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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Typing unicode symbols in Atom (temporary solution)

Temporary solution for typing unicode symbols in Atom


  1. Install autocomplete-plus and autocomplete-snippets plugins
  2. Add these snippets to your snippets.cson
  3. Try typing u and the LaTeX name of the symbol you want and you should get autocompletetion with a preview of the symbol


  • Due to the limitations of autocomplete-snippets, you can't use non-alphanumeric symbol in the beginning of the snippet name (as it would be natural to use backslash for LaTeX names)
  • The list of symbols is incomplete, but it contains most mathematical symbols and Greek letters. you can easily add what's missing for you
  • There are several shortcuts for some symbols in the end of the list, but autocomplete-snippets doesn't allow you to have aliases, only overrides for the prefixes
'!': body: '!', prefix: 'u-exclam'
'#': body: '#', prefix: 'u-octothorpe'
'$': body: '$', prefix: 'u-mathdollar'
'%': body: '%', prefix: 'u-percent'
'&': body: '&', prefix: 'u-ampersand'
'(': body: '(', prefix: 'u-lparen'
')': body: ')', prefix: 'u-rparen'
'+': body: '+', prefix: 'u-plus'
',': body: ',', prefix: 'u-comma'
'.': body: '.', prefix: 'u-period'
'/': body: '/', prefix: 'u-mathslash'
':': body: ':', prefix: 'u-mathcolon'
';': body: ';', prefix: 'u-semicolon'
'<': body: '<', prefix: 'u-less'
'=': body: '=', prefix: 'u-equal'
'>': body: '>', prefix: 'u-greater'
'?': body: '?', prefix: 'u-question'
'@': body: '@', prefix: 'u-atsign'
'[': body: '[', prefix: 'u-lbrack'
']': body: ']', prefix: 'u-rbrack'
'{': body: '{', prefix: 'u-lbrace'
'|': body: '|', prefix: 'u-vert'
'}': body: '}', prefix: 'u-rbrace'
'£': body: '£', prefix: 'u-sterling'
'¥': body: '¥', prefix: 'u-yen'
'¬': body: '¬', prefix: 'u-neg'
'±': body: '±', prefix: 'u-pm'
'·': body: '·', prefix: 'u-cdotp'
'×': body: '×', prefix: 'u-times'
'ð': body: 'ð', prefix: 'u-matheth'
'÷': body: '÷', prefix: 'u-div'
'Ƶ': body: 'Ƶ', prefix: 'u-Zbar'
'✓': body: '✓', prefix: 'u-check'
'Α': body: 'Α', prefix: 'u-upAlpha'
'Β': body: 'Β', prefix: 'u-upBeta'
'Γ': body: 'Γ', prefix: 'u-upGamma'
'Δ': body: 'Δ', prefix: 'u-upDelta'
'Ε': body: 'Ε', prefix: 'u-upEpsilon'
'Ζ': body: 'Ζ', prefix: 'u-upZeta'
'Η': body: 'Η', prefix: 'u-upEta'
'Θ': body: 'Θ', prefix: 'u-upTheta'
'Ι': body: 'Ι', prefix: 'u-upIota'
'Κ': body: 'Κ', prefix: 'u-upKappa'
'Λ': body: 'Λ', prefix: 'u-upLambda'
'Μ': body: 'Μ', prefix: 'u-upMu'
'Ν': body: 'Ν', prefix: 'u-upNu'
'Ξ': body: 'Ξ', prefix: 'u-upXi'
'Ο': body: 'Ο', prefix: 'u-upOmicron'
'Π': body: 'Π', prefix: 'u-upPi'
'Ρ': body: 'Ρ', prefix: 'u-upRho'
'Σ': body: 'Σ', prefix: 'u-upSigma'
'Τ': body: 'Τ', prefix: 'u-upTau'
'Υ': body: 'Υ', prefix: 'u-upUpsilon'
'Φ': body: 'Φ', prefix: 'u-upPhi'
'Χ': body: 'Χ', prefix: 'u-upChi'
'Ψ': body: 'Ψ', prefix: 'u-upPsi'
'Ω': body: 'Ω', prefix: 'u-upOmega'
'α': body: 'α', prefix: 'u-upalpha'
'β': body: 'β', prefix: 'u-upbeta'
'γ': body: 'γ', prefix: 'u-upgamma'
'δ': body: 'δ', prefix: 'u-updelta'
'ε': body: 'ε', prefix: 'u-upepsilon'
'ζ': body: 'ζ', prefix: 'u-upzeta'
'η': body: 'η', prefix: 'u-upeta'
'θ': body: 'θ', prefix: 'u-uptheta'
'ι': body: 'ι', prefix: 'u-upiota'
'κ': body: 'κ', prefix: 'u-upkappa'
'λ': body: 'λ', prefix: 'u-uplambda'
'μ': body: 'μ', prefix: 'u-upmu'
'ν': body: 'ν', prefix: 'u-upnu'
'ξ': body: 'ξ', prefix: 'u-upxi'
'ο': body: 'ο', prefix: 'u-upomicron'
'π': body: 'π', prefix: 'u-uppi'
'ρ': body: 'ρ', prefix: 'u-uprho'
'ς': body: 'ς', prefix: 'u-upvarsigma'
'σ': body: 'σ', prefix: 'u-upsigma'
'τ': body: 'τ', prefix: 'u-uptau'
'υ': body: 'υ', prefix: 'u-upupsilon'
'φ': body: 'φ', prefix: 'u-upvarphi'
'χ': body: 'χ', prefix: 'u-upchi'
'ψ': body: 'ψ', prefix: 'u-uppsi'
'ω': body: 'ω', prefix: 'u-upomega'
'ϐ': body: 'ϐ', prefix: 'u-upvarbeta'
'ϑ': body: 'ϑ', prefix: 'u-upvartheta'
'ϕ': body: 'ϕ', prefix: 'u-upphi'
'ϖ': body: 'ϖ', prefix: 'u-upvarpi'
'Ϙ': body: 'Ϙ', prefix: 'u-upoldKoppa'
'ϙ': body: 'ϙ', prefix: 'u-upoldkoppa'
'Ϛ': body: 'Ϛ', prefix: 'u-upStigma'
'ϛ': body: 'ϛ', prefix: 'u-upstigma'
'Ϝ': body: 'Ϝ', prefix: 'u-upDigamma'
'ϝ': body: 'ϝ', prefix: 'u-updigamma'
'Ϟ': body: 'Ϟ', prefix: 'u-upKoppa'
'ϟ': body: 'ϟ', prefix: 'u-upkoppa'
'Ϡ': body: 'Ϡ', prefix: 'u-upSampi'
'ϡ': body: 'ϡ', prefix: 'u-upsampi'
'ϰ': body: 'ϰ', prefix: 'u-upvarkappa'
'ϱ': body: 'ϱ', prefix: 'u-upvarrho'
'ϴ': body: 'ϴ', prefix: 'u-upvarTheta'
'ϵ': body: 'ϵ', prefix: 'u-upvarepsilon'
'϶': body: '϶', prefix: 'u-upbackepsilon'
'―': body: '―', prefix: 'u-horizbar'
'‖': body: '‖', prefix: 'u-Vert'
'‗': body: '‗', prefix: 'u-twolowline'
'†': body: '†', prefix: 'u-dagger'
'‡': body: '‡', prefix: 'u-ddagger'
'•': body: '•', prefix: 'u-smblkcircle'
'‥': body: '‥', prefix: 'u-enleadertwodots'
'…': body: '…', prefix: 'u-unicodeellipsis'
'′': body: '′', prefix: 'u-prime'
'″': body: '″', prefix: 'u-dprime'
'‴': body: '‴', prefix: 'u-trprime'
'‵': body: '‵', prefix: 'u-backprime'
'‶': body: '‶', prefix: 'u-backdprime'
'‷': body: '‷', prefix: 'u-backtrprime'
'‸': body: '‸', prefix: 'u-caretinsert'
'‼': body: '‼', prefix: 'u-Exclam'
'⁀': body: '⁀', prefix: 'u-tieconcat'
'⁃': body: '⁃', prefix: 'u-hyphenbullet'
'⁄': body: '⁄', prefix: 'u-fracslash'
'⁇': body: '⁇', prefix: 'u-Question'
'⁐': body: '⁐', prefix: 'u-closure'
'⁗': body: '⁗', prefix: 'u-qprime'
'€': body: '€', prefix: 'u-euro'
'ℂ': body: 'ℂ', prefix: 'u-BbbC'
'ℇ': body: 'ℇ', prefix: 'u-Eulerconst'
'ℊ': body: 'ℊ', prefix: 'u-mscrg'
'ℋ': body: 'ℋ', prefix: 'u-mscrH'
'ℌ': body: 'ℌ', prefix: 'u-mfrakH'
'ℍ': body: 'ℍ', prefix: 'u-BbbH'
'ℎ': body: 'ℎ', prefix: 'u-Planckconst'
'ℏ': body: 'ℏ', prefix: 'u-hslash'
'ℐ': body: 'ℐ', prefix: 'u-mscrI'
'ℑ': body: 'ℑ', prefix: 'u-Im'
'ℒ': body: 'ℒ', prefix: 'u-mscrL'
'ℓ': body: 'ℓ', prefix: 'u-ell'
'ℕ': body: 'ℕ', prefix: 'u-BbbN'
'℘': body: '℘', prefix: 'u-wp'
'ℙ': body: 'ℙ', prefix: 'u-BbbP'
'ℚ': body: 'ℚ', prefix: 'u-BbbQ'
'ℛ': body: 'ℛ', prefix: 'u-mscrR'
'ℜ': body: 'ℜ', prefix: 'u-Re'
'ℝ': body: 'ℝ', prefix: 'u-BbbR'
'ℤ': body: 'ℤ', prefix: 'u-BbbZ'
'℧': body: '℧', prefix: 'u-mho'
'ℨ': body: 'ℨ', prefix: 'u-mfrakZ'
'℩': body: '℩', prefix: 'u-turnediota'
'Å': body: 'Å', prefix: 'u-Angstrom'
'ℬ': body: 'ℬ', prefix: 'u-mscrB'
'ℭ': body: 'ℭ', prefix: 'u-mfrakC'
'ℯ': body: 'ℯ', prefix: 'u-mscre'
'ℰ': body: 'ℰ', prefix: 'u-mscrE'
'ℱ': body: 'ℱ', prefix: 'u-mscrF'
'Ⅎ': body: 'Ⅎ', prefix: 'u-Finv'
'ℳ': body: 'ℳ', prefix: 'u-mscrM'
'ℴ': body: 'ℴ', prefix: 'u-mscro'
'ℵ': body: 'ℵ', prefix: 'u-aleph'
'ℶ': body: 'ℶ', prefix: 'u-beth'
'ℷ': body: 'ℷ', prefix: 'u-gimel'
'ℸ': body: 'ℸ', prefix: 'u-daleth'
'ℼ': body: 'ℼ', prefix: 'u-Bbbpi'
'ℽ': body: 'ℽ', prefix: 'u-Bbbgamma'
'ℾ': body: 'ℾ', prefix: 'u-BbbGamma'
'ℿ': body: 'ℿ', prefix: 'u-BbbPi'
'⅀': body: '⅀', prefix: 'u-Bbbsum'
'⅁': body: '⅁', prefix: 'u-Game'
'⅂': body: '⅂', prefix: 'u-sansLturned'
'⅃': body: '⅃', prefix: 'u-sansLmirrored'
'⅄': body: '⅄', prefix: 'u-Yup'
'ⅅ': body: 'ⅅ', prefix: 'u-mitBbbD'
'ⅆ': body: 'ⅆ', prefix: 'u-mitBbbd'
'ⅇ': body: 'ⅇ', prefix: 'u-mitBbbe'
'ⅈ': body: 'ⅈ', prefix: 'u-mitBbbi'
'ⅉ': body: 'ⅉ', prefix: 'u-mitBbbj'
'⅊': body: '⅊', prefix: 'u-PropertyLine'
'⅋': body: '⅋', prefix: 'u-upand'
'←': body: '←', prefix: 'u-leftarrow'
'↑': body: '↑', prefix: 'u-uparrow'
'→': body: '→', prefix: 'u-rightarrow'
'↓': body: '↓', prefix: 'u-downarrow'
'↔': body: '↔', prefix: 'u-leftrightarrow'
'↕': body: '↕', prefix: 'u-updownarrow'
'↖': body: '↖', prefix: 'u-nwarrow'
'↗': body: '↗', prefix: 'u-nearrow'
'↘': body: '↘', prefix: 'u-searrow'
'↙': body: '↙', prefix: 'u-swarrow'
'↚': body: '↚', prefix: 'u-nleftarrow'
'↛': body: '↛', prefix: 'u-nrightarrow'
'↜': body: '↜', prefix: 'u-leftwavearrow'
'↝': body: '↝', prefix: 'u-rightwavearrow'
'↞': body: '↞', prefix: 'u-twoheadleftarrow'
'↟': body: '↟', prefix: 'u-twoheaduparrow'
'↠': body: '↠', prefix: 'u-twoheadrightarrow'
'↡': body: '↡', prefix: 'u-twoheaddownarrow'
'↢': body: '↢', prefix: 'u-leftarrowtail'
'↣': body: '↣', prefix: 'u-rightarrowtail'
'↤': body: '↤', prefix: 'u-mapsfrom'
'↥': body: '↥', prefix: 'u-mapsup'
'↦': body: '↦', prefix: 'u-mapsto'
'↧': body: '↧', prefix: 'u-mapsdown'
'↨': body: '↨', prefix: 'u-updownarrowbar'
'↩': body: '↩', prefix: 'u-hookleftarrow'
'↪': body: '↪', prefix: 'u-hookrightarrow'
'↫': body: '↫', prefix: 'u-looparrowleft'
'↬': body: '↬', prefix: 'u-looparrowright'
'↭': body: '↭', prefix: 'u-leftrightsquigarrow'
'↮': body: '↮', prefix: 'u-nleftrightarrow'
'↯': body: '↯', prefix: 'u-downzigzagarrow'
'↰': body: '↰', prefix: 'u-Lsh'
'↱': body: '↱', prefix: 'u-Rsh'
'↲': body: '↲', prefix: 'u-Ldsh'
'↳': body: '↳', prefix: 'u-Rdsh'
'↴': body: '↴', prefix: 'u-linefeed'
'↵': body: '↵', prefix: 'u-carriagereturn'
'↶': body: '↶', prefix: 'u-curvearrowleft'
'↷': body: '↷', prefix: 'u-curvearrowright'
'↸': body: '↸', prefix: 'u-barovernorthwestarrow'
'↹': body: '↹', prefix: 'u-barleftarrowrightarrowbar'
'↺': body: '↺', prefix: 'u-acwopencirclearrow'
'↻': body: '↻', prefix: 'u-cwopencirclearrow'
'↼': body: '↼', prefix: 'u-leftharpoonup'
'↽': body: '↽', prefix: 'u-leftharpoondown'
'↾': body: '↾', prefix: 'u-upharpoonright'
'↿': body: '↿', prefix: 'u-upharpoonleft'
'⇀': body: '⇀', prefix: 'u-rightharpoonup'
'⇁': body: '⇁', prefix: 'u-rightharpoondown'
'⇂': body: '⇂', prefix: 'u-downharpoonright'
'⇃': body: '⇃', prefix: 'u-downharpoonleft'
'⇄': body: '⇄', prefix: 'u-rightleftarrows'
'⇅': body: '⇅', prefix: 'u-updownarrows'
'⇆': body: '⇆', prefix: 'u-leftrightarrows'
'⇇': body: '⇇', prefix: 'u-leftleftarrows'
'⇈': body: '⇈', prefix: 'u-upuparrows'
'⇉': body: '⇉', prefix: 'u-rightrightarrows'
'⇊': body: '⇊', prefix: 'u-downdownarrows'
'⇋': body: '⇋', prefix: 'u-leftrightharpoons'
'⇌': body: '⇌', prefix: 'u-rightleftharpoons'
'⇍': body: '⇍', prefix: 'u-nLeftarrow'
'⇎': body: '⇎', prefix: 'u-nLeftrightarrow'
'⇏': body: '⇏', prefix: 'u-nRightarrow'
'⇐': body: '⇐', prefix: 'u-Leftarrow'
'⇑': body: '⇑', prefix: 'u-Uparrow'
'⇒': body: '⇒', prefix: 'u-Rightarrow'
'⇓': body: '⇓', prefix: 'u-Downarrow'
'⇔': body: '⇔', prefix: 'u-Leftrightarrow'
'⇕': body: '⇕', prefix: 'u-Updownarrow'
'⇖': body: '⇖', prefix: 'u-Nwarrow'
'⇗': body: '⇗', prefix: 'u-Nearrow'
'⇘': body: '⇘', prefix: 'u-Searrow'
'⇙': body: '⇙', prefix: 'u-Swarrow'
'⇚': body: '⇚', prefix: 'u-Lleftarrow'
'⇛': body: '⇛', prefix: 'u-Rrightarrow'
'⇜': body: '⇜', prefix: 'u-leftsquigarrow'
'⇝': body: '⇝', prefix: 'u-rightsquigarrow'
'⇞': body: '⇞', prefix: 'u-nHuparrow'
'⇟': body: '⇟', prefix: 'u-nHdownarrow'
'⇠': body: '⇠', prefix: 'u-leftdasharrow'
'⇡': body: '⇡', prefix: 'u-updasharrow'
'⇢': body: '⇢', prefix: 'u-rightdasharrow'
'⇣': body: '⇣', prefix: 'u-downdasharrow'
'⇤': body: '⇤', prefix: 'u-barleftarrow'
'⇥': body: '⇥', prefix: 'u-rightarrowbar'
'⇦': body: '⇦', prefix: 'u-leftwhitearrow'
'⇧': body: '⇧', prefix: 'u-upwhitearrow'
'⇨': body: '⇨', prefix: 'u-rightwhitearrow'
'⇩': body: '⇩', prefix: 'u-downwhitearrow'
'⇪': body: '⇪', prefix: 'u-whitearrowupfrombar'
'⇴': body: '⇴', prefix: 'u-circleonrightarrow'
'⇵': body: '⇵', prefix: 'u-downuparrows'
'⇶': body: '⇶', prefix: 'u-rightthreearrows'
'⇷': body: '⇷', prefix: 'u-nvleftarrow'
'⇸': body: '⇸', prefix: 'u-nvrightarrow'
'⇹': body: '⇹', prefix: 'u-nvleftrightarrow'
'⇺': body: '⇺', prefix: 'u-nVleftarrow'
'⇻': body: '⇻', prefix: 'u-nVrightarrow'
'⇼': body: '⇼', prefix: 'u-nVleftrightarrow'
'⇽': body: '⇽', prefix: 'u-leftarrowtriangle'
'⇾': body: '⇾', prefix: 'u-rightarrowtriangle'
'⇿': body: '⇿', prefix: 'u-leftrightarrowtriangle'
'∀': body: '∀', prefix: 'u-forall'
'∁': body: '∁', prefix: 'u-complement'
'∂': body: '∂', prefix: 'u-partial'
'∃': body: '∃', prefix: 'u-exists'
'∄': body: '∄', prefix: 'u-nexists'
'∅': body: '∅', prefix: 'u-varnothing'
'∆': body: '∆', prefix: 'u-increment'
'∇': body: '∇', prefix: 'u-nabla'
'∈': body: '∈', prefix: 'u-in'
'∉': body: '∉', prefix: 'u-notin'
'∊': body: '∊', prefix: 'u-smallin'
'∋': body: '∋', prefix: 'u-ni'
'∌': body: '∌', prefix: 'u-nni'
'∍': body: '∍', prefix: 'u-smallni'
'∎': body: '∎', prefix: 'u-QED'
'∏': body: '∏', prefix: 'u-prod'
'∐': body: '∐', prefix: 'u-coprod'
'∑': body: '∑', prefix: 'u-sum'
'−': body: '−', prefix: 'u-minus'
'∓': body: '∓', prefix: 'u-mp'
'∔': body: '∔', prefix: 'u-dotplus'
'∕': body: '∕', prefix: 'u-divslash'
'∖': body: '∖', prefix: 'u-smallsetminus'
'∗': body: '∗', prefix: 'u-ast'
'∘': body: '∘', prefix: 'u-vysmwhtcircle'
'∙': body: '∙', prefix: 'u-vysmblkcircle'
'√': body: '√', prefix: 'u-sqrt'
'∛': body: '∛', prefix: 'u-cuberoot'
'∜': body: '∜', prefix: 'u-fourthroot'
'∝': body: '∝', prefix: 'u-propto'
'∞': body: '∞', prefix: 'u-infty'
'∟': body: '∟', prefix: 'u-rightangle'
'∠': body: '∠', prefix: 'u-angle'
'∡': body: '∡', prefix: 'u-measuredangle'
'∢': body: '∢', prefix: 'u-sphericalangle'
'∣': body: '∣', prefix: 'u-mid'
'∤': body: '∤', prefix: 'u-nmid'
'∥': body: '∥', prefix: 'u-parallel'
'∦': body: '∦', prefix: 'u-nparallel'
'∧': body: '∧', prefix: 'u-wedge'
'∨': body: '∨', prefix: 'u-vee'
'∩': body: '∩', prefix: 'u-cap'
'∪': body: '∪', prefix: 'u-cup'
'∫': body: '∫', prefix: 'u-int'
'∬': body: '∬', prefix: 'u-iint'
'∭': body: '∭', prefix: 'u-iiint'
'∮': body: '∮', prefix: 'u-oint'
'∯': body: '∯', prefix: 'u-oiint'
'∰': body: '∰', prefix: 'u-oiiint'
'∱': body: '∱', prefix: 'u-intclockwise'
'∲': body: '∲', prefix: 'u-varointclockwise'
'∳': body: '∳', prefix: 'u-ointctrclockwise'
'∴': body: '∴', prefix: 'u-therefore'
'∵': body: '∵', prefix: 'u-because'
'∶': body: '∶', prefix: 'u-mathratio'
'∷': body: '∷', prefix: 'u-Colon'
'∸': body: '∸', prefix: 'u-dotminus'
'∹': body: '∹', prefix: 'u-dashcolon'
'∺': body: '∺', prefix: 'u-dotsminusdots'
'∻': body: '∻', prefix: 'u-kernelcontraction'
'∼': body: '∼', prefix: 'u-sim'
'∽': body: '∽', prefix: 'u-backsim'
'∾': body: '∾', prefix: 'u-invlazys'
'∿': body: '∿', prefix: 'u-sinewave'
'≀': body: '≀', prefix: 'u-wr'
'≁': body: '≁', prefix: 'u-nsim'
'≂': body: '≂', prefix: 'u-eqsim'
'≃': body: '≃', prefix: 'u-simeq'
'≄': body: '≄', prefix: 'u-nsime'
'≅': body: '≅', prefix: 'u-cong'
'≆': body: '≆', prefix: 'u-simneqq'
'≇': body: '≇', prefix: 'u-ncong'
'≈': body: '≈', prefix: 'u-approx'
'≉': body: '≉', prefix: 'u-napprox'
'≊': body: '≊', prefix: 'u-approxeq'
'≋': body: '≋', prefix: 'u-approxident'
'≌': body: '≌', prefix: 'u-backcong'
'≍': body: '≍', prefix: 'u-asymp'
'≎': body: '≎', prefix: 'u-Bumpeq'
'≏': body: '≏', prefix: 'u-bumpeq'
'≐': body: '≐', prefix: 'u-doteq'
'≑': body: '≑', prefix: 'u-Doteq'
'≒': body: '≒', prefix: 'u-fallingdotseq'
'≓': body: '≓', prefix: 'u-risingdotseq'
'≔': body: '≔', prefix: 'u-coloneq'
'≕': body: '≕', prefix: 'u-eqcolon'
'≖': body: '≖', prefix: 'u-eqcirc'
'≗': body: '≗', prefix: 'u-circeq'
'≘': body: '≘', prefix: 'u-arceq'
'≙': body: '≙', prefix: 'u-wedgeq'
'≚': body: '≚', prefix: 'u-veeeq'
'≛': body: '≛', prefix: 'u-stareq'
'≜': body: '≜', prefix: 'u-triangleq'
'≝': body: '≝', prefix: 'u-eqdef'
'≞': body: '≞', prefix: 'u-measeq'
'≟': body: '≟', prefix: 'u-questeq'
'≠': body: '≠', prefix: 'u-ne'
'≡': body: '≡', prefix: 'u-equiv'
'≢': body: '≢', prefix: 'u-nequiv'
'≣': body: '≣', prefix: 'u-Equiv'
'≤': body: '≤', prefix: 'u-leq'
'≥': body: '≥', prefix: 'u-geq'
'≦': body: '≦', prefix: 'u-leqq'
'≧': body: '≧', prefix: 'u-geqq'
'≨': body: '≨', prefix: 'u-lneqq'
'≩': body: '≩', prefix: 'u-gneqq'
'≪': body: '≪', prefix: 'u-ll'
'≫': body: '≫', prefix: 'u-gg'
'≬': body: '≬', prefix: 'u-between'
'≭': body: '≭', prefix: 'u-nasymp'
'≮': body: '≮', prefix: 'u-nless'
'≯': body: '≯', prefix: 'u-ngtr'
'≰': body: '≰', prefix: 'u-nleq'
'≱': body: '≱', prefix: 'u-ngeq'
'≲': body: '≲', prefix: 'u-lesssim'
'≳': body: '≳', prefix: 'u-gtrsim'
'≴': body: '≴', prefix: 'u-nlesssim'
'≵': body: '≵', prefix: 'u-ngtrsim'
'≶': body: '≶', prefix: 'u-lessgtr'
'≷': body: '≷', prefix: 'u-gtrless'
'≸': body: '≸', prefix: 'u-nlessgtr'
'≹': body: '≹', prefix: 'u-ngtrless'
'≺': body: '≺', prefix: 'u-prec'
'≻': body: '≻', prefix: 'u-succ'
'≼': body: '≼', prefix: 'u-preccurlyeq'
'≽': body: '≽', prefix: 'u-succcurlyeq'
'≾': body: '≾', prefix: 'u-precsim'
'≿': body: '≿', prefix: 'u-succsim'
'⊀': body: '⊀', prefix: 'u-nprec'
'⊁': body: '⊁', prefix: 'u-nsucc'
'⊂': body: '⊂', prefix: 'u-subset'
'⊃': body: '⊃', prefix: 'u-supset'
'⊄': body: '⊄', prefix: 'u-nsubset'
'⊅': body: '⊅', prefix: 'u-nsupset'
'⊆': body: '⊆', prefix: 'u-subseteq'
'⊇': body: '⊇', prefix: 'u-supseteq'
'⊈': body: '⊈', prefix: 'u-nsubseteq'
'⊉': body: '⊉', prefix: 'u-nsupseteq'
'⊊': body: '⊊', prefix: 'u-subsetneq'
'⊋': body: '⊋', prefix: 'u-supsetneq'
'⊌': body: '⊌', prefix: 'u-cupleftarrow'
'⊍': body: '⊍', prefix: 'u-cupdot'
'⊎': body: '⊎', prefix: 'u-uplus'
'⊏': body: '⊏', prefix: 'u-sqsubset'
'⊐': body: '⊐', prefix: 'u-sqsupset'
'⊑': body: '⊑', prefix: 'u-sqsubseteq'
'⊒': body: '⊒', prefix: 'u-sqsupseteq'
'⊓': body: '⊓', prefix: 'u-sqcap'
'⊔': body: '⊔', prefix: 'u-sqcup'
'⊕': body: '⊕', prefix: 'u-oplus'
'⊖': body: '⊖', prefix: 'u-ominus'
'⊗': body: '⊗', prefix: 'u-otimes'
'⊘': body: '⊘', prefix: 'u-oslash'
'⊙': body: '⊙', prefix: 'u-odot'
'⊚': body: '⊚', prefix: 'u-circledcirc'
'⊛': body: '⊛', prefix: 'u-circledast'
'⊜': body: '⊜', prefix: 'u-circledequal'
'⊝': body: '⊝', prefix: 'u-circleddash'
'⊞': body: '⊞', prefix: 'u-boxplus'
'⊟': body: '⊟', prefix: 'u-boxminus'
'⊠': body: '⊠', prefix: 'u-boxtimes'
'⊡': body: '⊡', prefix: 'u-boxdot'
'⊢': body: '⊢', prefix: 'u-vdash'
'⊣': body: '⊣', prefix: 'u-dashv'
'⊤': body: '⊤', prefix: 'u-top'
'⊥': body: '⊥', prefix: 'u-bot'
'⊦': body: '⊦', prefix: 'u-assert'
'⊧': body: '⊧', prefix: 'u-models'
'⊨': body: '⊨', prefix: 'u-vDash'
'⊩': body: '⊩', prefix: 'u-Vdash'
'⊪': body: '⊪', prefix: 'u-Vvdash'
'⊫': body: '⊫', prefix: 'u-VDash'
'⊬': body: '⊬', prefix: 'u-nvdash'
'⊭': body: '⊭', prefix: 'u-nvDash'
'⊮': body: '⊮', prefix: 'u-nVdash'
'⊯': body: '⊯', prefix: 'u-nVDash'
'⊰': body: '⊰', prefix: 'u-prurel'
'⊱': body: '⊱', prefix: 'u-scurel'
'⊲': body: '⊲', prefix: 'u-vartriangleleft'
'⊳': body: '⊳', prefix: 'u-vartriangleright'
'⊴': body: '⊴', prefix: 'u-trianglelefteq'
'⊵': body: '⊵', prefix: 'u-trianglerighteq'
'⊶': body: '⊶', prefix: 'u-origof'
'⊷': body: '⊷', prefix: 'u-imageof'
'⊸': body: '⊸', prefix: 'u-multimap'
'⊹': body: '⊹', prefix: 'u-hermitmatrix'
'⊺': body: '⊺', prefix: 'u-intercal'
'⊻': body: '⊻', prefix: 'u-veebar'
'⊼': body: '⊼', prefix: 'u-barwedge'
'⊽': body: '⊽', prefix: 'u-barvee'
'⊾': body: '⊾', prefix: 'u-measuredrightangle'
'⊿': body: '⊿', prefix: 'u-varlrtriangle'
'⋀': body: '⋀', prefix: 'u-bigwedge'
'⋁': body: '⋁', prefix: 'u-bigvee'
'⋂': body: '⋂', prefix: 'u-bigcap'
'⋃': body: '⋃', prefix: 'u-bigcup'
'⋄': body: '⋄', prefix: 'u-smwhtdiamond'
'⋅': body: '⋅', prefix: 'u-cdot'
'⋆': body: '⋆', prefix: 'u-star'
'⋇': body: '⋇', prefix: 'u-divideontimes'
'⋈': body: '⋈', prefix: 'u-bowtie'
'⋉': body: '⋉', prefix: 'u-ltimes'
'⋊': body: '⋊', prefix: 'u-rtimes'
'⋋': body: '⋋', prefix: 'u-leftthreetimes'
'⋌': body: '⋌', prefix: 'u-rightthreetimes'
'⋍': body: '⋍', prefix: 'u-backsimeq'
'⋎': body: '⋎', prefix: 'u-curlyvee'
'⋏': body: '⋏', prefix: 'u-curlywedge'
'⋐': body: '⋐', prefix: 'u-Subset'
'⋑': body: '⋑', prefix: 'u-Supset'
'⋒': body: '⋒', prefix: 'u-Cap'
'⋓': body: '⋓', prefix: 'u-Cup'
'⋔': body: '⋔', prefix: 'u-pitchfork'
'⋕': body: '⋕', prefix: 'u-equalparallel'
'⋖': body: '⋖', prefix: 'u-lessdot'
'⋗': body: '⋗', prefix: 'u-gtrdot'
'⋘': body: '⋘', prefix: 'u-lll'
'⋙': body: '⋙', prefix: 'u-ggg'
'⋚': body: '⋚', prefix: 'u-lesseqgtr'
'⋛': body: '⋛', prefix: 'u-gtreqless'
'⋜': body: '⋜', prefix: 'u-eqless'
'⋝': body: '⋝', prefix: 'u-eqgtr'
'⋞': body: '⋞', prefix: 'u-curlyeqprec'
'⋟': body: '⋟', prefix: 'u-curlyeqsucc'
'⋠': body: '⋠', prefix: 'u-npreccurlyeq'
'⋡': body: '⋡', prefix: 'u-nsucccurlyeq'
'⋢': body: '⋢', prefix: 'u-nsqsubseteq'
'⋣': body: '⋣', prefix: 'u-nsqsupseteq'
'⋤': body: '⋤', prefix: 'u-sqsubsetneq'
'⋥': body: '⋥', prefix: 'u-sqsupsetneq'
'⋦': body: '⋦', prefix: 'u-lnsim'
'⋧': body: '⋧', prefix: 'u-gnsim'
'⋨': body: '⋨', prefix: 'u-precnsim'
'⋩': body: '⋩', prefix: 'u-succnsim'
'⋪': body: '⋪', prefix: 'u-nvartriangleleft'
'⋫': body: '⋫', prefix: 'u-nvartriangleright'
'⋬': body: '⋬', prefix: 'u-ntrianglelefteq'
'⋭': body: '⋭', prefix: 'u-ntrianglerighteq'
'⋮': body: '⋮', prefix: 'u-vdots'
'⋯': body: '⋯', prefix: 'u-unicodecdots'
'⋰': body: '⋰', prefix: 'u-adots'
'⋱': body: '⋱', prefix: 'u-ddots'
'⋲': body: '⋲', prefix: 'u-disin'
'⋳': body: '⋳', prefix: 'u-varisins'
'⋴': body: '⋴', prefix: 'u-isins'
'⋵': body: '⋵', prefix: 'u-isindot'
'⋶': body: '⋶', prefix: 'u-varisinobar'
'⋷': body: '⋷', prefix: 'u-isinobar'
'⋸': body: '⋸', prefix: 'u-isinvb'
'⋹': body: '⋹', prefix: 'u-isinE'
'⋺': body: '⋺', prefix: 'u-nisd'
'⋻': body: '⋻', prefix: 'u-varnis'
'⋼': body: '⋼', prefix: 'u-nis'
'⋽': body: '⋽', prefix: 'u-varniobar'
'⋾': body: '⋾', prefix: 'u-niobar'
'⋿': body: '⋿', prefix: 'u-bagmember'
'⌀': body: '⌀', prefix: 'u-diameter'
'⌂': body: '⌂', prefix: 'u-house'
'⌅': body: '⌅', prefix: 'u-varbarwedge'
'⌆': body: '⌆', prefix: 'u-vardoublebarwedge'
'⌈': body: '⌈', prefix: 'u-lceil'
'⌉': body: '⌉', prefix: 'u-rceil'
'⌊': body: '⌊', prefix: 'u-lfloor'
'⌋': body: '⌋', prefix: 'u-rfloor'
'⌐': body: '⌐', prefix: 'u-invnot'
'⌑': body: '⌑', prefix: 'u-sqlozenge'
'⌒': body: '⌒', prefix: 'u-profline'
'⌓': body: '⌓', prefix: 'u-profsurf'
'⌗': body: '⌗', prefix: 'u-viewdata'
'⌙': body: '⌙', prefix: 'u-turnednot'
'⌜': body: '⌜', prefix: 'u-ulcorner'
'⌝': body: '⌝', prefix: 'u-urcorner'
'⌞': body: '⌞', prefix: 'u-llcorner'
'⌟': body: '⌟', prefix: 'u-lrcorner'
'⌠': body: '⌠', prefix: 'u-inttop'
'⌡': body: '⌡', prefix: 'u-intbottom'
'⌢': body: '⌢', prefix: 'u-frown'
'⌣': body: '⌣', prefix: 'u-smile'
'⌬': body: '⌬', prefix: 'u-varhexagonlrbonds'
'⌲': body: '⌲', prefix: 'u-conictaper'
'⌶': body: '⌶', prefix: 'u-topbot'
'⌽': body: '⌽', prefix: 'u-obar'
'⌿': body: '⌿', prefix: 'u-APLnotslash'
'⍀': body: '⍀', prefix: 'u-APLnotbackslash'
'⍓': body: '⍓', prefix: 'u-APLboxupcaret'
'⍰': body: '⍰', prefix: 'u-APLboxquestion'
'⍼': body: '⍼', prefix: 'u-rangledownzigzagarrow'
'⎔': body: '⎔', prefix: 'u-hexagon'
'⎛': body: '⎛', prefix: 'u-lparenuend'
'⎜': body: '⎜', prefix: 'u-lparenextender'
'⎝': body: '⎝', prefix: 'u-lparenlend'
'⎞': body: '⎞', prefix: 'u-rparenuend'
'⎟': body: '⎟', prefix: 'u-rparenextender'
'⎠': body: '⎠', prefix: 'u-rparenlend'
'⎡': body: '⎡', prefix: 'u-lbrackuend'
'⎢': body: '⎢', prefix: 'u-lbrackextender'
'⎣': body: '⎣', prefix: 'u-lbracklend'
'⎤': body: '⎤', prefix: 'u-rbrackuend'
'⎥': body: '⎥', prefix: 'u-rbrackextender'
'⎦': body: '⎦', prefix: 'u-rbracklend'
'⎧': body: '⎧', prefix: 'u-lbraceuend'
'⎨': body: '⎨', prefix: 'u-lbracemid'
'⎩': body: '⎩', prefix: 'u-lbracelend'
'⎪': body: '⎪', prefix: 'u-vbraceextender'
'⎫': body: '⎫', prefix: 'u-rbraceuend'
'⎬': body: '⎬', prefix: 'u-rbracemid'
'⎭': body: '⎭', prefix: 'u-rbracelend'
'⎮': body: '⎮', prefix: 'u-intextender'
'⎯': body: '⎯', prefix: 'u-harrowextender'
'⎰': body: '⎰', prefix: 'u-lmoustache'
'⎱': body: '⎱', prefix: 'u-rmoustache'
'⎲': body: '⎲', prefix: 'u-sumtop'
'⎳': body: '⎳', prefix: 'u-sumbottom'
'⎴': body: '⎴', prefix: 'u-overbracket'
'⎵': body: '⎵', prefix: 'u-underbracket'
'⎶': body: '⎶', prefix: 'u-bbrktbrk'
'⎷': body: '⎷', prefix: 'u-sqrtbottom'
'⎸': body: '⎸', prefix: 'u-lvboxline'
'⎹': body: '⎹', prefix: 'u-rvboxline'
'⏎': body: '⏎', prefix: 'u-varcarriagereturn'
'⏜': body: '⏜', prefix: 'u-overparen'
'⏝': body: '⏝', prefix: 'u-underparen'
'⏞': body: '⏞', prefix: 'u-overbrace'
'⏟': body: '⏟', prefix: 'u-underbrace'
'⏠': body: '⏠', prefix: 'u-obrbrak'
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'⏣': body: '⏣', prefix: 'u-benzenr'
'⏤': body: '⏤', prefix: 'u-strns'
'⏥': body: '⏥', prefix: 'u-fltns'
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'▹': body: '▹', prefix: 'u-smalltriangleright'
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'▽': body: '▽', prefix: 'u-bigtriangledown'
'▾': body: '▾', prefix: 'u-blacktriangledown'
'▿': body: '▿', prefix: 'u-triangledown'
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'◉': body: '◉', prefix: 'u-fisheye'
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'◓': body: '◓', prefix: 'u-circletophalfblack'
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'◜': body: '◜', prefix: 'u-ularc'
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'◡': body: '◡', prefix: 'u-botsemicircle'
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'◭': body: '◭', prefix: 'u-triangleleftblack'
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'◱': body: '◱', prefix: 'u-squarellquad'
'◲': body: '◲', prefix: 'u-squarelrquad'
'◳': body: '◳', prefix: 'u-squareurquad'
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'◵': body: '◵', prefix: 'u-circlellquad'
'◶': body: '◶', prefix: 'u-circlelrquad'
'◷': body: '◷', prefix: 'u-circleurquad'
'◸': body: '◸', prefix: 'u-ultriangle'
'◹': body: '◹', prefix: 'u-urtriangle'
'◺': body: '◺', prefix: 'u-lltriangle'
'◻': body: '◻', prefix: 'u-mdwhtsquare'
'◼': body: '◼', prefix: 'u-mdblksquare'
'◽': body: '◽', prefix: 'u-mdsmwhtsquare'
'◾': body: '◾', prefix: 'u-mdsmblksquare'
'◿': body: '◿', prefix: 'u-lrtriangle'
'★': body: '★', prefix: 'u-bigstar'
'☆': body: '☆', prefix: 'u-bigwhitestar'
'☉': body: '☉', prefix: 'u-astrosun'
'☡': body: '☡', prefix: 'u-danger'
'☻': body: '☻', prefix: 'u-blacksmiley'
'☼': body: '☼', prefix: 'u-sun'
'☽': body: '☽', prefix: 'u-rightmoon'
'☾': body: '☾', prefix: 'u-leftmoon'
'♀': body: '♀', prefix: 'u-female'
'♂': body: '♂', prefix: 'u-male'
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'♡': body: '♡', prefix: 'u-heartsuit'
'♢': body: '♢', prefix: 'u-diamondsuit'
'♣': body: '♣', prefix: 'u-clubsuit'
'♤': body: '♤', prefix: 'u-varspadesuit'
'♥': body: '♥', prefix: 'u-varheartsuit'
'♦': body: '♦', prefix: 'u-vardiamondsuit'
'♧': body: '♧', prefix: 'u-varclubsuit'
'♩': body: '♩', prefix: 'u-quarternote'
'♪': body: '♪', prefix: 'u-eighthnote'
'♫': body: '♫', prefix: 'u-twonotes'
'♭': body: '♭', prefix: 'u-flat'
'♮': body: '♮', prefix: 'u-natural'
'♯': body: '♯', prefix: 'u-sharp'
'♾': body: '♾', prefix: 'u-acidfree'
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'⚄': body: '⚄', prefix: 'u-dicev'
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'⚉': body: '⚉', prefix: 'u-blackcircledtwodots'
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'⚪': body: '⚪', prefix: 'u-mdwhtcircle'
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'⚬': body: '⚬', prefix: 'u-mdsmwhtcircle'
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'⨜': body: '⨜', prefix: 'u-lowint'
'⨝': body: '⨝', prefix: 'u-Join'
'⨞': body: '⨞', prefix: 'u-bigtriangleleft'
'⨟': body: '⨟', prefix: 'u-zcmp'
'⨠': body: '⨠', prefix: 'u-zpipe'
'⨡': body: '⨡', prefix: 'u-zproject'
'⨢': body: '⨢', prefix: 'u-ringplus'
'⨣': body: '⨣', prefix: 'u-plushat'
'⨤': body: '⨤', prefix: 'u-simplus'
'⨥': body: '⨥', prefix: 'u-plusdot'
'⨦': body: '⨦', prefix: 'u-plussim'
'⨧': body: '⨧', prefix: 'u-plussubtwo'
'⨨': body: '⨨', prefix: 'u-plustrif'
'⨩': body: '⨩', prefix: 'u-commaminus'
'⨪': body: '⨪', prefix: 'u-minusdot'
'⨫': body: '⨫', prefix: 'u-minusfdots'
'⨬': body: '⨬', prefix: 'u-minusrdots'
'⨭': body: '⨭', prefix: 'u-opluslhrim'
'⨮': body: '⨮', prefix: 'u-oplusrhrim'
'⨯': body: '⨯', prefix: 'u-vectimes'
'⨰': body: '⨰', prefix: 'u-dottimes'
'⨱': body: '⨱', prefix: 'u-timesbar'
'⨲': body: '⨲', prefix: 'u-btimes'
'⨳': body: '⨳', prefix: 'u-smashtimes'
'⨴': body: '⨴', prefix: 'u-otimeslhrim'
'⨵': body: '⨵', prefix: 'u-otimesrhrim'
'⨶': body: '⨶', prefix: 'u-otimeshat'
'⨷': body: '⨷', prefix: 'u-Otimes'
'⨸': body: '⨸', prefix: 'u-odiv'
'⨹': body: '⨹', prefix: 'u-triangleplus'
'⨺': body: '⨺', prefix: 'u-triangleminus'
'⨻': body: '⨻', prefix: 'u-triangletimes'
'⨼': body: '⨼', prefix: 'u-intprod'
'⨽': body: '⨽', prefix: 'u-intprodr'
'⨾': body: '⨾', prefix: 'u-fcmp'
'⨿': body: '⨿', prefix: 'u-amalg'
'⩀': body: '⩀', prefix: 'u-capdot'
'⩁': body: '⩁', prefix: 'u-uminus'
'⩂': body: '⩂', prefix: 'u-barcup'
'⩃': body: '⩃', prefix: 'u-barcap'
'⩄': body: '⩄', prefix: 'u-capwedge'
'⩅': body: '⩅', prefix: 'u-cupvee'
'⩆': body: '⩆', prefix: 'u-cupovercap'
'⩇': body: '⩇', prefix: 'u-capovercup'
'⩈': body: '⩈', prefix: 'u-cupbarcap'
'⩉': body: '⩉', prefix: 'u-capbarcup'
'⩊': body: '⩊', prefix: 'u-twocups'
'⩋': body: '⩋', prefix: 'u-twocaps'
'⩌': body: '⩌', prefix: 'u-closedvarcup'
'⩍': body: '⩍', prefix: 'u-closedvarcap'
'⩎': body: '⩎', prefix: 'u-Sqcap'
'⩏': body: '⩏', prefix: 'u-Sqcup'
'⩐': body: '⩐', prefix: 'u-closedvarcupsmashprod'
'⩑': body: '⩑', prefix: 'u-wedgeodot'
'⩒': body: '⩒', prefix: 'u-veeodot'
'⩓': body: '⩓', prefix: 'u-Wedge'
'⩔': body: '⩔', prefix: 'u-Vee'
'⩕': body: '⩕', prefix: 'u-wedgeonwedge'
'⩖': body: '⩖', prefix: 'u-veeonvee'
'⩗': body: '⩗', prefix: 'u-bigslopedvee'
'⩘': body: '⩘', prefix: 'u-bigslopedwedge'
'⩙': body: '⩙', prefix: 'u-veeonwedge'
'⩚': body: '⩚', prefix: 'u-wedgemidvert'
'⩛': body: '⩛', prefix: 'u-veemidvert'
'⩜': body: '⩜', prefix: 'u-midbarwedge'
'⩝': body: '⩝', prefix: 'u-midbarvee'
'⩞': body: '⩞', prefix: 'u-doublebarwedge'
'⩟': body: '⩟', prefix: 'u-wedgebar'
'⩠': body: '⩠', prefix: 'u-wedgedoublebar'
'⩡': body: '⩡', prefix: 'u-varveebar'
'⩢': body: '⩢', prefix: 'u-doublebarvee'
'⩣': body: '⩣', prefix: 'u-veedoublebar'
'⩤': body: '⩤', prefix: 'u-dsub'
'⩥': body: '⩥', prefix: 'u-rsub'
'⩦': body: '⩦', prefix: 'u-eqdot'
'⩧': body: '⩧', prefix: 'u-dotequiv'
'⩨': body: '⩨', prefix: 'u-equivVert'
'⩩': body: '⩩', prefix: 'u-equivVvert'
'⩪': body: '⩪', prefix: 'u-dotsim'
'⩫': body: '⩫', prefix: 'u-simrdots'
'⩬': body: '⩬', prefix: 'u-simminussim'
'⩭': body: '⩭', prefix: 'u-congdot'
'⩮': body: '⩮', prefix: 'u-asteq'
'⩯': body: '⩯', prefix: 'u-hatapprox'
'⩰': body: '⩰', prefix: 'u-approxeqq'
'⩱': body: '⩱', prefix: 'u-eqqplus'
'⩲': body: '⩲', prefix: 'u-pluseqq'
'⩳': body: '⩳', prefix: 'u-eqqsim'
'⩴': body: '⩴', prefix: 'u-Coloneq'
'⩵': body: '⩵', prefix: 'u-eqeq'
'⩶': body: '⩶', prefix: 'u-eqeqeq'
'⩷': body: '⩷', prefix: 'u-ddotseq'
'⩸': body: '⩸', prefix: 'u-equivDD'
'⩹': body: '⩹', prefix: 'u-ltcir'
'⩺': body: '⩺', prefix: 'u-gtcir'
'⩻': body: '⩻', prefix: 'u-ltquest'
'⩼': body: '⩼', prefix: 'u-gtquest'
'⩽': body: '⩽', prefix: 'u-leqslant'
'⩾': body: '⩾', prefix: 'u-geqslant'
'⩿': body: '⩿', prefix: 'u-lesdot'
'⪀': body: '⪀', prefix: 'u-gesdot'
'⪁': body: '⪁', prefix: 'u-lesdoto'
'⪂': body: '⪂', prefix: 'u-gesdoto'
'⪃': body: '⪃', prefix: 'u-lesdotor'
'⪄': body: '⪄', prefix: 'u-gesdotol'
'⪅': body: '⪅', prefix: 'u-lessapprox'
'⪆': body: '⪆', prefix: 'u-gtrapprox'
'⪇': body: '⪇', prefix: 'u-lneq'
'⪈': body: '⪈', prefix: 'u-gneq'
'⪉': body: '⪉', prefix: 'u-lnapprox'
'⪊': body: '⪊', prefix: 'u-gnapprox'
'⪋': body: '⪋', prefix: 'u-lesseqqgtr'
'⪌': body: '⪌', prefix: 'u-gtreqqless'
'⪍': body: '⪍', prefix: 'u-lsime'
'⪎': body: '⪎', prefix: 'u-gsime'
'⪏': body: '⪏', prefix: 'u-lsimg'
'⪐': body: '⪐', prefix: 'u-gsiml'
'⪑': body: '⪑', prefix: 'u-lgE'
'⪒': body: '⪒', prefix: 'u-glE'
'⪓': body: '⪓', prefix: 'u-lesges'
'⪔': body: '⪔', prefix: 'u-gesles'
'⪕': body: '⪕', prefix: 'u-eqslantless'
'⪖': body: '⪖', prefix: 'u-eqslantgtr'
'⪗': body: '⪗', prefix: 'u-elsdot'
'⪘': body: '⪘', prefix: 'u-egsdot'
'⪙': body: '⪙', prefix: 'u-eqqless'
'⪚': body: '⪚', prefix: 'u-eqqgtr'
'⪛': body: '⪛', prefix: 'u-eqqslantless'
'⪜': body: '⪜', prefix: 'u-eqqslantgtr'
'⪝': body: '⪝', prefix: 'u-simless'
'⪞': body: '⪞', prefix: 'u-simgtr'
'⪟': body: '⪟', prefix: 'u-simlE'
'⪠': body: '⪠', prefix: 'u-simgE'
'⪡': body: '⪡', prefix: 'u-Lt'
'⪢': body: '⪢', prefix: 'u-Gt'
'⪣': body: '⪣', prefix: 'u-partialmeetcontraction'
'⪤': body: '⪤', prefix: 'u-glj'
'⪥': body: '⪥', prefix: 'u-gla'
'⪦': body: '⪦', prefix: 'u-ltcc'
'⪧': body: '⪧', prefix: 'u-gtcc'
'⪨': body: '⪨', prefix: 'u-lescc'
'⪩': body: '⪩', prefix: 'u-gescc'
'⪪': body: '⪪', prefix: 'u-smt'
'⪫': body: '⪫', prefix: 'u-lat'
'⪬': body: '⪬', prefix: 'u-smte'
'⪭': body: '⪭', prefix: 'u-late'
'⪮': body: '⪮', prefix: 'u-bumpeqq'
'⪯': body: '⪯', prefix: 'u-preceq'
'⪰': body: '⪰', prefix: 'u-succeq'
'⪱': body: '⪱', prefix: 'u-precneq'
'⪲': body: '⪲', prefix: 'u-succneq'
'⪳': body: '⪳', prefix: 'u-preceqq'
'⪴': body: '⪴', prefix: 'u-succeqq'
'⪵': body: '⪵', prefix: 'u-precneqq'
'⪶': body: '⪶', prefix: 'u-succneqq'
'⪷': body: '⪷', prefix: 'u-precapprox'
'⪸': body: '⪸', prefix: 'u-succapprox'
'⪹': body: '⪹', prefix: 'u-precnapprox'
'⪺': body: '⪺', prefix: 'u-succnapprox'
'⪻': body: '⪻', prefix: 'u-Prec'
'⪼': body: '⪼', prefix: 'u-Succ'
'⪽': body: '⪽', prefix: 'u-subsetdot'
'⪾': body: '⪾', prefix: 'u-supsetdot'
'⪿': body: '⪿', prefix: 'u-subsetplus'
'⫀': body: '⫀', prefix: 'u-supsetplus'
'⫁': body: '⫁', prefix: 'u-submult'
'⫂': body: '⫂', prefix: 'u-supmult'
'⫃': body: '⫃', prefix: 'u-subedot'
'⫄': body: '⫄', prefix: 'u-supedot'
'⫅': body: '⫅', prefix: 'u-subseteqq'
'⫆': body: '⫆', prefix: 'u-supseteqq'
'⫇': body: '⫇', prefix: 'u-subsim'
'⫈': body: '⫈', prefix: 'u-supsim'
'⫉': body: '⫉', prefix: 'u-subsetapprox'
'⫊': body: '⫊', prefix: 'u-supsetapprox'
'⫋': body: '⫋', prefix: 'u-subsetneqq'
'⫌': body: '⫌', prefix: 'u-supsetneqq'
'⫍': body: '⫍', prefix: 'u-lsqhook'
'⫎': body: '⫎', prefix: 'u-rsqhook'
'⫏': body: '⫏', prefix: 'u-csub'
'⫐': body: '⫐', prefix: 'u-csup'
'⫑': body: '⫑', prefix: 'u-csube'
'⫒': body: '⫒', prefix: 'u-csupe'
'⫓': body: '⫓', prefix: 'u-subsup'
'⫔': body: '⫔', prefix: 'u-supsub'
'⫕': body: '⫕', prefix: 'u-subsub'
'⫖': body: '⫖', prefix: 'u-supsup'
'⫗': body: '⫗', prefix: 'u-suphsub'
'⫘': body: '⫘', prefix: 'u-supdsub'
'⫙': body: '⫙', prefix: 'u-forkv'
'⫚': body: '⫚', prefix: 'u-topfork'
'⫛': body: '⫛', prefix: 'u-mlcp'
'⫝̸': body: '⫝̸', prefix: 'u-forks'
'⫝': body: '⫝', prefix: 'u-forksnot'
'⫞': body: '⫞', prefix: 'u-shortlefttack'
'⫟': body: '⫟', prefix: 'u-shortdowntack'
'⫠': body: '⫠', prefix: 'u-shortuptack'
'⫡': body: '⫡', prefix: 'u-perps'
'⫢': body: '⫢', prefix: 'u-vDdash'
'⫣': body: '⫣', prefix: 'u-dashV'
'⫤': body: '⫤', prefix: 'u-Dashv'
'⫥': body: '⫥', prefix: 'u-DashV'
'⫦': body: '⫦', prefix: 'u-varVdash'
'⫧': body: '⫧', prefix: 'u-Barv'
'⫨': body: '⫨', prefix: 'u-vBar'
'⫩': body: '⫩', prefix: 'u-vBarv'
'⫪': body: '⫪', prefix: 'u-barV'
'⫫': body: '⫫', prefix: 'u-Vbar'
'⫬': body: '⫬', prefix: 'u-Not'
'⫭': body: '⫭', prefix: 'u-bNot'
'⫮': body: '⫮', prefix: 'u-revnmid'
'⫯': body: '⫯', prefix: 'u-cirmid'
'⫰': body: '⫰', prefix: 'u-midcir'
'⫱': body: '⫱', prefix: 'u-topcir'
'⫲': body: '⫲', prefix: 'u-nhpar'
'⫳': body: '⫳', prefix: 'u-parsim'
'⫴': body: '⫴', prefix: 'u-interleave'
'⫵': body: '⫵', prefix: 'u-nhVvert'
'⫶': body: '⫶', prefix: 'u-threedotcolon'
'⫷': body: '⫷', prefix: 'u-lllnest'
'⫸': body: '⫸', prefix: 'u-gggnest'
'⫹': body: '⫹', prefix: 'u-leqqslant'
'⫺': body: '⫺', prefix: 'u-geqqslant'
'⫻': body: '⫻', prefix: 'u-trslash'
'⫼': body: '⫼', prefix: 'u-biginterleave'
'⫽': body: '⫽', prefix: 'u-sslash'
'⫾': body: '⫾', prefix: 'u-talloblong'
'⫿': body: '⫿', prefix: 'u-bigtalloblong'
'⬒': body: '⬒', prefix: 'u-squaretopblack'
'⬓': body: '⬓', prefix: 'u-squarebotblack'
'⬔': body: '⬔', prefix: 'u-squareurblack'
'⬕': body: '⬕', prefix: 'u-squarellblack'
'⬖': body: '⬖', prefix: 'u-diamondleftblack'
'⬗': body: '⬗', prefix: 'u-diamondrightblack'
'⬘': body: '⬘', prefix: 'u-diamondtopblack'
'⬙': body: '⬙', prefix: 'u-diamondbotblack'
'⬚': body: '⬚', prefix: 'u-dottedsquare'
'⬛': body: '⬛', prefix: 'u-lgblksquare'
'⬜': body: '⬜', prefix: 'u-lgwhtsquare'
'⬝': body: '⬝', prefix: 'u-vysmblksquare'
'⬞': body: '⬞', prefix: 'u-vysmwhtsquare'
'⬟': body: '⬟', prefix: 'u-pentagonblack'
'⬠': body: '⬠', prefix: 'u-pentagon'
'⬡': body: '⬡', prefix: 'u-varhexagon'
'⬢': body: '⬢', prefix: 'u-varhexagonblack'
'⬣': body: '⬣', prefix: 'u-hexagonblack'
'⬤': body: '⬤', prefix: 'u-lgblkcircle'
'⬥': body: '⬥', prefix: 'u-mdblkdiamond'
'⬦': body: '⬦', prefix: 'u-mdwhtdiamond'
'⬧': body: '⬧', prefix: 'u-mdblklozenge'
'⬨': body: '⬨', prefix: 'u-mdwhtlozenge'
'⬩': body: '⬩', prefix: 'u-smblkdiamond'
'⬪': body: '⬪', prefix: 'u-smblklozenge'
'⬫': body: '⬫', prefix: 'u-smwhtlozenge'
'⬬': body: '⬬', prefix: 'u-blkhorzoval'
'⬭': body: '⬭', prefix: 'u-whthorzoval'
'⬮': body: '⬮', prefix: 'u-blkvertoval'
'⬯': body: '⬯', prefix: 'u-whtvertoval'
'⬰': body: '⬰', prefix: 'u-circleonleftarrow'
'⬱': body: '⬱', prefix: 'u-leftthreearrows'
'⬲': body: '⬲', prefix: 'u-leftarrowonoplus'
'⬳': body: '⬳', prefix: 'u-longleftsquigarrow'
'⬴': body: '⬴', prefix: 'u-nvtwoheadleftarrow'
'⬵': body: '⬵', prefix: 'u-nVtwoheadleftarrow'
'⬶': body: '⬶', prefix: 'u-twoheadmapsfrom'
'⬷': body: '⬷', prefix: 'u-twoheadleftdbkarrow'
'⬸': body: '⬸', prefix: 'u-leftdotarrow'
'⬹': body: '⬹', prefix: 'u-nvleftarrowtail'
'⬺': body: '⬺', prefix: 'u-nVleftarrowtail'
'⬻': body: '⬻', prefix: 'u-twoheadleftarrowtail'
'⬼': body: '⬼', prefix: 'u-nvtwoheadleftarrowtail'
'⬽': body: '⬽', prefix: 'u-nVtwoheadleftarrowtail'
'⬾': body: '⬾', prefix: 'u-leftarrowx'
'⬿': body: '⬿', prefix: 'u-leftcurvedarrow'
'⭀': body: '⭀', prefix: 'u-equalleftarrow'
'⭁': body: '⭁', prefix: 'u-bsimilarleftarrow'
'⭂': body: '⭂', prefix: 'u-leftarrowbackapprox'
'⭃': body: '⭃', prefix: 'u-rightarrowgtr'
'⭄': body: '⭄', prefix: 'u-rightarrowsupset'
'⭅': body: '⭅', prefix: 'u-LLeftarrow'
'⭆': body: '⭆', prefix: 'u-RRightarrow'
'⭇': body: '⭇', prefix: 'u-bsimilarrightarrow'
'⭈': body: '⭈', prefix: 'u-rightarrowbackapprox'
'⭉': body: '⭉', prefix: 'u-similarleftarrow'
'⭊': body: '⭊', prefix: 'u-leftarrowapprox'
'⭋': body: '⭋', prefix: 'u-leftarrowbsimilar'
'⭌': body: '⭌', prefix: 'u-rightarrowbsimilar'
'⭐': body: '⭐', prefix: 'u-medwhitestar'
'⭑': body: '⭑', prefix: 'u-medblackstar'
'⭒': body: '⭒', prefix: 'u-smwhitestar'
'⭓': body: '⭓', prefix: 'u-rightpentagonblack'
'⭔': body: '⭔', prefix: 'u-rightpentagon'
'〒': body: '〒', prefix: 'u-postalmark'
'〔': body: '〔', prefix: 'u-lbrbrak'
'〕': body: '〕', prefix: 'u-rbrbrak'
'〘': body: '〘', prefix: 'u-Lbrbrak'
'〙': body: '〙', prefix: 'u-Rbrbrak'
'〰': body: '〰', prefix: 'u-hzigzag'
'Α': body: 'Α', prefix: 'u-Alpha'
'Β': body: 'Β', prefix: 'u-Beta'
'Γ': body: 'Γ', prefix: 'u-Gamma'
'Δ': body: 'Δ', prefix: 'u-Delta'
'Ε': body: 'Ε', prefix: 'u-Epsilon'
'Ζ': body: 'Ζ', prefix: 'u-Zeta'
'Η': body: 'Η', prefix: 'u-Eta'
'Θ': body: 'Θ', prefix: 'u-Theta'
'Ι': body: 'Ι', prefix: 'u-Iota'
'Κ': body: 'Κ', prefix: 'u-Kappa'
'Λ': body: 'Λ', prefix: 'u-Lambda'
'Μ': body: 'Μ', prefix: 'u-Mu'
'Ν': body: 'Ν', prefix: 'u-Nu'
'Ξ': body: 'Ξ', prefix: 'u-Xi'
'Ο': body: 'Ο', prefix: 'u-Omicron'
'Π': body: 'Π', prefix: 'u-Pi'
'Ρ': body: 'Ρ', prefix: 'u-Rho'
'Σ': body: 'Σ', prefix: 'u-Sigma'
'Τ': body: 'Τ', prefix: 'u-Tau'
'Υ': body: 'Υ', prefix: 'u-Upsilon'
'Φ': body: 'Φ', prefix: 'u-Phi'
'Χ': body: 'Χ', prefix: 'u-Chi'
'Ψ': body: 'Ψ', prefix: 'u-Psi'
'Ω': body: 'Ω', prefix: 'u-Omega'
'α': body: 'α', prefix: 'u-alpha'
'β': body: 'β', prefix: 'u-beta'
'γ': body: 'γ', prefix: 'u-gamma'
'δ': body: 'δ', prefix: 'u-delta'
'ε': body: 'ε', prefix: 'u-epsilon'
'ζ': body: 'ζ', prefix: 'u-zeta'
'η': body: 'η', prefix: 'u-eta'
'θ': body: 'θ', prefix: 'u-theta'
'ι': body: 'ι', prefix: 'u-iota'
'κ': body: 'κ', prefix: 'u-kappa'
'λ': body: 'λ', prefix: 'u-lambda'
'μ': body: 'μ', prefix: 'u-mu'
'ν': body: 'ν', prefix: 'u-nu'
'ξ': body: 'ξ', prefix: 'u-xi'
'ο': body: 'ο', prefix: 'u-omicron'
'π': body: 'π', prefix: 'u-pi'
'ρ': body: 'ρ', prefix: 'u-rho'
'ς': body: 'ς', prefix: 'u-varsigma'
'σ': body: 'σ', prefix: 'u-sigma'
'τ': body: 'τ', prefix: 'u-tau'
'υ': body: 'υ', prefix: 'u-upsilon'
'φ': body: 'φ', prefix: 'u-varphi'
'χ': body: 'χ', prefix: 'u-chi'
'ψ': body: 'ψ', prefix: 'u-psi'
'ω': body: 'ω', prefix: 'u-omega'
'ϐ': body: 'ϐ', prefix: 'u-varbeta'
'ϑ': body: 'ϑ', prefix: 'u-vartheta'
'ϕ': body: 'ϕ', prefix: 'u-phi'
'ϖ': body: 'ϖ', prefix: 'u-varpi'
'Ϙ': body: 'Ϙ', prefix: 'u-oldKoppa'
'ϙ': body: 'ϙ', prefix: 'u-oldkoppa'
'Ϛ': body: 'Ϛ', prefix: 'u-Stigma'
'ϛ': body: 'ϛ', prefix: 'u-stigma'
'Ϝ': body: 'Ϝ', prefix: 'u-Digamma'
'ϝ': body: 'ϝ', prefix: 'u-digamma'
'Ϟ': body: 'Ϟ', prefix: 'u-Koppa'
'ϟ': body: 'ϟ', prefix: 'u-koppa'
'Ϡ': body: 'Ϡ', prefix: 'u-Sampi'
'ϡ': body: 'ϡ', prefix: 'u-sampi'
'ϰ': body: 'ϰ', prefix: 'u-varkappa'
'ϱ': body: 'ϱ', prefix: 'u-varrho'
'ϴ': body: 'ϴ', prefix: 'u-varTheta'
'ϵ': body: 'ϵ', prefix: 'u-varepsilon'
'϶': body: '϶', prefix: 'u-backepsilon'
'△': body: '△', prefix: 'u-diag'
'▽': body: '▽', prefix: 'u-codiag'
'→': body: '→', prefix: 'u-to'
'∘': body: '∘', prefix: 'u-o'
'⊗': body: '⊗', prefix: 'u-ox'
'⊕': body: '⊕', prefix: 'u-o+'
'∅': body: '∅', prefix: 'u-o/'
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