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Last active April 1, 2022 01:43
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Regex matching helper
Dumps capture group locations and names/numbers
> regexinfo 'Jenny: 555-867-5309' '(?<name>\w+):\s+(?<phone>(?:(?<area>\d{3})-)?(\d{3}-\d{4}))'
[Jenny]: [[555]-[867-5309]]
| || |
| || 1
| |area
| phone
function regexinfo {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String] $InputString,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String] $Pattern
$colors = @( [ConsoleColor]::Red, [ConsoleColor]::Magenta, [ConsoleColor]::Cyan, [ConsoleColor]::Green, [ConsoleColor]::Yellow, [ConsoleColor]::White )
$openToken = '['
$closeToken = ']'
$r = [regex]$pattern
$raw = $r.Match($inputString)
$groupArray = $raw.Groups | % { $_ }
$grpIndex = 1
$groupData = $raw.Groups | select -skip 1 | sort-object @{E = 'Index'; Ascending = $true}, @{E = 'Length'; Descending = $true} | % {
$group = $groupArray[$grpIndex]
if ($group.Success) {
Name = $r.GroupNameFromNumber($grpIndex)
GroupIndex = $grpIndex
StartIndex = $group.Index
EndIndex = $group.Index + $group.Length
Length = $group.Length
Color = $colors[$grpIndex % $colors.Length]
$openBrackets = $groupData | % { [pscustomobject]@{ Token = $openToken; Color = $_.Color; Index = $_.StartIndex; Name = $_.Name; GroupIndex = $_.GroupIndex; Length = $_.Length } }
$closeBrackets = $groupData | % { [pscustomobject]@{ Token = $closeToken; Color = $_.Color; Index = $_.EndIndex; Name = $_.Name; GroupIndex = $_.GroupIndex; Length = $_.Length } }
$allBrackets = @(@($openBrackets) + @($closeBrackets))
$iFinal = 0
$pointers = @()
for ($iStr = 0; $iStr -lt $inputString.Length; $iStr++) {
$currBrackets = $allBrackets |? Index -eq $iStr `
| Sort-Object @{ Descending = $true; Expression = {
if ($_.Token -eq $closeToken -and $_.Length -ne 0) { 1 + (1/$_.Length) }
elseif ($_.Token -eq $openToken -and $_.Length -eq 0) { 1 }
elseif ($_.Token -eq $closeToken -and $_.Length -eq 0) { -1 }
elseif ($_.Token -eq $openToken -and $_.Length -ne 0) { -1 - (1/$_.Length) }
}},@{ Descending = $true; Expression = {
if ($_.Token -eq $closeToken -and $_.Length -ne 0) { $_.GroupIndex }
elseif ($_.Token -eq $openToken -and $_.Length -eq 0) { 1/$_.GroupIndex}
elseif ($_.Token -eq $closeToken -and $_.Length -eq 0) { -(1/$_.GroupIndex)}
elseif ($_.Token -eq $openToken -and $_.Length -ne 0) { -$_.GroupIndex }
$currBrackets | % {
Write-Host -nonew ($_.Token) -ForegroundColor ($_.Color)
if ($_.Token -eq $openToken) {
$pointers = $pointers + [pscustomobject]@{Padding = $iFinal; Color = $_.Color; Name = $_.Name }
Write-Host -nonew $inputString[$iStr]
$currBrackets = $allBrackets |? Index -eq $inputString.Length `
| Sort-Object @{ Descending = $true; Expression = {
if ($_.Token -eq $closeToken -and $_.Length -ne 0) { 1 + (1/$_.Length) }
elseif ($_.Token -eq $openToken -and $_.Length -eq 0) { 1 }
elseif ($_.Token -eq $closeToken -and $_.Length -eq 0) { -1 }
elseif ($_.Token -eq $openToken -and $_.Length -ne 0) { -1 - (1/$_.Length) }
}},@{ Descending = $true; Expression = {
if ($_.Token -eq $closeToken -and $_.Length -ne 0) { $_.GroupIndex }
elseif ($_.Token -eq $openToken -and $_.Length -eq 0) { 1/$_.GroupIndex}
elseif ($_.Token -eq $closeToken -and $_.Length -eq 0) { -(1/$_.GroupIndex)}
elseif ($_.Token -eq $openToken -and $_.Length -ne 0) { -$_.GroupIndex }
$currBrackets | % {
Write-Host -nonew ($_.Token) -ForegroundColor ($_.Color)
if ($_.Token -eq $openToken) {
$pointers = $pointers + [pscustomobject]@{Padding = $iFinal; Color = $_.Color; Name = $_.Name }
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $iFinal; $i++) {
$barGroup = $pointers |? Padding -eq $i
if ($barGroup) {
Write-Host -nonew '|' -ForegroundColor $barGroup.Color
else {
Write-Host -nonew ' '
$pointers | % {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $_.Padding; $i++) {
$barGroup = $pointers |? Padding -eq $i
if ($barGroup) {
Write-Host -nonew '|' -ForegroundColor $barGroup.Color
else {
Write-Host -nonew ' '
Write-Host $_.Name -ForegroundColor $_.Color
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