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Last active June 2, 2022 14:47
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  • Save laur89/c7edb3b577bd91aacb360ccfdbed7746 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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tridactyl configs
bind J tabnext
bind K tabprev
" decrease scroll; default is 10 lines:
bind j scrollline 5
bind k scrollline -5
" change to dark mode:
colors dark
" hintmode as it was in vimperator:
unbind --mode=hint <Space>
set hintfiltermode vimperator
set hintchars 1234567890
" This will have to do until someone writes us a nice syntax file :)
" vim: set filetype=vim:
"configversion": "2.0",
"nmaps": {
"J": "tabnext",
"K": "tabprev",
"j": "scrollline 5",
"k": "scrollline -5",
"gna": "tabopen",
"goa": "open",
"gwa": "winopen",
";x": "hint -F e => { const pos = tri.dom.getAbsoluteCentre(e); tri.excmds.exclaim_quiet("xdotool mousemove --sync " + window.devicePixelRatio * pos.x + " " + window.devicePixelRatio * pos.y + "; xdotool click 1")}",
";X": "hint -F e => { const pos = tri.dom.getAbsoluteCentre(e); tri.excmds.exclaim_quiet("xdotool mousemove --sync " + window.devicePixelRatio * pos.x + " " + window.devicePixelRatio * pos.y + "; xdotool keydown ctrl+shift; xdotool click 1; xdotool keyup ctrl+shift")}",
"<A-p>": "pin",
"<A-m>": "mute toggle",
"<F1>": "help",
"o": "fillcmdline open",
"O": "current_url open",
"w": "fillcmdline winopen",
"W": "current_url winopen",
"t": "fillcmdline tabopen",
"]]": "followpage next",
"[[": "followpage prev",
"[c": "urlincrement -1",
"]c": "urlincrement 1",
"<C-x>": "urlincrement -1",
"<C-a>": "urlincrement 1",
"T": "current_url tabopen",
"yy": "clipboard yank",
"ys": "clipboard yankshort",
"yc": "clipboard yankcanon",
"ym": "clipboard yankmd",
"yo": "clipboard yankorg",
"yt": "clipboard yanktitle",
"gh": "home",
"gH": "home true",
"p": "clipboard open",
"P": "clipboard tabopen",
"<C-e>": "scrollline 10",
"<C-y>": "scrollline -10",
"h": "scrollpx -50",
"l": "scrollpx 50",
"G": "scrollto 100",
"gg": "scrollto 0",
"<C-u>": "scrollpage -0.5",
"<C-d>": "scrollpage 0.5",
"<C-f>": "scrollpage 1",
"<C-b>": "scrollpage -1",
"<C-v>": "nmode ignore 1 mode normal",
"$": "scrollto 100 x",
"^": "scrollto 0 x",
"H": "back",
"L": "forward",
"<C-o>": "jumpprev",
"<C-i>": "jumpnext",
"d": "tabclose",
"D": "composite tabprev; tabclose #",
"gx0": "tabclosealltoleft",
"gx$": "tabclosealltoright",
"<<": "tabmove -1",
">>": "tabmove +1",
"u": "undo",
"U": "undo window",
"r": "reload",
"R": "reloadhard",
"x": "stop",
"gi": "focusinput -l",
"g?": "rot13",
"g!": "jumble",
"g;": "changelistjump -1",
"gt": "tabnext_gt",
"gT": "tabprev",
"g^": "tabfirst",
"g0": "tabfirst",
"g$": "tablast",
"ga": "tabaudio",
"gr": "reader",
"gu": "urlparent",
"gU": "urlroot",
"gf": "viewsource",
":": "fillcmdline_notrail",
"s": "fillcmdline open search",
"S": "fillcmdline tabopen search",
"M": "gobble 1 quickmark",
"B": "fillcmdline taball",
"b": "fillcmdline tab",
"ZZ": "qall",
"f": "hint",
"F": "hint -b",
"gF": "hint -qb",
";i": "hint -i",
";b": "hint -b",
";o": "hint",
";I": "hint -I",
";k": "hint -k",
";K": "hint -K",
";y": "hint -y",
";Y": "hint -cF img i => tri.excmds.yankimage(tri.urlutils.getAbsoluteURL(i.src))",
";p": "hint -p",
";h": "hint -h",
"v": "hint -h",
";P": "hint -P",
";r": "hint -r",
";s": "hint -s",
";S": "hint -S",
";a": "hint -a",
";A": "hint -A",
";;": "hint -; *",
";#": "hint -#",
";v": "hint -W mpvsafe",
";V": "hint -V",
";w": "hint -w",
";t": "hint -W tabopen",
";O": "hint -W fillcmdline_notrail open ",
";W": "hint -W fillcmdline_notrail winopen ",
";T": "hint -W fillcmdline_notrail tabopen ",
";z": "hint -z",
";m": "composite hint -Jpipe img src | open",
";M": "composite hint -Jpipe img src | tabopen",
";gi": "hint -qi",
";gI": "hint -qI",
";gk": "hint -qk",
";gy": "hint -qy",
";gp": "hint -qp",
";gP": "hint -qP",
";gr": "hint -qr",
";gs": "hint -qs",
";gS": "hint -qS",
";ga": "hint -qa",
";gA": "hint -qA",
";g;": "hint -q;",
";g#": "hint -q#",
";gv": "hint -qW mpvsafe",
";gw": "hint -qw",
";gb": "hint -qb",
";gF": "hint -qb",
";gf": "hint -q",
"<S-Insert>": "mode ignore",
"<AC-Escape>": "mode ignore",
"<AC-`>": "mode ignore",
"<S-Escape>": "mode ignore",
"<Escape>": "composite mode normal ; hidecmdline",
"<C-[>": "composite mode normal ; hidecmdline",
"a": "current_url bmark",
"A": "bmark",
"zi": "zoom 0.1 true",
"zo": "zoom -0.1 true",
"zm": "zoom 0.5 true",
"zr": "zoom -0.5 true",
"zM": "zoom 0.5 true",
"zR": "zoom -0.5 true",
"zz": "zoom 1",
"zI": "zoom 3",
"zO": "zoom 0.3",
".": "repeat",
"<AS-ArrowUp><AS-ArrowUp><AS-ArrowDown><AS-ArrowDown><AS-ArrowLeft><AS-ArrowRight><AS-ArrowLeft><AS-ArrowRight>ba": "open"
"theme": "dark",
"hintmaps": {
"<Space>": null,
"<Backspace>": "hint.popKey",
"<Escape>": "hint.reset",
"<C-[>": "hint.reset",
"<Tab>": "hint.focusNextHint",
"<S-Tab>": "hint.focusPreviousHint",
"<ArrowUp>": "hint.focusTopHint",
"<ArrowDown>": "hint.focusBottomHint",
"<ArrowLeft>": "hint.focusLeftHint",
"<ArrowRight>": "hint.focusRightHint",
"<Enter>": "hint.selectFocusedHint"
"hintfiltermode": "vimperator",
"hintchars": "1234567890",
"update": {
"lastchecktime": 1654115769254,
"nag": true,
"nagwait": 7,
"lastnaggedversion": "1.14.0",
"checkintervalsecs": 86400
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