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Created August 20, 2013 22:07
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scope: attached to the model. Can be used in any part of rails or can be included with any association
ex. ` scope: completed, lambda { where(completed: true) }
# @list.items.completed.alphabetically
scope: completed.
collection proxy: Finders
- `class Item < AR::Base `
- inherits from active record
- generates sql
- ex. can use Item.all (select * from items;) -> []
- Item.where(completed: true) (ruby way to generate SQL)
* Select all from Item where complete = 'true' -> []
- @items = Item.all
- if current_user
@items = @items.where ({ user_id => }) => #to_a IR #each (ways to loop)
ex. 2 ` scope : created_before, lambda { |date| where("created_at > ?", date)}
* scope :search, -> { |query|
search_terms = query.split(" ")
search_terms = { |term| term.downcase }
like_clause = { |term| "name LIKE('%(term)%')" }
where(where_clauses.join(" OR "))
3. Delegates: allow you to access method on associated object in model
ex. @user = User.find(1)
if @user.linkedin_token.profile
delegate :linkedin_profile, :to => :linkedin_token, :allow_nil => true
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