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Last active September 22, 2021 12:42
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export const validateBI = function (NBI, checkDigit) {
return {
valid: validateBI(NBI, checkDigit),
errorMessage: 'BI não válido'
const NBI_LENGTH = 9
function calculateChecksum (number) {
// Make the number into an array
let numbers = [...number.toString()].map(Number)
let sum = 0
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; i++) {
sum += numbers[i] * (9 - i)
// check checksum
return (sum % 11 && (11 - sum % 11) % 10) === numbers[numbers.length - 1]
function validateBI ( NBI , checkDigit ) {
// Join NBI and the heck digit
NBI = `${NBI}${checkDigit}`
// Add zero to the left of NBI if it is of length 7
if ( NBI.length === 8 ) {
NBI = '0' + NBI
// If still not valid size, returh false
if (NBI.length != NBI_LENGTH) {
return false
return calculateChecksum(NBI)
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