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A dplyr version of the ARL Library Investment Index example in the Intro to R and Shiny Tutorial (
arl <- read.csv(file = "index13.csv",header = TRUE,skip = 1) %>%
tbl_df() %>% ## turn into tbl_df
select(Institution = Institution.Name.1,
Total = Total.Library.Expenditures,
Salaries = Salaries...Wages.Professional.Staff,
Material = Total.Library.Materials.Expenditures,
Staff = %>% ## Select and Rename the five columns of interest
slice(-116) %>% ## Remove the wonky row of data
mutate(Wages = as.numeric(str_replace_all(Salaries, ",",""))) ## Create Wages variable that is a numeric version of Salaries
Vandy <- arl %>% filter(Institution == "VANDERBILT")
ggplot(arl, aes(x=Staff, y=Wages)) + geom_point() + stat_smooth(method="lm") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + ggtitle("ARL Expenditures") + xlab("All Staff") + ylab("Professional Salaries") + geom_point(data=Vandy, colour="red")
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