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Last active August 19, 2016 15:56
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Week 1 Learning Objectives

Week 1 Learning Objectives

###Git & Github

  • Explain the uses of Git and GitHub for tracking their changes and collaborating on projects.
  • Draw a model of local, remote, and working copies of their repositories.
  • Write some code, commit the changes, and write a strong commit message.
  • Deploy first live website using gh-pages.


  • Edit and update an HTML file.
  • Recognize common HTML tags and attributes.
  • Describe the structure of an HTML document.
  • Target elements using CSS selectors.
  • Compare and contrast block, inline, and inline-block elements.
  • Draw the CSS box model.


  • Identify the differences between defining a function and calling a function.
  • Demonstrate proper function naming conventions.
  • Compare and contrast a function that prints a value and a simple function that returns a value.
  • Draw a model of a function that includes arguments as input, side effects, and return values as output.
  • Explain the keyword this in the context of different scopes.

###Control Flow

  • Reason through boolean logic.
  • Write symantec & syntactically correct conditionals statements.
  • Compare & contrast for and while loops.

###Dev Tools & Debugging

  • Solve broken code by reading and solving error messages.
  • Interact with the JavaScript on the page through the console.
  • View the DOM and styling through the console.

###DOM Manipulation

  • Describe and draw the document object model (DOM) of an HTML document.
  • Manipulate the DOM and styling through the console.
  • Compare and contrast JavaScript & JQuery.
  • Select elements from the page using CSS Selectors.

###DOM Events

  • Explain what DOM events are and how they are triggered.
  • Attach event listeners to DOM elements.
  • Target the source of the event.
  • Respond to events with a callback.
  • Explain event propagation.
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