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Created February 10, 2021 02:43
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Simple mono FM radio demodulator in Python
Mono FM Demodulator
This script is meant to take in raw IQ samples from stdin and output audio samples via stdout.
An SDR utility like rtl_sdr (from librtlsdr) can be used to capture IQ samples and a media
player like mplayer can be used to play the audio.
Example usage:
rtl_sdr -s 240000 -f 102.1e6 -g 20 - | python3 | mplayer -cache 1024 -quiet -rawaudio samplesize=2:channels=1:rate=48000 -demuxer rawaudio -
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
IN_FS = 240000 # input sample rate in Hz
OUT_FS = 48000 # output sample rate in Hz
BLOCK_SIZE = 240000 # number of samples to process at once
LPF_FREQ = 16000 # cutoff frequency for low pass filter
LPF_NUM_TAPS = 150 # number of taps in low pass filter
DEEM_TAU = 75e-6 # time constant for deemphasis filter
# check that BLOCK_SIZE is divisible by 2
assert BLOCK_SIZE % 2 == 0
# check that IN_FS is a integer multiple of OUT_FS
assert IN_FS % OUT_FS == 0
last_phase = 0 # state for finite differencing of phase
lpf = sig.firwin(LPF_NUM_TAPS, LPF_FREQ, fs=IN_FS) # low pass filter coefficients
lpf_state = np.zeros(LPF_NUM_TAPS - 1) # low pass filter state
deem_dt = 1 / OUT_FS # delta-t deemphasis filter
deem_alpha = deem_dt / (DEEM_TAU + deem_dt)
deem_filt = ((deem_alpha,), (1, -(1 - deem_alpha))) # deemphasis filter coefficients
deem_state = np.zeros(1) # deemphasis filter state
while True:
# read and create array of uint8s from stdin
u8 = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8)
# uint8 -> float64 where 0 -> -1, 255 -> 1
double = u8 / (((1 << 8) - 1) / 2) - 1
# (float64, float64) -> complex128
complex = np.reshape(double, (BLOCK_SIZE // 2, 2)).view(np.complex128)[:,0]
# apply atan2 to calculate phase
phase = np.angle(complex)
# use backward difference to take derivative of phase
dphase = np.empty_like(phase)
dphase[1:] = phase[1:] - phase[:-1]
# handle edge case of difference between blocks
dphase[0] = phase[0] - last_phase
last_phase = phase[-1]
# wrap and scale to (-1, 1]
dphase = (dphase / np.pi + 1) % 2 - 1
# low pass filter
filtered, lpf_state = sig.lfilter(lpf, (1,), dphase, zi=lpf_state)
# decimate to output sample rate
decimated = filtered[::(IN_FS // OUT_FS)]
# deemphasis filter
deemphasized, deem_state = sig.lfilter(*deem_filt, decimated, zi=deem_state)
# float64 -> int16 where -1 -> -32767, 1 -> 32767
s16 = (deemphasized * ((1 << 15) - 1)).astype(np.int16)
# write int16s to stdout
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