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Last active February 22, 2021 15:56
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  • Save laubonghaudoi/40f4ad4036a321a21fb2f32229892f55 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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us_keyboard_layout: true
# 外观配置
color_scheme: psionics # 选择配色方案
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font_point: 20 # 字号
label_font_face: "STHeitiTC-Medium"
candidate_format: "%c. %@"
horizontal: false
name: 冷漠/Apathy
author: LIANG Hai
horizontal: true # 水平排列
inline_preedit: true #单行显示,false双行显示
candidate_format: "%c\u2005%@\u2005" # 编号 %c 和候选词 %@ 前后的空间
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name: 碧水/Aqua
author: 佛振 <>
text_color: 0x606060
back_color: 0xeeeceeee
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hilited_comment_text_color: 0xfcac9d
name: 青天/Azure
author: 佛振 <>
text_color: 0xcfa677
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name: 简约白/Clean White
author: Chongyu Zhu <>, based on 搜狗「简约白」
candidate_format: "%c %@"
corner_radius: 6
border_height: 6
border_width: 6
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name: 暗堂/Dark Temple
author: 佛振 <>, based on ir_black
text_color: 0x92f6da
back_color: 0x222222
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name: 浮尘/Dust
author: Superoutman <>
horizontal: true # 水平排列
inline_preedit: true #单行显示,false双行显示
candidate_format: "%c\u2005%@\u2005" # 用 1/6 em 空格 U+2005 来控制编号 %c 和候选词 %@ 前后的空间。
corner_radius: 2 #候选条圆角
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hilited_comment_text_color: 0x9e9e9e # 注解文字高亮
name: 谷歌/Google
author: skoj <>
text_color: 0x666666 #拼音串
candidate_text_color: 0x000000 #非第一候选项
back_color: 0xFFFFFF #背景
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hilited_comment_text_color: 0xEBC6B0 #注解文字高亮
name: "Grey Blue"
horizontal: false # 候选条横向显示
inline_preedit: true # 启用内嵌编码模式,候选条首行不显示拼音
candidate_format: "%c.\u2005%@\u2005" # 用 1/6 em 空格 U+2005 来控制编号 %c 和候选词 %@ 前后的空间。
corner_radius: 6 # 候选条圆角半径
border_height: 0 # 窗口边界高度,大于圆角半径才生效
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back_color: 0xF6D7B5 # 候选条背景色
line_spacing: 5 # 候选词的行间距
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label_font_point: 20 # 预选栏编号字号
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hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xD98840 #第一候选项背景
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name: "高對比/High Contrast"
author: "laubonghaudoi <>"
back_color: 0xFFFFFF
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candidate_text_color: 0x000000
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name: 墨池/Ink
author: 佛振 <>
text_color: 0x5a5a5a
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hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xcc000000
comment_text_color: 0x5a5a5a
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name: 孤寺/Lost Temple
author: 佛振 <>, based on ir_black
text_color: 0xe8f3f6
back_color: 0xee303030
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hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x82e6ca
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hilited_comment_text_color: 0xbb203d34
name: 明月/Luna
author: 佛振 <>
text_color: 0xa5a5a5
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hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x7fffff
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comment_text_color: 0xa5a5a5
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x449c9d
name: 沙漠夜/Mojave Dark
author: xiehuc <>
horizontal: true # 水平排列
inline_preedit: true # 单行显示,false双行显示
candidate_format: "%c\u2005%@" # 用 1/6 em 空格 U+2005 来控制编号 %c 和候选词 %@ 前后的空间。
corner_radius: 5 # 候选条圆角
hilited_corner_radius: 3 # 高亮圆角
border_height: 6 # 窗口边界高度,大于圆角半径才生效
border_width: 6 # 窗口边界宽度,大于圆角半径才生效
border_color_width: 0
font_face: "PingFangSC" # 候选词字体
font_point: 16 # 候选字词大小
label_font_point: 14 # 候选编号大小
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hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xffffff # 第一候选项文字颜色
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comment_text_color: 0xdedddd # 拼音等提示文字颜色
#hilited_comment_text_color: 0xdedddd # 注解文字高亮
name: "秋田/Placeless"
author: "jed <>"
back_color: 0xFFFFFF #背景
text_color: 0xFFFFFF # 編碼行文字顏色,24位色值,用十六進制書寫方便些,順序是藍綠紅0xBBGGRR
candidate_text_color: 0x000000 #非第一候选项
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xf57c75 #第一候选项背景
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xFFFFFF #第一候选项
name: "荷田/Placeless"
author: "jed <>"
back_color: 0xFFFFFF #背景
text_color: 0x000000 # 編碼行文字顏色,24位色值,用十六進制書寫方便些,順序是藍綠紅0xBBGGRR
candidate_text_color: 0x666666 #非第一候选项
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xFFFFFF #第一候选项背景
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xf57c75 #第一候选项
name: 幽能/Psionics
author: 雨過之後、佛振
text_color: 0xc2c2c2
back_color: 0x444444
candidate_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_back_color: 0x444444
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hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xfafafa
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xd8bf00
comment_text_color: 0x808080
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x444444
name: 純粹的形式/Purity of Form
author: 雨過之後、佛振
text_color: 0xc2c2c2
back_color: 0x444444
candidate_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_back_color: 0x444444
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0xfafafa
comment_text_color: 0x808080
name: 純粹的本質/Purity of Essence
author: 佛振
text_color: 0x2c2ccc
back_color: 0xfafafa
candidate_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_text_color: 0x000000
hilited_back_color: 0xfafafa
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xeeeeee
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x444444
comment_text_color: 0x808080
name: 曬經石/Solarized Rock
author: "Aben <>, based on Ethan Schoonover's Solarized color scheme"
back_color: 0x362b00
border_color: 0x362b00
text_color: 0x8236d3
hilited_text_color: 0x98a12a
candidate_text_color: 0x969483
comment_text_color: 0xc098a12a
hilited_candidate_text_color: 0xffffff
hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x8236d3
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x362b00
name: 星際我爭霸/StarCraft
author: Contralisk <>, original artwork by Blizzard Entertainment
text_color: 0xccaa88
candidate_text_color: 0x30bb55
back_color: 0xee000000
border_color: 0x1010a0
hilited_text_color: 0xfecb96
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hilited_candidate_back_color: 0x00000000
comment_text_color: 0x1010d0
hilited_comment_text_color: 0x1010f0
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