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Created January 27, 2015 03:25
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.First.sys() # loads all base packages, etc. before doing .Rprofile commands
# packages to load
# set locale to utf-8
#Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8")
Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "fr_FR.UTF-8")
message("Locale set to UTF-8 (or not, check in Rprofile)\n -- won't work for PF project, required for GS Soproner")
# Set path
#Sys.setenv(PATH=paste(Sys.getenv("PATH"),"/usr/texbin",sep=":")) # this adds /usr/texbin to the R path
#source("~/Projects/misc-ressources/table2pdf.r") # table2pdf function()
#source("~/Projects/spc-research/file-scan.r") # file.scan function()
#source("~/Projects/misc-ressources/legend-ltb-2.r") # legend.ltb.2() works with Hershey font
# Only print 200 rows:
options(max.print = 200)
# No. More. Factors.
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Get the number of unique values
count <- function(x) length(unique(x))
# Timer functions
start.timer <- function() assign("timer",proc.time()[3],.GlobalEnv)
stop.timer <- function() print(proc.time()[3]-timer)
# Print object size in Mb
print.mb <- function(x) print(x, units="Mb")
# Looks for files in directory that match pattern
fileFind <- function(x, wdir=getwd()) grep(x, list.files(dir=wdir), value=TRUE)
# Looks for a pattern in objects named in the Global environment
objFind <- function(x) ls(.GlobalEnv)[grep(x,ls(.GlobalEnv),]
# Handle for grep(..., value=TRUE)
grepv <- function(...) grep(..., value=TRUE)
# Extract part of the string that matches pattern
getmatch <- function(x,str2match,...) {
# regmatches function base package in R >= 2.14.1
if(as.numeric(R.Version()$major) < 3) {
stop("\nYou need to upgrade your R before this can work.") }
unlist(regmatches(x,gregexpr(str2match,x,...))) }
# Head/tail with column subset
head2 <- function(...,ncol=8) head(...)[,1:ncol]
tail2 <- function(...,ncol=8) tail(...)[,1:ncol]
# Get object name from object itself
# useful for launching calls + informative file names when saving <- function(x) deparse(substitute(x))
# Convert to transparent colors
col2transp <- function(col,tlev=0.5) {
sa <- lapply(col, function(cc) col2rgb(cc)/255)
s2 <- sapply(sa,function(s1) rgb(s1[1],s1[2],s1[3],alpha=tlev))
# Check if graphic device is of correct size, else opens one <- function(ww,hh,use.prop=FALSE) {
if(hh>7.5 & use.prop) {
rt <- ww/hh
hh <- 7.5
ww <- hh*rt
} else {
ds <- dev.size()
| round(ds[2],2)!=round(hh,2)) {;,height=hh)} }
## Get linear array index from position along all dimensions
## (opposite of arrayInd() that comes in base package)
## row and column (and depth) indices are provided as separate objects
arrayInd.rev <- function(indx, indy, indz=NA, .dim) {
if(missing(indz) & length(.dim)==3) {
stop("index length should span all array dimensions") }
nrow <- .dim[1]
ncol <- .dim[2]
get.pos <- function(ix, iy, iz) {
if( iz <- 1
ix + nrow*(iy-1) + nrow*ncol*(iz-1)
sapply(1:length(indx), function(ii) get.pos(indx[ii], indy[ii], indz[ii]))
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