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Last active February 19, 2024 15:25
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Care Teams - TDG (v0.2.0) - NSSD (CHT 4.x)
import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker';
const YES_NO = [ 'yes', 'no' ];
const getPlace = (context, contactType, nameSuffix) => {
return {
type: 'contact',
contact_type: contactType,
name: `${}'s ${nameSuffix}`,
external_id: faker.string.alphanumeric(5),
notes: faker.lorem.lines(2),
place_id: faker.string.numeric({ length: 5 }),
meta: {
created_by: context.username,
created_by_person_uuid: '',
created_by_place_uuid: ''
.recent({ days: 20 })
const getCenter = context => getPlace(context, 'c10_center', 'Center');
const getProvince = context => getPlace(context, 'c20_province', 'Province');
const getDistrict = context => getPlace(context, 'c30_district', 'District');
const getMunicipality = context => getPlace(context, 'c40_municipality', 'Municipality');
const getWard = context => getPlace(context, 'c50_ward', 'Ward');
const getCHNArea = context => getPlace(context, 'c60_chn_area', 'CHN Area');
const getFCHVArea = context => getPlace(context, 'c70_fchv_area', 'FCHV Area');
const getHousehold = context => {
const houseNumber = faker.string.numeric({ length: 5 });
const houseName = `${}'s house (${houseNumber})`;
return {
type: 'contact',
contact_type: 'c80_household',
house_number: houseNumber,
generated_name: houseName,
generated_name_label: '',
change_name: 'no',
name: houseName,
external_id: faker.string.alphanumeric(5),
notes: faker.lorem.lines(2),
place_id: faker.string.numeric({ length: 5 }),
.recent({ days: 20 })
const getPerson = (context, { parent, sex =, ageRange = { min: 20, max: 60 } } = {}) => {
const dobRaw ={ mode: 'age', ...ageRange});
const dobFormatted = `${dobRaw.getFullYear()}-${dobRaw.getMonth()}-${dobRaw.getDay()}`;
const firstName = faker.person.firstName();
const lastName = faker.person.lastName();
return {
type: 'contact',
contact_type: 'c82_person',
fist_name: firstName,
last_name: lastName,
name: firstName + ' ' + lastName,
add_phone: 'yes',
phone: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]977[0-9]{8}/),
date_of_birth: dobFormatted,
gender: sex,
religion: faker.helpers.arrayElement(['buddhist', 'muslim', 'christian', 'hindu']),
marital_status: faker.helpers.arrayElement(['married', 'unmarried']),
level_of_education: faker.helpers.arrayElement(['literate', 'phd', 'post_graduate', 'graduation_level']),
is_disabled: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
occupation: faker.helpers.arrayElement(['unemployed', 'heavy_load', 'painter', 'carpenter']),
caste_code: faker.helpers.arrayElement(['janajati', 'brahmin', 'muslim', 'dalit']),
relation: faker.helpers.arrayElement(['house_head', 'wife_husband', 'son_daughter', 'mother_father']),
patient_id: faker.string.numeric({ length: 5 }),
meta: {
created_by: context.username,
reported_date:{ days: 25 }).getTime(),
const getDirectorOfCenter = (context, { parent }) => {
return {
post: 'director',
contact_type: 'c12_center_contact',
const getPublicOfficerOfProvince = (context, { parent }) => {
return {
post: 'pho',
contact_type: 'c22_province_contact',
const getStaffNurse = (context, { parent, contactType }) => {
return {
post: 'sn',
contact_type: contactType,
const getCommunityHealthOfficerOfMunicipality = (context, { parent }) => {
return {
post: 'sn',
contact_type: 'c42_municipality_contact',
const getCHWForFCHVArea = (context, { parent }) => {
return {
role: 'chw',
fchv_id_number: faker.string.numeric({ length: 5 }),
start_date_as_fchv: '2065', // Nepal calendar
start_date_as_fchv_ad: '2070',
basic_training: 'true',
contact_type: 'c72_fchv_area_contact',
const geHouseholdSurveyReport = (context, { parent, reportedDaysAgo = 9 }) => {
return {
form: 'household_survey',
type: 'data_record',
content_type: 'xml',
reported_date:{ days: reportedDaysAgo }).getTime(),
from: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
fields: {
patient_uuid: parent._id,
consent_survey: {
consent: 'agree',
household: {
house_type: faker.helpers.arrayElement([ 'mud', 'cemented' ]),
rented_house: faker.helpers.arrayElement([ 'rented', 'own' ]),
drinking_water_source: 'piped hand_pump well',
cooking_water_source: 'piped hand_pump well jar',
washing_water_source: 'hand_pump well',
purify_water: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
toilet_type: 'flush_tank',
distance_latrine_m:{ max: 30 }),
has_kitchen_garden: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
dispose_biodegradable: 'open compost',
dispose_non_biodegradable: 'open burn',
dispose_liquid_waste: 'kitchen_garden sewage',
drainage_type: 'semi_closed',
fuel_cooking: 'electricity lpg biogas',
separate_kitchen: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
has_smokestack: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
bedrooms:{ max: 5 }),
helpless: {
is_helpless: 'yes',
type_helpless: 'no_means',
health_insurance: {
insurance: 'no',
time_reach_hf: 'min_30_60'
death: {
member_deceased: 'no',
disease: {
infected_last_year: 'yes',
infected_count:{ max: 4 }),
const getMentalHealthScreeningReport = (context, { patient, reportedDaysAgo = 9 }) => {
const healthIssues1 = {
changes_in_behavior: 'powerful_person talk_unnecessary audio_hallucination walk_around_dirty ' +
'loss_of_interest_in_work insomnia anxiety_heart_palpitations rude body_ache stress_feeling' +
' other_signs_and_symptoms',
serious_mental_problems: '',
depression: '',
anxiety_related_problem: '',
serious_mental_problems_calc: '1',
depression_calc: '1',
alert_to_prevent_commit_suicide_calc: '0',
anxiety_related_problem_calc: '1',
epilepsy_disease_calc: '0',
counseling_mental_health: '',
const healthIssues2 = {
changes_in_behavior: 'audio_hallucination loss_of_interest_in_work insomnia thinking_future_is_dark ' +
'getting_angry_quickly anxiety_heart_palpitations body_ache',
depression: '',
anxiety_related_problem: '',
serious_mental_problems_calc: '0',
depression_calc: '1',
alert_to_prevent_commit_suicide_calc: '0',
anxiety_related_problem_calc: '1',
epilepsy_disease_calc: '0',
const healthIssues3 = {
changes_in_behavior: 'powerful_person talk_unnecessary audio_hallucination walk_around_dirty ' +
'loss_of_interest_in_work insomnia anxiety_heart_palpitations rude body_ache stress_feeling ' +
serious_mental_problems: '',
depression: '',
anxiety_related_problem: '',
serious_mental_problems_calc: '1',
depression_calc: '1',
alert_to_prevent_commit_suicide_calc: '0',
anxiety_related_problem_calc: '1',
epilepsy_disease_calc: '0',
counseling_mental_health: ''
return {
form: 'mental_health_screening',
type: 'data_record',
content_type: 'xml',
reported_date:{ days: reportedDaysAgo }).getTime(),
from: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
contact: patient,
fields: {
patient_uuid: patient._id,
patient_id: patient._id,
mental_health_screening: faker.helpers.arrayElement([ healthIssues1, healthIssues2, healthIssues3 ]),
const getNotCommunicableDiseasesReport = (context, { patient, reportedDaysAgo = 9 }) => {
const takingMeds = faker.helpers.arrayElement(['yes_all', 'yes_some', 'no']);
return {
form: 'non_communicable_diseases',
type: 'data_record',
content_type: 'xml',
reported_date:{ days: reportedDaysAgo }).getTime(),
from: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
contact: patient,
fields: {
patient_uuid: patient._id,
patient_id: patient._id,
non_communicable_diseases: {
heart_disease: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
high_blood_pressure: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
diabetes: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
copd: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
cancer: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
kidney_disease: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
thyroid: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
congenital_health: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
has_other_ncd: 'no',
taking_medicine: takingMeds,
not_taking_medicine: takingMeds === 'yes_all' ? '' : faker.helpers.arrayElement(
['cured', 'not_prescribe', 'alternative', 'no_money']
const getBreastCancerReport = (context, { patient, reportedDaysAgo = 9 }) => {
return {
form: 'breast_cancer',
type: 'data_record',
content_type: 'xml',
reported_date:{ days: reportedDaysAgo }).getTime(),
from: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
contact: patient,
fields: {
patient_uuid: patient._id,
patient_id: patient._id,
bse_info_and_training: {
different_testing_methods: '',
bse_note: '',
bse_training_yes_no: 'yes',
wants_bse_info: {
note: '',
self_bse_test: 'yes'
bse_self_check: {
bse_self_check_result: 'abdominal_discharge abnormal_breast_size_change',
bse_check_refer: ''
bse_discussion: ''
export default (context) => {
return [
designId: 'place-center',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCenter(context),
children: [
designId: 'director',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => {
return getDirectorOfCenter(context, { parent });
designId: 'place-province',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getProvince(context),
children: [
designId: 'public-officer',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getPublicOfficerOfProvince(context, { parent }),
designId: 'place-district',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getDistrict(context),
children: [
designId: 'staff-nurse-district',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getStaffNurse(
context, { parent, contactType: 'c32_district_contact' }
designId: 'place-municipality',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getMunicipality(context),
children: [
designId: 'community-health-officer',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getCommunityHealthOfficerOfMunicipality(context, { parent }),
designId: 'place-ward',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getWard(context),
children: [
designId: 'staff-nurse-ward',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getStaffNurse(
context, { parent, contactType:'c52_ward_contact' },
designId: 'place-chn-area',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHNArea(context),
children: [
designId: 'place-fchv-area',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getFCHVArea(context),
children: [
designId: 'chw',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getCHWForFCHVArea(
context, { parent },
designId: 'place-household',
amount: 110,
getDoc: () => getHousehold(context),
children: [
designId: 'hh-survey-report',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => geHouseholdSurveyReport(context, { parent }),
designId: 'place-person',
amount: 8,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getPerson(context, { parent }),
children: [
designId: 'mental-health-screening-report',
amount: 2,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getMentalHealthScreeningReport(
context, { patient: parent }
designId: 'Breast-Cancer-Report',
amount: 2,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getBreastCancerReport(
context, { patient: parent }
designId: 'Not-Communicable-Diseases-Report',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getNotCommunicableDiseasesReport(
context, { patient: parent }
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