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Last active February 19, 2024 15:29
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  • Save latin-panda/f5b0019194eab13a390504ebbedc3510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save latin-panda/f5b0019194eab13a390504ebbedc3510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Care Teams - TDG (v0.2.0) - CHIS Kenya (CHT 4.x)
import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker';
const YES_NO = [ 'yes', 'no' ];
const RELATIONSHIP = [ 'friend', 'sister', 'brother', 'mother', 'father' ];
const getPlace = (context, type, contactType, nameSuffix) => {
return {
type: type,
contact_type: contactType,
is_name_generated: 'true',
name: `${}'s ${nameSuffix}`,
external_id: faker.string.alphanumeric(5),
geolocation: '',
meta: {
created_by: context.username,
created_by_person_uuid: '',
created_by_place_uuid: ''
.recent({ days: 20 })
const getACounty = context => getPlace(context, 'contact', 'a_county', 'County');
const getSubCounty = context => getPlace(context, 'contact', 'b_sub_county', 'Sub County');
const getCHU = context => {
return {
...getPlace(context, 'contact', 'c_community_health_unit', 'CHU'),
code:{ min: 1, max: 100}),
const getCHVArea = context => {
return {
...getPlace(context, 'contact', 'd_community_health_volunteer_area', 'CHVArea'),
link_facility_code: faker.string.alphanumeric(5),
link_facility_name: `${}'s facility`,
chu_code: faker.string.alphanumeric(5),
chu_name: `${}'s unit`,
const getHouseHold = context => {
return {
...getPlace(context, 'contact', 'e_household', 'Household'),
has_functional_latrine: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
has_functional_handwashing_facility: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
uses_treated_water: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
has_functional_refuse_disposal_facility: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
wash_status: 'Not good',
has_insurance_cover: 'false',
specific_insurance_cover: '',
r_has_health_cover: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
needs_registration_follow_up: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
const getHouseholdClient = (context, { sex =, ageRange = { min: 20, max: 60 } } = {}) => {
const dobRaw ={ mode: 'age', ...ageRange});
const dobFormatted = `${dobRaw.getFullYear()}-${dobRaw.getMonth()}-${dobRaw.getDay()}`;
const firstName = faker.person.firstName();
const lastName = faker.person.lastName();
const middleName = faker.person.middleName();
return {
type: 'contact',
contact_type: 'f_client',
name: `${firstName} ${middleName} ${lastName}`,
first_name: firstName,
middle_name: middleName,
last_name: lastName,
sex: sex,
date_of_birth: dobFormatted,
phone: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
alternate_phone: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
dob_method: 'approx',
dob_calendar: '',
has_insurance: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
insurance: '',
identification_type: 'national_id',
identification_number: faker.string.alphanumeric(5),
age_in_years:{ min: 18, max: 80}),
age_in_months:{ min: 216, max: 960}),
next_of_kin: faker.person.fullName(),
relationship_with_next_of_kin: faker.helpers.arrayElement(RELATIONSHIP),
next_of_kin_residence: faker.location.streetAddress({ useFullAddress: true }),
next_of_kin_phone: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
next_of_kin_alternate_phone: '',
nationality: 'KE',
country_of_birth: 'KE',
county_of_birth: '36',
county_of_residence: '36',
subcounty: 'bomet-east',
ward: 'kembu',
village: 'Sisu',
has_disability: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
has_chronic_illness: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
meta: {
created_by: context.username,
created_by_person_uuid: '',
created_by_place_uuid: ''
reported_date:{ days: 25 }).getTime(),
const getPerson = (context, role, { sex =, ageRange = { min: 20, max: 60 } } = {}) => {
const dobRaw ={ mode: 'age', ...ageRange});
const dobFormatted = `${dobRaw.getFullYear()}-${dobRaw.getMonth()}-${dobRaw.getDay()}`;
return {
type: 'person',
name: faker.person.fullName(),
short_name: faker.person.middleName(),
date_of_birth: dobFormatted,
date_of_birth_method: '',
ephemeral_dob: {
dob_calendar: dobFormatted,
dob_method: '',
dob_approx: dobRaw.toISOString(),
dob_raw: dobFormatted,
dob_iso: dobFormatted
phone: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
phone_alternate: '',
role: role,
notes: '',
meta: {
created_by: context.username,
created_by_person_uuid: '',
created_by_place_uuid: ''
reported_date:{ days: 25 }).getTime(),
const getCHP = context => getPerson(context, 'chw');
const getCHPSupervisor = context => getPerson(context, 'chw_supervisor');
const getNurse = context => getPerson(context, 'nurse');
const getFacilityManager = context => getPerson(context, 'manager');
const addHierarchyAndCHPWithHouseholds = context => {
return [
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getACounty(context),
children: [
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getSubCounty(context),
children: [
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHU(context),
children: [
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHVArea(context),
children: [
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHP(context)
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHVArea(context),
children: [
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHP(context)
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHVArea(context),
children: [
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHP(context)
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHVArea(context),
children: [
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHP(context)
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [ { amount: 1, getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context) } ],
const addFamilyToHouseholds = (context, householdParent, amountFamilyMembers, householdIds) => {
return => {
return {
amount: amountFamilyMembers,
getDoc: () => {
return {
parent: householdParent,
const getSexualGenderViolenceReport = (context, patient, reportedDaysAgo=9) => {
//console.log('sgbv - patient:', patient);
return {
form: 'sgbv',
type: 'data_record',
content_type: 'xml',
reported_date:{ days: reportedDaysAgo }).getTime(),
// contact: { _id: chw._id },
from: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
fields: {
patient_uuid: patient._id,
patient_id: patient._id,
sgbv: {
sgbv_observe_note: faker.lorem.words(),
has_observed_sgbv_signs: faker.helpers.arrayElement(YES_NO),
sgbv_signs_observed: faker.lorem.words(),
is_referred_to_cha: 'yes'
const getCHVSignalReporting = (context, household, reportedDaysAgo=9) => {
return {
form: 'chv_signal_reporting',
type: 'data_record',
content_type: 'xml',
reported_date:{ days: reportedDaysAgo }).getTime(),
from: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
fields: {
place_uuid: household._id,
chw_area_id: household._id,
signal_code: '3',
'3. Any child less than 15 years with a sudden onset of weakness of the legs and arms not due to injury',
chv_signal: {
signal_type: 'child_weak_legs_arms',
signal_description: faker.lorem.lines(1),
case_id: faker.string.alphanumeric(5),
const getOverFiveAssessment = (context, patient, reportedDaysAgo=9) => {
return {
form: 'over_five_assessment',
type: 'data_record',
content_type: 'xml',
reported_date:{ days: reportedDaysAgo }).getTime(),
from: faker.helpers.fromRegExp(/[+]2547[0-9]{8}/),
fields: {
place_uuid: patient.parent._id,
chw_area_id: patient.parent._id,
patient_uuid: patient._id,
patient_id: patient._id,
is_malaria_endemic: true,
is_pregnant: false,
is_in_pnc: false,
needs_follow_up: 'yes',
has_been_referred: 'yes',
has_malaria: false,
needs_general_danger_signs_referral: false,
needs_general_signs_symptoms_referral: false,
needs_fever_referral: false,
needs_malaria_referral: false,
needs_tb_referral: false,
needs_diarrhoea_referral: false,
needs_diabetes_referral: true,
needs_hypertension_referral: true,
needs_mental_health_referral: true,
needs_sgbv_referral: false,
diabetes_referral_follow_up_date: '2024-02-12',
hypertension_referral_follow_up_date: '2024-02-12',
mental_health_referral_follow_up_date: '2024-02-12',
is_hypertensive_display: 'No',
is_diabetic_display: 'No',
visited_contact_uuid: patient._id,
is_curr_diabetic: true,
is_curr_hypertensive: true,
referred_to_facility_code: 'X facility code',
referred_to_facility_name: 'X facility',
assessment: {
is_sick: 'no'
group_hiv: {
knows_hiv_status: 'no',
group_diabetes: {
is_diabetic: 'no',
diabetes_symptoms: 'thirst_or_hunger',
group_hypertension: {
is_hypertensive: 'no',
hypertension_symptoms: 'severe_headache',
bp_label: 'INDETERMINATE',
bp_label_color: 'orange',
bp_values_valid: false,
group_cancer: {
is_screened_cancer: 'no',
group_mental_health: {
mental_signs: 'tearfulness',
observed_mental_signs: 'irritability_agitated',
group_sexual_gender_based_violence: {
has_observed_signs_of_violence: 'no'
insurance: {
upto_date_insurance: 'no',
group_summary: {
header_label: 'RESULTS',
additional_doc: {
place_id: patient.parent._id,
chv_area_id: patient.parent._id,
type: 'data_record',
content_type: 'xml',
form: 'chv_consumption_log',
fields: {
rdts_quantity_issued: 0,
act_6_quantity_issued: 0,
act_12_quantity_issued: 0,
act_18_quantity_issued: 0,
act_24_quantity_issued: 0,
dt_250_quantity_issued: 0,
ors_zinc_quantity_issued: 0,
ors_sachets_quantity_issued: 0,
zinc_sulphate_quantity_issued: 0,
albendazole_quantity_issued: 0,
tetra_eye_quantity_issued: 0,
paracetamol_120_quantity_issued: 0,
mebendazole_quantity_issued: 0,
coc_quantity_issued: 0,
prog_quantity_issued: 0,
depo_im_quantity_issued: 0,
depo_sc_quantity_issued: 0,
preg_strip_quantity_issued: 0,
chlorine_quantity_issued: 0,
gluc_strips_quantity_issued: 0,
paracetamol_500_quantity_issued: 0,
bandages_quantity_issued: 0,
povi_quantity_issued: 0,
strap_quantity_issued: 0,
gloves_quantity_issued: 0,
envelopes_quantity_issued: 0
data: {
_upi: '',
_referred_to_facility_code: 'X facility code',
_referred_to_facility_name: 'X facility',
_follow_up_date: '2024-02-12',
_screening: {
_diabetes_symptoms: 'thirst_or_hunger',
_hypertension_symptoms: 'severe_headache',
_mental_signs: 'tearfulness',
_observed_mental_signs: 'irritability_agitated'
_supporting_info: {
_knows_hiv_status: 'no',
_is_screened_cancer: 'no',
_has_observed_signs_of_violence: 'no'
const addReportsToHouseholds = (context, householdIds) => {
return => {
return {
amount: 10,
getDoc: () => {
return {
contact: { _id: householdId }
const addReportsToPatient = (context, patients, reportedDaysAgo) => {
return => {
return {
amount: 5,
getDoc: () => getSexualGenderViolenceReport(context, patientID, reportedDaysAgo),
export default (context) => {
return [
designId: 'a_county',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getACounty(context),
children: [
designId: 'b_sub_county',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => {
console.log('b_sub_county - parent: ', parent._id, parent);
return getSubCounty(context);
children: [
designId: 'c_community_health_unit',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHU(context),
children: [
designId: 'd_community_health_volunteer_area',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHVArea(context),
children: [
designId: 'chw',
amount: 1,
getDoc: () => getCHP(context),
designId: 'e_household',
amount: 110,
getDoc: () => getHouseHold(context),
children: [
designId: 'CHVSignalReporting',
amount: 1,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getCHVSignalReporting(context, parent),
designId: 'f_client',
amount: 8,
getDoc: () => getHouseholdClient(context),
children: [
designId: 'sgbv',
amount: 3,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getSexualGenderViolenceReport(context, parent),
designId: 'over-five-assessment',
amount: 2,
getDoc: ({ parent }) => getOverFiveAssessment(context, parent),
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