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Factory Functions for Mixin Composition
// See
const pipe = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x);
const withConstructor = constructor => o => ({
// create the delegate [[Prototype]]
__proto__: {
// add the constructor prop to the new [[Prototype]]
// mix all o's props into the new object
const withFlying = o => {
let isFlying = false;
return {
fly () {
isFlying = true;
return this;
land () {
isFlying = false;
return this;
isFlying: () => isFlying
const withBattery = ({ capacity }) => o => {
let percentCharged = 100;
return {
draw (percent) {
const remaining = percentCharged - percent;
percentCharged = remaining > 0 ? remaining : 0;
return this;
getCharge: () => percentCharged,
getCapacity () {
return capacity;
const createDrone = ({ capacity = '3000mAh' }) => pipe(
withBattery({ capacity }),
const myDrone = createDrone({ capacity: '5500mAh' });
can fly: ${ === true }
can land: ${ === false }
battery capacity: ${ myDrone.getCapacity() }
battery status: ${ myDrone.draw(50).getCharge() }%
battery drained: ${ myDrone.draw(75).getCharge() }%
constructor linked: ${ myDrone.constructor === createDrone }
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