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Created November 29, 2020 18:13
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F# performance exploration code
// small perf tests for doing floating point format conversions
// full credit to as the original source for most of this
open System.IO
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
open System.Diagnostics
type IbmFloat32 =
val Bits: uint32
new (b:uint32) = { Bits = b }
type IntFloat =
[<FieldOffset(0)>] val mutable f: float32
[<FieldOffset(0)>] val mutable i: uint32
// test: remove inlining here
let inline ToFloat32 (i:uint32) =
let mutable x = IntFloat()
x.i <- i;
// test: remove inlining here
let inline ieeeOfPieces fr exp sgn =
uint32(fr >>> 9) ||| uint32(exp <<< 23) ||| sgn
|> ToFloat32
// test: remove inlining here
let inline ToIeee (ibm:IbmFloat32) : float32 =
let mutable fr = ibm.Bits
let sgn = fr &&& 0x80000000u // save sign
fr <- fr <<< 1 // shift sign out
let exp = int(fr >>> 25) // save exponent
fr <- fr <<< 7 // shift exponent out
if fr = 0u then // short-circuit, return properly signed zero
ieeeOfPieces 0u 0 sgn
// adjust exponent from base 16 offset 64 radix point
// before first digit to base 2 offset 127 radix point
// after first digit
// (exp - 64) * 4 + 127 - 1
let mutable exp = (exp - 64) * 4 + 127 - 1
// (re)normalize, 3 times max for normalized input */
while fr < 0x80000000u do exp <- exp - 1; fr <- fr <<< 1
if exp <= 0 then // underflow
let fr =
if exp < -24 then
0u // complete underflow, return properly signed zero
fr >>> -exp // partial underflow, return denormalized number
ieeeOfPieces fr 0 sgn
elif exp >= 255 then // overflow - return infinity
ieeeOfPieces 0u 255 sgn
else // just a plain old number - remove the assumed high bit
ieeeOfPieces (fr <<< 1) exp sgn
let b v shift = (int v) <<< (8 * shift)
let readBigEndianInt32 (a:byte[]) i =
b a.[i] 3 |||
b a.[i+1] 2 |||
b a.[i+2] 1 |||
b a.[i+3] 0
|> uint32
let time f = Stopwatch.StartNew() |> (fun sw -> (f(), sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds))
let bench () =
let fileHeaderLength = 3200 + 400 // SEG-Y text and binary headers
let nTraces = 64860 //500 // number of traces in the file
let headerLength = 240 // each SEGY trace has a 240 byte header at the beginning, which we ignore
let nSamples = 1501 // Each trace has 1501 4 byte samples, each an IBM floating point number
let traceLength = headerLength + (nSamples * 4) // = 6244 length in bytes of each trace, including its header
let buffer = File.ReadAllBytes @"C:\users\latkin\documents\fssandbox\filt_mig.sgy"
// original approach
let mapi' f (a:'T[]) =
for i in 0..a.Length-1 do a.[i] <- f i a.[i]
let convertOrig() =
seq { for n in 0 .. nTraces-1 -> fileHeaderLength + n * traceLength + headerLength }
|> Seq.fold
(fun (samples:float32[]) traceOffset ->
samples |> mapi' (fun i s -> s + ToIeee(IbmFloat32(readBigEndianInt32 buffer (traceOffset + i*4)))))
(Array.zeroCreate nSamples)
|> ignore
// fully imperative approach
let convertImperative() =
let samples : float32[] = Array.zeroCreate nSamples
for n in 0 .. nTraces-1 do
let traceOffset = fileHeaderLength + n * traceLength + headerLength
for i in 0 .. nSamples-1 do
samples.[i] <- samples.[i] + ToIeee(IbmFloat32(readBigEndianInt32 buffer (traceOffset + i*4)))
// inline the mapi function
let inline mapi'' f (a:'T[]) =
for i in 0..a.Length-1 do a.[i] <- f i a.[i]
let convertInlineMapi() =
seq { for n in 0 .. nTraces-1 -> fileHeaderLength + n * traceLength + headerLength }
|> Seq.fold
(fun (samples:float32[]) traceOffset ->
samples |> mapi'' (fun i s -> s + ToIeee(IbmFloat32(readBigEndianInt32 buffer (traceOffset + i*4)))))
(Array.zeroCreate nSamples)
|> ignore
// remove mapi altogether
let convertNoMapi() =
seq { for n in 0 .. nTraces-1 -> fileHeaderLength + n * traceLength + headerLength }
|> Seq.fold
(fun (samples:float32[]) traceOffset ->
for i in 0..samples.Length-1 do
samples.[i] <- samples.[i] + ToIeee(IbmFloat32(readBigEndianInt32 buffer (traceOffset + i*4)))
(Array.zeroCreate nSamples)
|> ignore
printfn "convertOrig %f ms" ((time>>snd) convertOrig)
printfn "convertImperative %f ms" ((time>>snd) convertImperative)
printfn "convertInlineMapi %f ms" ((time>>snd) convertInlineMapi)
printfn "convertNoMapi %f ms" ((time>>snd) convertNoMapi)
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
bench () |> ignore
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