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Created April 16, 2019 16:44
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x-ray scraper for maryland mens basketball
let Xray = require('x-ray')
let x = Xray()
x('', '.hide-on-medium-only .sidearm-schedule-game-links-boxscore', [{
url: 'a@href',
game: x('a@href', {
date: '.game-details dl dd',
time: '.game-details dl dd:nth-of-type(2)',
attendance: '.game-details dl dd:nth-of-type(3)',
visitor: '.box-score-header figcaption table tbody tr th span.hide-on-small-down',
home: '.box-score-header figcaption table tbody tr:nth-of-type(2) th span.hide-on-small-down',
homeplayers: x('#box-score section table:nth-of-type(1).overall-stats tbody tr', [{
name: 'th',
started: 'td:nth-of-type(2)'
visitingplayers: x('#box-score section:nth-of-type(2) table:nth-of-type(1).overall-stats tbody tr', [{
name: 'th',
started: 'td:nth-of-type(2)'
pbpFirst: x('div#period-1 table tbody tr', [{
time: 'th',
homeScore: 'td:nth-of-type(2)',
homePlus: 'td:nth-of-type(2) span',
visitorScore: 'td:nth-of-type(4)',
visitorPlus: 'td:nth-of-type(4) span',
}] ),
pbpSecond: x('div#period-2 table tbody tr', [{
time: 'th',
homeScore: 'td:nth-of-type(2)',
homePlus: 'td:nth-of-type(2) span',
visitorScore: 'td:nth-of-type(4)',
visitorPlus: 'td:nth-of-type(4) span',
}] )
// .then(console.log)
// .then( (res) => console.log(JSON.stringify(res[0])))
// .then(res => console.log(res[0])){}
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