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Last active January 1, 2016 08:49
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Phone store


Phone store

The domain model is fairly simple and straight forward. Each :Phone node is connected to at least one :Manufacturer, :Type, :OS and :Category node. Different 'weight' were given to different type of relation between these nodes. These 'weight' are the factors that will affect the ranking of the recommendation. It rates what people are more concerned with when considering for a new phone.

The current factor for the relations are as below

  1. :Manufacturer weighted at 1.0

  2. :Category weighted at 2.0

  3. :Type weighted at 1.2

  4. :OS weighted at 1.8

The system will try to guess what users are more interested in when doing recommendation. In the current implementation, we assumed that the :Category and :OS have the highest concern. The algorithm can be improved by tweaking the weight of the relations.

CREATE (iPhone5s:Phone {name:'iPhone 5S', quantity:0})
CREATE (iPhone5c:Phone {name:'iPhone 5C', quantity:1})
CREATE (iPhone5:Phone {name:'iPhone 5', quantity:5})
CREATE (iPhone4s:Phone {name:'iPhone 4S', quantity:2})
CREATE (iPhone4:Phone {name:'iPhone 4', quantity:0})

CREATE (lumia1520:Phone {name:'Lumia 1520', quantity:3})
CREATE (lumia900:Phone {name:'Lumia 900', quantity:7})
CREATE (nokia111:Phone {name:'Nokia 111', quantity:4})

CREATE (galaxy4:Phone {name:'Samsung Galaxy 4', quantity:10})
CREATE (note3:Phone {name:'Samsung Note 3', quantity:9})
CREATE (ativSNeo:Phone {name:'Samsung ATIV S Neo', quantity:2})
CREATE (c3590:Phone {name:'Samsung C3590', quantity:5})

CREATE (htcOne:Phone {name:'HTC One', quantity:10})
CREATE (htcMozart:Phone {name:'HTC Mozart', quantity:0})
CREATE (htcChaCha:Phone {name:'HTC ChaCha', quantity:0})
CREATE (htcDesire:Phone {name:'HTC Desire', quantity:2})
CREATE (htcDesireZ:Phone {name:'HTC Desire Z', quantity:2})

CREATE (smartphone:Category {name:'Smartphone'})
CREATE (featurePhone:Category {name:'Feature Phone'})

CREATE (qwerty:Type {name:'Qwerty'})
CREATE (numpad:Type {name:'Numpad'})
CREATE (touchscreen:Type {name:'Touch Screen'})

CREATE (iOS:OS {name:'iOS'})
CREATE (android:OS {name:'Android'})
CREATE (windowsPhone:OS {name:'Windows phone'})
CREATE (others:OS {name:'Others'})

CREATE (nokia:Manufacturer {name:'Nokia'})
CREATE (samsung:Manufacturer {name:'Samsung'})
CREATE (apple:Manufacturer {name:'Apple'})
CREATE (htc:Manufacturer {name:'HTC'})

CREATE apple-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->iPhone5s
CREATE apple-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->iPhone5c
CREATE apple-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->iPhone5
CREATE apple-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->iPhone4s
CREATE apple-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->iPhone4

CREATE nokia-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->lumia1520
CREATE nokia-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->lumia900
CREATE nokia-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->nokia111

CREATE samsung-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->galaxy4
CREATE samsung-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->note3
CREATE samsung-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->ativSNeo
CREATE samsung-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->c3590

CREATE htc-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->htcOne
CREATE htc-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->htcMozart
CREATE htc-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->htcChaCha
CREATE htc-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->htcDesire
CREATE htc-[:MADE {weight:1.0}]->htcDesireZ

CREATE iPhone5s-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE iPhone5c-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE iPhone5-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE iPhone4s-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE iPhone4-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone

CREATE lumia1520-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE lumia900-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE nokia111-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->featurePhone

CREATE galaxy4-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE note3-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE ativSNeo-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE c3590-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->featurePhone

CREATE htcOne-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE htcMozart-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE htcChaCha-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE htcDesire-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone
CREATE htcDesireZ-[:IS {weight:2.0}]->smartphone

CREATE iPhone5s-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE iPhone5c-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE iPhone5-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE iPhone4s-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE iPhone4-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen

CREATE lumia1520-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE lumia900-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE nokia111-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->numpad

CREATE galaxy4-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE note3-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE ativSNeo-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE c3590-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->numpad

CREATE htcOne-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE htcMozart-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE htcChaCha-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE htcChaCha-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->qwerty
CREATE htcDesire-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE htcDesireZ-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->touchscreen
CREATE htcDesireZ-[:TYPE {weight:1.2}]->qwerty

CREATE iPhone5s-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->iOS
CREATE iPhone5c-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->iOS
CREATE iPhone5-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->iOS
CREATE iPhone4s-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->iOS
CREATE iPhone4-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->iOS

CREATE lumia1520-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->windowsPhone
CREATE lumia900-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->windowsPhone
CREATE nokia111-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->others

CREATE galaxy4-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->android
CREATE note3-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->android
CREATE ativSNeo-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->windowsPhone
CREATE c3590-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->others

CREATE htcOne-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->android
CREATE htcMozart-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->windowsPhone
CREATE htcChaCha-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->android
CREATE htcDesire-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->android
CREATE htcDesireZ-[:RUNNING_ON {weight:1.8}]->android


Find all HTC phones

MATCH (htc:Manufacturer{name:'HTC'})-[:MADE]->(p:Phone)
RETURN as Phone

Find all smartphones

MATCH (p:Phone)-[:IS]->(t:Category {name:'Smartphone'})
RETURN as Phone

Find all manufacturers and their android phones models

MATCH (m:Manufacturer)-[:MADE]->(p:Phone)-[:RUNNING_ON]->(o:OS {name:'Android'})
RETURN as Manufacturer, as Phone

Find qwerty & touchscreen capable phones (in stock)

MATCH (t:Type { name: "Touch Screen" })<-[:TYPE]-(p:Phone)-[:TYPE]->(q:Type { name: "Qwerty" })
WHERE p.quantity > 0
RETURN as Phone

Find all phones (out of stock)

MATCH (m:Manufacturer)-[:MADE]->(p:Phone)
WHERE p.quantity = 0
RETURN as Manufacturer, as Phone

Phone recommendation (out of stock)

Below shows simple recommendation boost based on 3 factors: Operating System, Category & Manufacturer. Please feel free to play around with the blow cypher query by changing the WHERE CLAUSE ''

MATCH (p:Phone),(others:Phone)<-[:MADE]-(m:Manufacturer)
WHERE = 'Lumia 1520' AND others.quantity > 0
OPTIONAL MATCH (m:Manufacturer)-[r1:MADE]->(p:Phone)
OPTIONAL MATCH (p:Phone)-[:IS]->(t:Category)<-[r2:IS]-(others:Phone)
OPTIONAL MATCH (p:Phone)-[:RUNNING_ON]->(:OS)<-[r3:RUNNING_ON]-(others:Phone)
RETURN AS Manufacturer, AS Phone,
coalesce(r1.weight,0.8)+ coalesce(r2.weight,0.9)+ coalesce(r3.weight,0.7) AS Rank

In the above example it tried to guess what are the best alternatives phones that can be suggested to the user.

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