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Last active February 9, 2016 05:50
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Blog: sequence benchmarking
open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Diagnostics
module Seq =
type private TimedEnumerator<'t>(source : IEnumerator<'t>, blockSize, f) =
let swUpstream = Stopwatch()
let swDownstream = Stopwatch()
let swTotal = Stopwatch()
let mutable count = 0
interface IEnumerator<'t> with
member __.Reset() = failwith "not implemented"
member __.Dispose() = source.Dispose()
member __.Current = source.Current
member __.Current = (source :> IEnumerator).Current
member __.MoveNext() =
// downstream consumer has finished processing the previous item
// start the total throughput timer if this is the first item
if not swTotal.IsRunning then
// measure upstream MoveNext() call
let result = source.MoveNext()
if result then
count <- count + 1
// blockSize reached or upstream is complete - invoke callback and reset timers
if (result && count = blockSize) || (not result && count > 0) then
let upDownTotal = swUpstream.Elapsed + swDownstream.Elapsed
f count swTotal.Elapsed (swUpstream.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / upDownTotal.TotalMilliseconds)
count <- 0
// clock starts for downstream consumer
type private SlimTimedEnumerator<'t>(source : IEnumerator<'t>, blockSize, f) =
let swTotal = Stopwatch()
let mutable count = 0
interface IEnumerator<'t> with
member __.Current = source.Current
member __.Current = (source :> IEnumerator).Current
member __.Reset() = failwith "not implemented"
member __.Dispose() = source.Dispose()
member __.MoveNext() =
// start the timer on the first MoveNext call
if not swTotal.IsRunning then
let result = source.MoveNext()
if result then
count <- count + 1
// blockSize reached or upstream is complete - invoke callback and reset timer
if (result && count = blockSize) || (not result && count > 0) then
f count swTotal.Elapsed Double.NaN
count <- 0
let mkTimed blockSize getEnum =
let block =
match blockSize with
| Some(bs) when bs <= 0 -> invalidArg "blockSize" "blockSize must be positive"
| Some(bs) -> bs
| None -> -1
{ new IEnumerable<'a> with
member __.GetEnumerator() = upcast (getEnum block)
interface IEnumerable with
member __.GetEnumerator() = upcast (getEnum block) }
let timed blockSize f (source : seq<'t>) =
mkTimed blockSize (fun block -> new TimedEnumerator<'t>(source.GetEnumerator(), block, f))
let timedSlim blockSize f (source : seq<'t>) =
mkTimed blockSize (fun block -> new SlimTimedEnumerator<'t>(source.GetEnumerator(), block, f))
// sample callbacks that scale time units
module Scale =
let private stats unitString getUnit blockSize elapsedTotal upstreamRatio =
let totalScaled = getUnit (elapsedTotal : TimeSpan)
let itemsPerTime = (float blockSize) / totalScaled
let timePerItem = totalScaled / (float blockSize)
let upDownPercentStr =
if Double.IsNaN(upstreamRatio) then ""
else sprintf " (%2.0f%% upstream | %2.0f%% downstream)" (100. * upstreamRatio) (100. * (1. - upstreamRatio))
sprintf "%d items %10.2f{0} %10.2f items/{0} %10.2f {0}/item%s"
blockSize totalScaled itemsPerTime timePerItem upDownPercentStr,
(unitString : string)
let s = stats "s" (fun ts -> ts.TotalSeconds)
let ms = stats "ms" (fun ts -> ts.TotalMilliseconds)
let μs = stats "μs" (fun ts -> ts.TotalMilliseconds * 1e3)
let ns = stats "ns" (fun ts -> ts.TotalMilliseconds * 1e6)
open System.Threading
seq{ 1 .. 100 }
|> Seq.timed None Scale.s // add timing here
|> (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(10); i)
|> (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(25); i)
|> Seq.iter (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(15))
// output
// 100 items 5.15s 19.43 items/s 0.05 s/item ( 0% upstream | 100% downstream)
seq{ 1 .. 100 }
|> (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(10); i)
|> Seq.timed None Scale.s // move timing to here
|> (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(25); i)
|> Seq.iter (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(15))
// output
// 100 items 5.13s 19.51 items/s 0.05 s/item (20% upstream | 80% downstream)
seq{ 1 .. 100 }
|> (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(10); i)
|> (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(25); i)
|> Seq.timed None Scale.s // move timing to here
|> Seq.iter (fun i -> Thread.Sleep(15))
// output
// 100 items 5.15s 19.43 items/s 0.05 s/item (70% upstream | 30% downstream)
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let grep dir files patt =
Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, files, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
|> Seq.collect (File.ReadAllLines)
|> Seq.timed (Some 100000)
|> Seq.filter (fun line -> Regex.IsMatch(line, patt))
// a cold search only reads ~150K lines/sec and large
// majority of time is spent reading from disk
grep @"C:\src\visualfsharp" "*.fs*" @"\blet\b" |> Seq.length
// 100000 items 552.14ms 181.11 items/ms 0.01 ms/item (89% upstream | 11% downstream)
// 100000 items 559.99ms 178.58 items/ms 0.01 ms/item (88% upstream | 12% downstream)
// 100000 items 777.57ms 128.61 items/ms 0.01 ms/item (91% upstream | 9% downstream)
// 100000 items 708.15ms 141.21 items/ms 0.01 ms/item (92% upstream | 8% downstream)
// 100000 items 3372.02ms 29.66 items/ms 0.03 ms/item (98% upstream | 2% downstream)
// 100000 items 3788.68ms 26.39 items/ms 0.04 ms/item (98% upstream | 2% downstream)
// 6740 items 75.73ms 89.00 items/ms 0.01 ms/item (95% upstream | 5% downstream)
// but for a second invocation the disk is warm and results are from the cache,
// so the time is more evenly split (and overall throughput is much higher)
grep @"C:\src\visualfsharp" "*.fs*" @"\blet\b" |> Seq.length
// 100000 items 99.67ms 1003.26 items/ms 0.00 ms/item (44% upstream | 56% downstream)
// 100000 items 175.45ms 569.95 items/ms 0.00 ms/item (59% upstream | 41% downstream)
// 100000 items 109.65ms 911.98 items/ms 0.00 ms/item (39% upstream | 61% downstream)
// 100000 items 92.56ms 1080.36 items/ms 0.00 ms/item (35% upstream | 65% downstream)
// 100000 items 193.58ms 516.59 items/ms 0.00 ms/item (70% upstream | 30% downstream)
// 100000 items 217.47ms 459.84 items/ms 0.00 ms/item (73% upstream | 27% downstream)
// 6740 items 8.71ms 774.07 items/ms 0.00 ms/item (49% upstream | 51% downstream)
// 1000000 items 80442000.00ns 0.01 items/ns 80.44 ns/item (46% upstream | 54% downstream)
Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000)
|> Seq.timed None Scale.ns
|> Seq.length
// 1000000 items 170637400.00ns 0.01 items/ns 170.64 ns/item (81% upstream | 19% downstream)
Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000)
|> Seq.timed None (fun _ _ _ -> ())
|> Seq.timed None Scale.ns
|> Seq.length
// 1000000 items 242433000.00ns 0.00 items/ns 242.43 ns/item (88% upstream | 12% downstream)
Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000)
|> Seq.timed None (fun _ _ _ -> ())
|> Seq.timed None (fun _ _ _ -> ())
|> Seq.timed None Scale.ns
|> Seq.length
// 1000000 items 8791000.00ns 0.11 items/ns 8.79 ns/item
Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000)
|> Seq.timedSlim None Scale.ns
|> Seq.length
// 1000000 items 13693300.00ns 0.07 items/ns 13.69 ns/item
Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000)
|> Seq.timedSlim None (fun _ _ _ -> ())
|> Seq.timedSlim None Scale.ns
|> Seq.length
// 1000000 items 18784500.00ns 0.05 items/ns 18.78 ns/item
Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000)
|> Seq.timedSlim None (fun _ _ _ -> ())
|> Seq.timedSlim None (fun _ _ _ -> ())
|> Seq.timedSlim None Scale.ns
|> Seq.length
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