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code file to generate JSONs with Open AI GPT models
Description: code file to get required JSONs for various applications using Open AI large language models
1. replace the following variables for your use case
- sample_app_description
- sample_user_messages
- supported_animal_list
- json_examples
- json_key_value_descriptions
2. change the variables & description in json_schema_generation_prompt_template
3. replace the variables in values dict in main() function
4. pip install openai, langchain
5. python3
# Sample data for application
sample_app_description = "an app which shares bed time stories along with images of animals if mentioned by the user if supported"
sample_user_messages = [
"tell my daughter Lilly a story about frog & snail who were friends in school",
"tell my son a story about animals in a jungle",
"tell me a story about the king of the jungle",
"what happened with rabbit and tortoise in their race? complete the story, my son is listening to you during bedtime"
supported_animal_list = ["lion", "snail", "monkey", "tiger", "elephant", "giraffe", "zebra", "hippopotamus",
"kangaroo", "penguin", "bear", "wolf", "fox", "rhinoceros", "jaguar", "deer", "eagle", "hawk", "owl", "buffalo"]
json_examples = [
"is_this_request_asking_to_recite_a_story": True,
"animals_mentioned": ["frog", "snail"]
"is_this_request_asking_to_recite_a_story": False,
"animals_mentioned": []
"is_this_request_asking_to_recite_a_story": True,
"animals_mentioned": []
json_key_value_descriptions = {
"is_this_request_asking_to_recite_a_story": "when the user's message is asking to share a story",
"animals_mentioned": "this will be empty list when user has not mentioned any animals which fall under supported_animals_list otherwise this will be a list with animals mentioned by the user, this list should contain that animal's corresponding key in the supported_animal_list"
json_schema_generation_prompt_template = """
given a user's message below, your task is to create a JSON response adhering to the JSON schema shared below.
user_message: {user_message}
supported_animal_list: {supported_animal_list}
JSON Schema: {json_schema_string}
- your response should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the provided JSON schema
- analyze the user_message carefully above to extract the necessary information needed to populate the JSON
- set the fileds in JSON based on the user_message & following mentioned descroption of keys
return the required JSON schema from next line:
# Importing necessary modules
import json
import logging
from langchain import LLMChain, PromptTemplate
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
MODEL_NAME = "gpt-3.5-turbo"
OPENAI_API_KEY = "sk-***********************************"
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
logging.FileHandler('main.log', mode='w')
logger = logging.getLogger()
def validate_json_examples(json_examples: list):
expected_keys = json_examples[0].keys()
expected_types = {key: type(json_examples.get(key))
for key, val in json_examples[0].items()}
for json_object in json_examples:
keys = set(json_object.keys())
if (keys != expected_keys):
logger.error("inconsistent json examples - check the keys")
return False
for key, val in json_object:
if type(val) != expected_types.get(key):
logger.error("inconsistent json examples - check values")
return False
return True
def generate_json_schema(json_example):
schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {}
for key, value in json_example.items():
if value is None:
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "null"
elif isinstance(value, bool):
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "boolean"
elif isinstance(value, list):
if all(isinstance(i, dict) for i in value):
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "array",
"items": generate_json_schema(value[0]) if value else {"type": "object"}
elif all(isinstance(i, str) for i in value):
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"}
elif all(isinstance(i, (int, float)) for i in value):
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "number"}
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "object"}
elif isinstance(value, str):
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "string"
elif isinstance(value, int):
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "integer"
elif isinstance(value, float):
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "number"
elif isinstance(value, dict):
schema["properties"][key] = generate_json_schema(value)
schema["properties"][key] = {
"type": "object"
return schema
def get_output_from_OpenAI(prompt_template: str, values: dict):
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=TEMPERATURE, model=MODEL_NAME,
llm_chain = LLMChain(
llm_output = llm_chain.apply([values])[0]['text']
return llm_output
def lint_json(response, json_examples):
sample_json_object = json_examples[0]
schema_sample_json_object = generate_json_schema(
schema_response = generate_json_schema(json_example=response)"schema_sample_json_object: {}".format(
schema_sample_json_object))"schema_response: {}".format(schema_response))
return schema_sample_json_object == schema_response
def get_error_in_response(response):
if (isinstance(response, dict)):
is_valid_json = lint_json(response, json_examples=json_examples)
if (is_valid_json):"json response has been created successfully")
return None
"incorrect json-values returned by the LLM. output: {}".format(response))
return "KeyValueError"
response = json.loads(response)
is_valid_json = lint_json(response, json_examples=json_examples)
if (is_valid_json):"json response has been created successfully")
return None
"incorrect json-values returned by the LLM. output: {}".format(response))
return "KeyValueError"
except Exception as e:
"incorrect json-string returned by the LLM. output: {}".format(response))
return "JsonTextError"
def extract_json_from_response(response):
if (isinstance(response, dict)):
return response
logger.debug("trying to extract json (if any) by finding first { & last }")
first_brace_index = response.find("{")
last_brace_index = response.rfind("}")
response = response[first_brace_index:last_brace_index+1]
return response
def generate_required_json(prompt_template: str, values: dict, retry_count: int):
response = get_output_from_OpenAI(
prompt_template=prompt_template, values=values)
error = get_error_in_response(response=response)
if not error:
return response
response = extract_json_from_response(response)
error = get_error_in_response(response)
if not error:
return response
elif error == "JsonTextError":
response = extract_json_from_response(response=response)
error = get_error_in_response(response=response)
if not error:
return response
elif error == "KeyValueError":
retry_count += 1
if (retry_count < MAX_RETRIES_COUNT):
response = generate_required_json(
prompt_template=prompt_template, values=values, retry_count=retry_count)
"was not able to generate JSON output from the LLM for given user message. final response: {}".format(response))
return None
return response
def main():
user_message = sample_user_messages[0]
json_example = json_examples[0]
schema = generate_json_schema(json_example=json_example)
json_schema_string = json.dumps(schema, indent=2)
values = {
"user_message": user_message,
"supported_animal_list": supported_animal_list,
"json_schema_string": json_schema_string,
"json_key_value_descriptions": json_key_value_descriptions
response = generate_required_json(
prompt_template=json_schema_generation_prompt_template, values=values, retry_count=0)
return response
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