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latk/log.txt Secret

Last active November 2, 2023 13:58
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Example for Poetry bug
Loading configuration file /home/user/.config/pypoetry/config.toml
Adding repository myrepo (https://myrepo.example) and setting it as explicit
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
1: fact: private-app is 2.0.0
1: derived: private-app
1: fact: private-app depends on private-lib (^5)
1: fact: private-app depends on private-other2 (^2.1.1)
1: fact: private-app depends on private-other1 (^1.6.3)
1: selecting private-app (2.0.0)
1: derived: private-other1 (>=1.6.3,<2.0.0)
1: derived: private-other2 (>=2.1.1,<3.0.0)
1: derived: private-lib[extra] (>=5,<6)
[keyring.backend] Loading KWallet
[keyring.backend] Loading SecretService
[keyring.backend] Loading Windows
[keyring.backend] Loading chainer
[keyring.backend] Loading libsecret
[keyring.backend] Loading macOS
[keyring.backend] Loading Google Auth
Creating new session for
Creating new session for myrepo.example
Source (myrepo): 1 packages found for private-other1 >=1.6.3,<2.0.0
Source (myrepo): 4 packages found for private-other2 >=2.1.1,<3.0.0
Source (myrepo): 31 packages found for private-lib >=5,<6
1: fact: private-other1 (1.6.3) depends on private-lib (*)
1: selecting private-other1 (1.6.3)
1: derived: private-lib
Source (PyPI): No packages found for private-lib
Source (PyPI): 0 packages found for private-lib *
Falling back to installed packages to discover metadata for private-lib
Found 1 compatible packages for private-lib
Source (PyPI): Getting info for private-lib (5.17.0) from PyPI
Falling back to installed packages to discover metadata for private-lib
Found 1 compatible packages for private-lib
1: selecting private-lib (5.17.0)
1: fact: private-lib (5.17.0) depends on private-lib (5.17.0)
1: selecting private-lib[extra] (5.17.0)
1: Version solving took 3.700 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
1: fact: private-app is 2.0.0
1: derived: private-app
1: fact: private-app depends on private-lib (^5)
1: fact: private-app depends on private-other2 (^2.1.1)
1: fact: private-app depends on private-other1 (^1.6.3)
1: selecting private-app (2.0.0)
1: derived: private-other1 (>=1.6.3,<2.0.0)
1: derived: private-other2 (>=2.1.1,<3.0.0)
1: derived: private-lib[extra] (>=5,<6)
Source (myrepo): 1 packages found for private-other1 >=1.6.3,<2.0.0
Source (myrepo): 4 packages found for private-other2 >=2.1.1,<3.0.0
Source (myrepo): 31 packages found for private-lib >=5,<6
1: fact: private-other1 (1.6.3) depends on private-lib (*)
1: selecting private-other1 (1.6.3)
1: derived: private-lib
Source (PyPI): No packages found for private-lib
Source (PyPI): 0 packages found for private-lib *
Falling back to installed packages to discover metadata for private-lib
Found 1 compatible packages for private-lib
Source (PyPI): Getting info for private-lib (5.17.0) from PyPI
Falling back to installed packages to discover metadata for private-lib
Found 1 compatible packages for private-lib
1: selecting private-lib (5.17.0)
1: fact: private-lib (5.17.0) depends on private-lib (5.17.0)
1: selecting private-lib[extra] (5.17.0)
1: fact: private-other2 (2.1.5) depends on private-lib (*)
1: fact: private-other2 (2.1.5) depends on private-other1 (*)
1: selecting private-other2 (2.1.5)
2: Version solving took 2.487 seconds.
2: Tried 2 solutions.
1: fact: private-app is 2.0.0
1: derived: private-app
1: fact: private-app depends on private-lib (^5)
1: fact: private-app depends on private-other2 (^2.1.1)
1: fact: private-app depends on private-other1 (^1.6.3)
1: selecting private-app (2.0.0)
1: derived: private-other1 (>=1.6.3,<2.0.0)
1: derived: private-other2 (>=2.1.1,<3.0.0)
1: derived: private-lib[extra] (>=5,<6)
Source (myrepo): 1 packages found for private-other1 >=1.6.3,<2.0.0
Source (myrepo): 4 packages found for private-other2 >=2.1.1,<3.0.0
Source (myrepo): 31 packages found for private-lib >=5,<6
1: fact: private-other1 (1.6.3) depends on private-lib (*)
1: selecting private-other1 (1.6.3)
1: derived: private-lib
Source (PyPI): No packages found for private-lib
Source (PyPI): 0 packages found for private-lib *
Falling back to installed packages to discover metadata for private-lib
Found 1 compatible packages for private-lib
Source (PyPI): Getting info for private-lib (5.17.0) from PyPI
Falling back to installed packages to discover metadata for private-lib
Found 1 compatible packages for private-lib
1: selecting private-lib (5.17.0)
1: fact: private-lib (5.17.0) depends on private-lib (5.17.0)
1: selecting private-lib[extra] (5.17.0)
1: fact: private-other2 (2.1.5) depends on private-lib (*)
1: fact: private-other2 (2.1.5) depends on private-other1 (*)
1: selecting private-other2 (2.1.5)
2: Version solving took 0.835 seconds.
2: Tried 2 solutions.
0: Complete version solving took 7.063 seconds with 2 overrides
Finding the necessary packages for the current system
Source (myrepo): 1 packages found for private-other1 >=1.6.3,<2.0.0
Source (myrepo): 1 packages found for private-other2 >=2.1.1,<3.0.0
Source (myrepo): 1 packages found for private-lib >=5,<6
Source (PyPI): 1 packages found for private-lib *
Source (myrepo): 1 packages found for private-lib *
No dependencies to install or update
Writing lock file
name = "private-app"
version = "2.0.0"
description = ""
authors = []
readme = ""
name = "myrepo"
url = "https://myrepo.example/"
priority = "explicit"
python = "~3.11"
private-lib = { version = "^5", source = "myrepo", extras = ["extra"] }
private-other1 = { version = "^1.6.3", source = "myrepo" }
private-other2 = { version = "^2.1.1", source = "myrepo" }
elasticsearch = "*"
black = "*"
pylint = "*"
pytest = "*"
pytest-cov = "*"
flake8 = "*"
flake8-pyproject = "*"
mypy = "*"
types-pyYAML = "*"
types-redis = "*"
tox = "*"
coverage = { extras = ["toml"], version = "*" }
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
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