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Created December 2, 2011 19:05
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Solution for december FP fair
module DecemberFair where
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.List (permutations, nubBy)
-- only non-symetric permutations
permute :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
permute = nubBy (\ys zs -> ys == (reverse zs)) . permutations
-- binary operators
type BinOp = (String, Int -> Int -> Int)
-- available operators
ops = [ (" + ", (+))
, (" - ", (-))
, (" * ", (*))
, (" / ", div) ]
-- form of expression without concrete numbers
data Form = N -- Number - blank place for a number
| A BinOp Int Form Form -- Application
-- - Int means size of the left subform
instance Show Form where
show N = "_"
show (A (op,_) _ l r) = concat ["(", show l, op, show r, ")"]
-- generates all forms of given size
forms :: Int -> [Form]
forms 1 = [ N ]
forms n = [ A op s l r | op <- ops
, s <- [1 .. (n-1)]
, l <- forms s
, r <- forms (n-s) ]
-- evaluates form with given list of numbers
-- returns Maybe because of division by zero posibility
eval :: Form -> [Int] -> Maybe Int
eval N [n] = Just n
eval (A op s l' r') ns | length ns > s = do
let (nl,nr) = splitAt s ns
l <- eval l' nl
r <- eval r' nr
if fst op == " / " && r == 0
then Nothing
else Just ((snd op) l r)
eval _ _ = Nothing -- this is case, when sizes are not equal
-- fills blanks in form with given numbers
-- returns Maybe because number list may be of non-proper size
fill :: Form -> [Int] -> String
fill N [n] = show n
fill (A (op,_) s l r) ns | length ns > s =
let (nl,nr) = splitAt s ns
in concat ["(", fill l nl, op, fill r nr, ")"]
fill _ _ = "" -- this is case, when sizes are not equal
-- generates expressions, that are evaluated to given number
solutions x ns = [ fill f ms | f <- forms (length ns)
, ms <- permute ns
, eval f ms == Just x ]
-- returns first solution
solution :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe String
solution x ns = listToMaybe (solutions x ns)
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Чтобы было понятнее, что делают функции, можно позапускать их в ghci:

> let print' x = mapM_ print x

> let fs = forms 3
> print' fs

> print' [ fill f [1,2,3] | f <- fs ]
> print' [ eval f [1,2,3] | f <- fs ]

> print' $ solutions 5 [1,2,3]

Вывод этих команд достаточно наглядно изобразит работу каждой функции и ступени работы алгоритма в целом.

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