<!DOCTYPE html> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.5/d3.min.js"></script> |
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/latest/aframe.min.js"></script> |
<style> |
body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; background-color: white;} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<a-scene> |
<!-- Camera with customized cursor --> |
<a-camera position="0 1.8 0" cursor-visible="true" cursor-scale="2" cursor-color="#4CC3D9" cursor-offset="2" cursor-maxdistance="100" cursor-opacity="0.5" cursor-fuse="true"></a-camera> |
<a-light color="#da47da" position="0 5 0" type="ambient"></a-light> |
<a-entity camera look-controls wasd-controls></a-entity> |
<a-entity light="type: point; color: #EEE; intensity: 0.5" position="0 3 0"></a-entity> |
<!-- Sky --> |
<a-sky color="#c8f8e0"></a-sky> |
</a-scene> |
<script> |
// |
var data = ["parameter-separator","1001" |
"maven-invoker-plugin","1002" |
"http-post","1023" |
"avatar","1027" |
"codedeploy","1028" |
"dynamic-axis","1035" |
"fitnesse","1038" |
"rundeck","1058" |
"perfpublisher","1061" |
"jobcopy-builder","1062" |
"project-build-times","1066" |
"build-cause-run-condition","1066" |
"pollscm","1067" |
"files-found-trigger","1083" |
"clang-scanbuild-plugin","1085" |
"php","1088" |
"matrix-reloaded","1089" |
"crowd2","1091" |
"configure-job-column-plugin","1097" |
"description-column-plugin","1107" |
"vs-code-metrics","1110" |
"built-on-column","1121" |
"promoted-builds-simple","1126" |
"awseb-deployment-plugin","1130" |
"google-play-android-publisher","1132" |
"m2-repo-reaper","1134" |
"teamconcert","1144" |
"prereq-buildstep","1145" |
"shared-workspace","1146" |
"changelog-history","1147" |
"lockable-resources","1159" |
"kubernetes","1160" |
"svnmerge","1167" |
"nuget","1170" |
"xshell","1179" |
"gitbucket","1188" |
"multi-slave-config-plugin","1194" |
"gatling","1201" |
"ownership","1204" |
"artifact-promotion","1209" |
"job-exporter","1222" |
"bitbucket-approve","1226" |
"test-stability","1228" |
"summary_report","1230" |
"stash-pullrequest-builder","1235" |
"dropdown-viewstabbar-plugin","1237" |
"changes-since-last-success","1246" |
"custom-tools-plugin","1260" |
"filesystem_scm","1263" |
"JiraTestResultReporter","1269" |
"unity3d-plugin","1275" |
"maven-deployment-linker","1285" |
"purge-job-history","1290" |
"cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source","1294"] |
// we scale the height of our bars using d3's linear scale |
var hscale = d3.scale.linear() |
.domain([0, d3.max(data)]) |
.range([0, 3]) |
// we select the scene object just like an svg |
var scene = d3.select("a-scene") |
// we use d3's enter/update/exit pattern to draw and bind our dom elements |
var bars = scene.selectAll("a-cube.bar").data(data) |
bars.enter().append("a-cube").classed("bar", true) |
// we set attributes on our cubes to determine how they are rendered |
bars.attr({ |
position: function(d,i) { |
// cubes are positioned by their center so we |
// offset for their height |
var y = 1 + hscale(d)/2; |
// lets place the bars all around our camera |
var radius = 5; |
//var x = i - data.length/2; |
var x = radius * Math.cos(i/data.length * 2 * Math.PI) |
var z = radius * Math.sin(i/data.length * 2 * Math.PI) |
return x + " " + y + " " + z |
}, |
rotation: function(d,i) { |
var x = 0; |
var z = 0; |
var y = -(i/data.length)*360; |
return x + " " + y + " " + z |
}, |
width: function(d) { return 0.5}, |
depth: function(d) { return 0.9}, |
height: function(d) { return hscale(d)}, |
opacity: function(d,i) { return 0.6 + (i/data.length) * 0.4}, |
//metalness: function(d,i) { return i/data.length} |
}) |
.on("click", function(d,i) { |
console.log("click", i,d) |
}) |
.on("mouseenter", function(d,i) { |
// this event gets fired continuously as long as the cursor |
// is over the element. we only want trigger our animation the first time |
if(this.hovering) return; |
console.log("hover", i,d) |
this.hovering = true; |
d3.select(this).transition().duration(1000) |
.attr({ |
metalness: 0.5, |
width: 2 |
}) |
}) |
.on("mouseleave", function(d,i) { |
console.log("leave",i,d) |
this.hovering = false; |
d3.select(this).transition() |
.attr({ |
metalness: 0, |
width: 0.5 |
}) |
}) |
</script> |
</body> |