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Created July 16, 2010 08:12
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# Makefile for Project
# Tags:
# =====
# Certain tags are used in comments to assist in indexing common issues:
# - TODO to indicate planned enhancements.
# - FIXME to mark potential problematic code that requires special
# attention and/or review.
# - BUG for founded bugs.
# - NOTE to document inner workings of code, indicate potential
# pitfalls and warn about of problematic or misguiding code.
# - THANKS for acknowledgments.
# There is a risk that tags accumulate over time; it is advisable to
# include the date and the tag owner in the comment to ease tracking.
# // TODO:2008-12-06:johnc:Add support for negative offsets.
# // While it is unlikely that we get a negative offset, it can
# // occur if the garbage collector runs out of space.
# THANKS: Ralf Holly - TODO or not TODO []
# File structure:
# ===============
# Standard set of readme files:
# - README General information
# - LICENSE Copyright and licensing information
# - INSTALL Installation instructions
# Standard set of readme files generated by make:
# - AUTHORS Credits
# - THANKS Acknowledgments
# - ChangeLog A detailed changelog, intended for programmers
# - NEWS A basic changelog, intended for users
# - BUGS Known bugs and instructions on reporting new ones
OS=`uname -s`
@echo "Hello $(OS)"
@echo "Try 'make help'"
# target: all - Default target. Does nothing.
@grep -e "^# target:" Makefile | cut -c9-
# target: help - Display callable targets.
@git clean -xdf
# target: clean - Remove untracked files
doc: doc/authors doc/thanks doc/changelog doc/news doc/bugs doc/todo
# target: doc - generate all documentations.
@echo -e "\nAuthors ordered by number of commits.\n" > AUTHORS
@git log --pretty="tformat:.%an <%ae>" | sort | uniq -c | sort -r | cut -d. -f2- >> AUTHORS
# @echo -e "\nAuthors ordered by alphabet.\n" > AUTHORS
# @git log --pretty='format:%an <%ae>' | sort -u >> AUTHORS
# target: doc/authors - generate AUTHORS file from git log.
@echo -e "\nThanks for acknowledgments ordered by alphabet.\n" > THANKS
@grep -rinE "(//|/\*|##*|--+)[ \t]*THANKS" * | sed 's/\([^:]*:[^:]*\)[/*# \t:-]*THANKS[: ]*\(.*\)/\2 \[\1\]/' | sort >> THANKS
# target: doc/thanks - generate THANKS file from source.
@rm ChangeLog
@git log --pretty="tformat:%d|%ci|%cn|%s" | while read LINE; do \
REF=$${LINE%%|*}; \
LINE=$${LINE#*|}; \
if [ -n "$$REF" ]; then \
DATE=$${LINE%%|*}; \
LAST_REF=`echo "$$REF" | sed -n 's/.*v\([^, \)]*\).*/\1/p'`; \
if [ -n "$$LAST_REF" ] ; then \
echo -e "\n$${DATE%% *} version $$LAST_REF:\n" >> ChangeLog; \
fi; \
fi; \
if [ -n "$$LAST_REF" ] ; then \
LINE=$${LINE#*|}; \
echo " * $${LINE#*|} ($${LINE%%|*})" >> ChangeLog; \
fi; \
@cat ChangeLog
# target: doc/changelog - generate ChangeLog from git log.
# TODO:2010-07-16:lauri:NEWS file generator not done
@echo "TODO" > NEWS
# target: doc/news - generate file NEWS from git log.
# TODO:2010-07-16:lauri:BUGS file generator not done
@echo "TODO" > BUGS
# target: doc/bugs - generate BUGS file from source.
@grep -rinE "(//|/\*|##*|--+)[ \t]*+(TODO|FIXME)" * | \
grep -v "# //" | \
sed -e 's/\([^:]*:[^:]*\):[^/#-]*[ \t/\*#-]*\(.*\)/\2 \[\1\]/' | \
sort -r > TODO
@cat TODO
# target: doc/todo - generate TODO file from source.
# display TODOs from comments.
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