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Last active September 13, 2017 09:12
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Save laukaichung/f0216b591d0104a062ad9e5c0b402729 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import logger from 'slate-dev-logger'
import * as React from 'react'
import typeOf from 'type-of'
import { Node, State } from 'slate'
import RNHtml from "./RNHtml";
* A rule to (de)serialize text nodes. This is automatically added to the HTML
* serializer so that users don't have to worry about text-level serialization.
* @type {Object}
const TEXT_RULE = {
deserialize(el) {
if (el.tagName == 'br') {
return {
kind: 'text',
ranges: [{ text: '\n' }],
if (el.nodeName == '#text') {
if (el.value && el.value.match(/<!--.*?-->/)) return
return {
kind: 'text',
ranges: [{ text: el.value || el.nodeValue }],
serialize(obj, children) {
if (obj.kind == 'string') {
return children
.reduce((array, text, i) => {
if (i != 0) array.push(<br />)
return array
}, [])
* HTML serializer.
* @type {Html}
class Html extends RNHtml{
constructor(options = {}) {
serialize = (state, options) =>{
const { document } = state
const elements =
if (options.render === false) {
return elements
}else {
let ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');
const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(<body>{elements}</body>)
const inner = html.slice(6, -7)
return inner
* Deserialize pasted HTML.
* @param {String} html
* @param {Object} options
* @property {Boolean} toRaw
* @return {State}
deserialize = (html, options) =>{
let { toJSON = false } = options
if (options.toRaw) {
logger.deprecate('0.23.0', 'The `options.toRaw` argument of the `Html` serializer is deprecated, use `options.toJSON` instead.')
toJSON = options.toRaw
const { defaultBlock, parseHtml } = this
const fragment = parseHtml(html)
const children = Array.from(fragment.childNodes)
let nodes = this.deserializeElements(children)
// COMPAT: ensure that all top-level inline nodes are wrapped into a block.
nodes = nodes.reduce((memo, node, i, original) => {
if (node.kind == 'block') {
return memo
if (i > 0 && original[i - 1].kind != 'block') {
const block = memo[memo.length - 1]
return memo
const block = {
kind: 'block',
data: {},
isVoid: false,
nodes: [node],
return memo
}, [])
// TODO: pretty sure this is no longer needed.
if (nodes.length == 0) {
nodes = [{
kind: 'block',
data: {},
isVoid: false,
nodes: [
kind: 'text',
ranges: [
kind: 'range',
text: '',
marks: [],
const json = {
kind: 'state',
document: {
kind: 'document',
data: {},
const ret = toJSON ? json : State.fromJSON(json)
return ret
* Deserialize an array of DOM elements.
* @param {Array} elements
* @return {Array}
deserializeElements = (elements = []) =>{
let nodes = []
elements.filter(this.cruftNewline).forEach((element) => {
const node = this.deserializeElement(element)
switch (typeOf(node)) {
case 'array':
nodes = nodes.concat(node)
case 'object':
return nodes
* Deserialize a DOM element.
* @param {Object} element
* @return {Any}
deserializeElement = (element) =>{
let node
if (!element.tagName) {
element.tagName = ''
const next = (elements) => {
if (typeof NodeList !== 'undefined' && elements instanceof NodeList) {
elements = Array.from(elements)
switch (typeOf(elements)) {
case 'array':
return this.deserializeElements(elements)
case 'object':
return this.deserializeElement(elements)
case 'null':
case 'undefined':
throw new Error(`The \`next\` argument was called with invalid children: "${elements}".`)
for (let i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) {
const rule = this.rules[i]
if (!rule.deserialize) continue
const ret = rule.deserialize(element, next)
const type = typeOf(ret)
if (type != 'array' && type != 'object' && type != 'null' && type != 'undefined') {
throw new Error(`A rule returned an invalid deserialized representation: "${node}".`)
if (ret === undefined) {
} else if (ret === null) {
return null
} else if (ret.kind == 'mark') {
node = this.deserializeMark(ret)
} else {
node = ret
return node || next(element.childNodes)
* Deserialize a `mark` object.
* @param {Object} mark
* @return {Array}
deserializeMark = (mark)=> {
const { type, data } = mark
const applyMark = (node) => {
if (node.kind == 'mark') {
return this.deserializeMark(node)
else if (node.kind == 'text') {
node.ranges = => {
range.marks = range.marks || []
range.marks.push({ type, data })
return range
else {
node.nodes =
return node
return mark.nodes.reduce((nodes, node) => {
const ret = applyMark(node)
if (Array.isArray(ret)) return nodes.concat(ret)
return nodes
}, [])
* Filter out cruft newline nodes inserted by the DOM parser.
* @param {Object} element
* @return {Boolean}
cruftNewline = (element)=> {
return !(element.nodeName == '#text' && element.value == '\n')
* Export.
* @type {Html}
export default Html;
import * as React from 'react'
import logger from 'slate-dev-logger'
import { Node } from 'slate'
import {Record} from 'immutable'
const String = new Record({
kind: 'string',
text: ''
* A default `parseHtml` option using the native `DOMParser`.
* @param {String} html
* @return {Object}
function defaultParseHtml(html) {
if (typeof DOMParser == 'undefined') {
throw new Error('The native `DOMParser` global which the `Html` serializer uses by default is not present in this environment. You must supply the `options.parseHtml` function instead.')
const parsed = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html')
// Unwrap from <html> and <body>.
const fragment = parsed.childNodes[0].childNodes[1]
return fragment
class RNHtml{
rules = [];
* Create a new serializer with `rules`.
* @param {Object} options
* @property {Array} rules
* @property {String|Object|Block} defaultBlock
* @property {Function} parseHtml
constructor(options,textRule = null){
let {
defaultBlock = 'paragraph',
parseHtml = defaultParseHtml,
rules = [],
} = options;
if (options.defaultBlockType) {
logger.deprecate('0.23.0', 'The `options.defaultBlockType` argument of the `Html` serializer is deprecated, use `options.defaultBlock` instead.')
defaultBlock = options.defaultBlockType
defaultBlock = Node.createProperties(defaultBlock);
this.rules = rules;
if(textRule) {
this.defaultBlock = defaultBlock;
this.parseHtml = parseHtml;
* Serialize a `state` object into an HTML string.
* @param {State} state
* @param {Object} options
* @property {Boolean} render
* @return {String|Array}
serialize = (state, options)=> {
const { document } = state
const elements =
if (options.render === false) {
return elements
}else {
let ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');
const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(<body>{elements}</body>)
const inner = html.slice(6, -7)
return inner*/
* Serialize a `node`.
* @param {Node} node
* @return {String}
serializeNode = (node)=> {
if (node.kind == 'text') {
const ranges = node.getRanges()
const children =
for (let i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) {
const rule = this.rules[i]
if (!rule.serialize) continue
const ret = rule.serialize(node, children)
if (ret) return addKey(ret)
throw new Error(`No serializer defined for node of type "${node.type}".`)
* Serialize a `range`.
* @param {Range} range
* @return {String}
serializeRange = (range)=> {
const string = new String({ text: range.text })
const text = this.serializeString(string)
return range.marks.reduce((children, mark) => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) {
const rule = this.rules[i]
if (!rule.serialize) continue
const ret = rule.serialize(mark, children)
if (ret) return addKey(ret)
throw new Error(`No serializer defined for mark of type "${mark.type}".`)
}, text)
* Serialize a `string`.
* @param {String} string
* @return {String}
serializeString = (string)=> {
for (let i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) {
const rule = this.rules[i]
if (!rule.serialize) continue
const ret = rule.serialize(string, string.text)
if (ret) return ret
* Add a unique key to a React `element`.
* @param {Element} element
* @return {Element}
let key = 0;
function addKey(element) {
return React.cloneElement(element, { key: key++ })
export default RNHtml
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