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Created August 30, 2010 10:10
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Convert escaped html to utf8
// Returns the utf string corresponding to the unicode value (from, courtesy -
function code2utf($num)
if ($num < 128) return chr($num);
if ($num < 2048) return chr(($num >> 6) + 192) . chr(($num & 63) + 128);
if ($num < 65536) return chr(($num >> 12) + 224) . chr((($num >> 6) & 63) + 128) . chr(($num & 63) + 128);
if ($num < 2097152) return chr(($num >> 18) + 240) . chr((($num >> 12) & 63) + 128) . chr((($num >> 6) & 63) + 128) . chr(($num & 63) + 128);
return '';
// convert escaped html to utf8
function html_entity_decode_utf8($string)
static $trans_tbl;
// replace numeric entities
$string = preg_replace('~&#x0*([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'code2utf(hexdec("\\1"))', $string);
$string = preg_replace('~&#0*([0-9]+);~e', 'code2utf(\\1)', $string);
// replace literal entities
if (!isset($trans_tbl))
$trans_tbl = array();
foreach (get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES) as $val=>$key)
$trans_tbl[$key] = utf8_encode($val);
// add extra characters, not included in default translation table
// suggested from comments
$extra = array( '&apos;'=> 39, '&minus;'=> 45, '&circ;'=> 94,
'&tilde;'=> 126, '&Scaron;'=> 138, '&lsaquo;'=> 139,
'&OElig;'=> 140, '&lsquo;'=> 145, '&rsquo;'=> 146,
'&ldquo;'=> 147, '&rdquo;'=> 148, '&bull;'=> 149,
'&ndash;'=> 150, '&mdash;'=> 151, '&tilde;'=> 152,
'&trade;'=> 153, '&scaron;'=> 154, '&rsaquo;'=> 155,
'&oelig;'=> 156, '&Yuml;'=> 159, '&yuml;'=> 255,
'&OElig;'=> 338, '&oelig;'=> 339, '&Scaron;'=> 352,
'&scaron;'=> 353, '&Yuml;'=> 376, '&fnof;'=> 402,
'&circ;'=> 710, '&tilde;'=> 732, '&Alpha;'=> 913,
'&Beta;'=> 914, '&Gamma;'=> 915, '&Delta;'=> 916,
'&Epsilon;'=> 917, '&Zeta;'=> 918, '&Eta;'=> 919,
'&Theta;'=> 920, '&Iota;'=> 921, '&Kappa;'=> 922,
'&Lambda;'=> 923, '&Mu;'=> 924, '&Nu;'=> 925,
'&Xi;'=> 926, '&Omicron;'=> 927, '&Pi;'=> 928,
'&Rho;'=> 929, '&Sigma;'=> 931, '&Tau;'=> 932,
'&Upsilon;'=> 933, '&Phi;'=> 934, '&Chi;'=> 935,
'&Psi;'=> 936, '&Omega;'=> 937, '&alpha;'=> 945,
'&beta;'=> 946, '&gamma;'=> 947, '&delta;'=> 948,
'&epsilon;'=> 949, '&zeta;'=> 950, '&eta;'=> 951,
'&theta;'=> 952, '&iota;'=> 953, '&kappa;'=> 954,
'&lambda;'=> 955, '&mu;'=> 956, '&nu;'=> 957,
'&xi;'=> 958, '&omicron;'=> 959, '&pi;'=> 960,
'&rho;'=> 961, '&sigmaf;'=> 962, '&sigma;'=> 963,
'&tau;'=> 964, '&upsilon;'=> 965, '&phi;'=> 966,
'&chi;'=> 967, '&psi;'=> 968, '&omega;'=> 969,
'&thetasym;'=> 977, '&upsih;'=> 978, '&piv;'=> 982,
'&ensp;'=> 8194, '&emsp;'=> 8195, '&thinsp;'=> 8201,
'&zwnj;'=> 8204, '&zwj;'=> 8205, '&lrm;'=> 8206,
'&rlm;'=> 8207, '&ndash;'=> 8211, '&mdash;'=> 8212,
'&lsquo;'=> 8216, '&rsquo;'=> 8217, '&sbquo;'=> 8218,
'&ldquo;'=> 8220, '&rdquo;'=> 8221, '&bdquo;'=> 8222,
'&dagger;'=> 8224, '&Dagger;'=> 8225, '&bull;'=> 8226,
'&hellip;'=> 8230, '&permil;'=> 8240, '&prime;'=> 8242,
'&Prime;'=> 8243, '&lsaquo;'=> 8249, '&rsaquo;'=> 8250,
'&oline;'=> 8254, '&frasl;'=> 8260,
'&image;'=> 8465, '&weierp;'=> 8472, '&real;'=> 8476,
'&trade;'=> 8482, '&alefsym;'=> 8501, '&larr;'=> 8592,
'&uarr;'=> 8593, '&rarr;'=> 8594, '&darr;'=> 8595,
'&harr;'=> 8596, '&crarr;'=> 8629, '&lArr;'=> 8656,
'&uArr;'=> 8657, '&rArr;'=> 8658, '&dArr;'=> 8659,
'&hArr;'=> 8660, '&forall;'=> 8704, '&part;'=> 8706,
'&exist;'=> 8707, '&empty;'=> 8709, '&nabla;'=> 8711,
'&isin;'=> 8712, '&notin;'=> 8713, '&ni;'=> 8715,
'&prod;'=> 8719, '&sum;'=> 8721, '&minus;'=> 8722,
'&lowast;'=> 8727, '&radic;'=> 8730, '&prop;'=> 8733,
'&infin;'=> 8734, '&ang;'=> 8736, '&and;'=> 8743,
'&or;'=> 8744, '&cap;'=> 8745, '&cup;'=> 8746,
'&int;'=> 8747, '&there4;'=> 8756, '&sim;'=> 8764,
'&cong;'=> 8773, '&asymp;'=> 8776, '&ne;'=> 8800,
'&equiv;'=> 8801, '&le;'=> 8804, '&ge;'=> 8805,
'&sub;'=> 8834, '&sup;'=> 8835, '&nsub;'=> 8836,
'&sube;'=> 8838, '&supe;'=> 8839, '&oplus;'=> 8853,
'&otimes;'=> 8855, '&perp;'=> 8869, '&sdot;'=> 8901,
'&lceil;'=> 8968, '&rceil;'=> 8969, '&lfloor;'=> 8970,
'&rfloor;'=> 8971, '&lang;'=> 9001, '&rang;'=> 9002,
'&loz;'=> 9674, '&spades;'=> 9824, '&clubs;'=> 9827,
'&hearts;'=> 9829, '&diams;'=> 9830
foreach ($extra as $key=>$val)
$trans_tbl[$key] = code2utf($val);
return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);
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