 's/name="\([0-9]*\)"/\1\n/g' -e 's/ //g' |
  while read -r __node; do
    gdbus call -e -d org.gnome.Terminal -o /org/gnome/Terminal/window/${__node} -m org.gtk.Actions.SetState profile "<'${UUID}'>" "{}" >/dev/null

Note that this only changes the active terminal tab.

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laszukdawid commented Oct 16, 2020

Neat @W-Floyd, Thanks! :)

I had problem to execute this but it turned out that the xmllint isn't installed by default. Needed to install libxml2-utils (sudo apt install libxml2-utils).

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