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Last active August 16, 2016 08:36
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purescript Solution of exercise 5 from "Purescript by example", chapter 10.19
module Tree where
import Prelude
import Data.Either
import Data.Foreign
import Data.Foreign.Class
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
newtype STree = STree
{ t :: String
, v :: Foreign }
toSTree :: forall a. Tree a -> STree
toSTree (Leaf a) = STree { t: "leaf"
, v: toForeign a }
toSTree (Branch a b) = STree { t: "branch"
, v: toForeign { a: toSTree a
, b: toSTree b } }
instance treeIsForeign :: IsForeign a => IsForeign (Tree a) where
read value = do
tag <- readProp "t" value
case tag of
"leaf" -> do
a <- readProp "v" value :: F a
return $ Leaf a
"branch" -> do
v <- readProp "v" value
a <- readProp "a" v :: F (Tree a)
b <- readProp "b" v :: F (Tree a)
return $ Branch a b
otherwise -> Left $ ErrorAtProperty "t" $ JSONError $ "expected \"leaf\" or \"branch\", got " ++ show tag
---- Testing stuff
instance showTree :: Show a => Show (Tree a) where
show (Leaf a) = show a
show (Branch a b) = "(" ++ show a ++ "," ++ show b ++ ")"
instance showSTree :: Show STree where
show t = Data.JSON.stringify (toForeign t)
l1 :: Tree Int
l1 = Leaf 1
l2 = Leaf 2
l3 = Leaf 3
l4 = Leaf 4
l5 = Leaf 5
t1 :: Tree Int
t1 = Branch l2 l3
t2 = Branch l4 l5
t3 = Branch t1 t2
t4 = Branch l1 t3
---- Now you can do in PSCI:
-- > toSTree t1
-- {"t":"branch","v":{"a":{"t":"leaf","v":2},"b":{"t":"leaf","v":3}}}
-- > let s = stringify <<< toForeign $ toSTree t4
-- > readJSON s :: F (Tree Int)
-- Right ((1,((2,3),(4,5))))
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