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Last active March 8, 2019 14:33
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Model prompt >>> Prime Minister Juha Sipilä's offer for the government to resign
was accepted by President of Finland Sauli Niinistö on Friday. President
Niinistö asked the cabinet to complete its term in office in an administrative
capacity. ======================================== SAMPLE 1 ========================================
The President asked that the government and parliament resign and called on the
president to resign.
The situation was also resolved after the cabinet refused to meet for three days
because of the situation and no longer meeting, the official said.
The president spoke before Prime Minister Sipilä spoke before the government to
explain all this, Sipilä said.
"The Cabinet will meet Friday for a full session to decide the nature and the
nature of the matter and I hope that we can decide the matter quickly and
quickly," he said at the government's request.
The President also urged the government not to fall into the hands of the
Opposition that it is a new government because this opposition has tried to
interfere in the political process by the government's policy of making Finland
part of the Customs Union. He also urged the government to make sure that the
new government gets rid of it's political opponents.
Sipilä confirmed that the new government would give a new term to President Jalo
Meehan to fill it.
"The Cabinet will have to decide when the new administration will hold its last
meeting with Sipilä as he has agreed to leave the Cabinet," he said.
Model prompt >>> President Niinistö's election ========================================
SAMPLE 1 ======================================== victory was hailed by many
with the slogan 'Sovereignity, Equality and Freedom.'
The Swedish news agency TT said a statement issued by the party following an
election campaign conducted last October said: 'For many hours the Swedish press
was full of lies about democracy, human rights and corruption. Yet, at the same
time we are confident that we will hold the next election free from the 'false
narrative behind the lies.'
'This election will go beyond the 'fake news' of an election campaign, but we
are committed to ending lies and corruption. For us, truth is not a distraction.
Our Party is committed to stopping this fake news from being distorted into
'fake news.'<|endoftext|>
--- Model prompt >>> We, the President of United States, hereby propose the
following policy regarding climate change: ========================================
SAMPLE 1 ======================================== The United States will
establish a commission to work toward a set of policies through the Paris
Agreement, including a proposal for a Climate Change Partnership, the Joint
Statement of Action on Climate Change , and an interagency Climate Change
Working Group . We, the President of United States, also propose efforts to
implement our commitments under the Paris Agreement and the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change . We also further propose changes
to the climate change program, including increased support for renewable
energy technologies, changes to the U.S. Energy Use Review Program .
Specifically, we propose changes to the national plan to address climate
change, and our policy priorities under the Paris Agreement. The United
States and various foreign countries must contribute to a Comprehensive,
Sustainable, and Effective National Climate Agreement . We will do all
things in our power to accomplish this goal. ---
--- Model prompt >>> We, the President of United States, hereby propose the
following policy regarding abortion: ========================================
SAMPLE 1 ======================================== I. Eliminate all forms of
birth control from pregnancy and terminate any pregnancy for any reason
within 60 days.
II. Limit an organization's ability to provide services for women seeking
abortions to women willing to take an abortion and have their insurance paid
for. ---
Model prompt >>> global warming is a good thing ========================================
SAMPLE 1 ======================================== , but why are people so angry?
In spite of many reports that the IPCC is biased or misleading, there remains a
tendency for scientists to overstate or fail to take an important scientific
approach to the issue. Why is that? If we were to address the greenhouse effect
and how we deal with it at a time when there are other challenges to the world,
then we could see more and better results.
This is a new paper by M.J. Anderson and H.R.M. Stelberding, authors of A
Climate Solution: Solutions to Climate Change: Interactions between Science,
Environment, Food and Agriculture, Public Health, Health Resources Management
and Governance. In their review they outline four potential strategies that
could be employed. First, they suggest three basic approaches for dealing with
greenhouse gas emissions: 1. Establish an "endogenous" climate scenario, which
involves both an international agreement and an international agreement that
includes all its emissions, such that CO2 is removed as a pollutant and is then
replaced with something less harmful. 2. Use global projections of global carbon
pollution and anthropogenic climate change to reduce global greenhouse gas
emissions using models. 3. Develop an agreement of all available technologies
that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions as an emissions cost.
These six key approaches appear in the second paper. Anderson and Stelberding,
co-author, use a model based on a large number of emissions scenarios. They
suggest five possible approaches by which to measure emissions at levels which
would reduce global emissions, and they propose an equilibrium scenario in which
world temperatures would rise by a 1°C increase. They note a major reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved by following the rules set out in the
IPCC. Finally, the models they use have very low CO2 concentrations in a much
smaller but highly correlated world, where emissions of sulfur are more slowly
being removed from the Earth's atmosphere than in much higher concentrations.
This suggests that there is no need to use these models to estimate future
costs. They are very optimistic.
If we are taking the same approach, there are only three possible scenarios that
could be adopted that meet these criteria. First, they conclude that it would be
"highly unlikely" that there could be a major change in global temperatures that
reduces GHG emissions, and they are recommending using a model to predict the
future costs of doing so. The other scenario they have based on the observed
reductions in greenhouse gases, using CO2 concentrations to calculate future GHG
emissions, is also based on a large group
--- Model prompt >>> Immigration in Finland is a good thing ========================================
SAMPLE 1 ======================================== . The fact that a third of
the population has been born outside the country is good news if and when a
third will be born there.
Finnian citizenship is often viewed as a last resort for many and for many
reasons. But in fact, it is an integral part of Finnian culture and has become
an important cornerstone in national identity.
This may seem like a strange thing to say, because it's one of the few things we
don't think of when discussing Finland's immigration issues.
In many ways, there are certain things that are even more common than this, and
those differences are usually things that go beyond a single person's name.
However, people like to say that I can think of four Finnish people as being
Irish. I may have been born in Dublin in a country that gave me the name John
and that also gave me the surname Jormhild, but what of other Irish names or a
country that gave them different names? ---
Model prompt >>> Immigration in Finland is a bad thing ========================================
SAMPLE 1 ======================================== .
There's nothing good about immigrants in Finland; they don't come and they don't
come well. They come to work in restaurants and restaurants, eat at local
restaurants, stay with friends and they come there and they go there. Some
things they do and some things they don't do are a disgrace. What we have to
learn is that we don't need them because they help us build a stable society,
they help us keep the people happy, and they help the system of the country so
we cannot break it down into two groups. All that is really going to matter in
fact is that we are now under new government, the new government is the only one
doing all this, there is nothing good at all in this thing – and to do that,
we've got to find a way.
It's very difficult to come and work in Finland. We can't just just come here,
we're coming here by ourselves for six months, you have to make it work. I'm not
sure that we have to be afraid of working here, and you can't leave in two
weeks. We have to fight to keep our country alive so we're going to work with
the people, but they might not want us anymore than they do today. We have to
fight more and they might want us to stay here. But we have to have hope in this
situation so it doesn't end up like today.
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