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Created November 29, 2011 20:12
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OpenURL context objects
Really messy attempt at creating OpenURL context
objects for use in link resolver middleware.
Primary use will be to map resolved citiation metadata
from the 360 Link knowledge base and create open url
context objects that can be passed on to other services
- like Illiad - or used in other software.
from eulxml import xmlmap
from eulxml.xmlmap import load_xmlobject_from_file
from eulxml.xmlmap import StringField as SF
import urllib
import sys
import os
import codecs
from datetime import datetime
Need to map the SerSol citation dicts to standard open url
_schema = xmlmap.loadSchema(SCHEMA)
coContainer = doc.add_element "ctx:context-objects"
coContainer.add_namespace("xsi", "")
coContainer.add_attribute("xsi:schemaLocation", "info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:ctx"
now =
class Common(xmlmap.XmlObject):
'xsi': '',
'ctx': 'info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:ctx',
"rft": "info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:journal",
class Journal(Common):
#ROOT_NS = 'info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:ctx'
issn: {
print: "0021-843X",
electronic: "1939-1846"
format: "journal",
issue: "4",
creatorLast: "Nolen-Hoeksema",
volume: "100",
source: "Journal of abnormal psychology (1965)",
creatorFirst: "S",
date: "1991-11",
title: "Responses to depression and their effects on the duration of depressive episodes",
pmid: "1757671",
spage: "569",
creator: "Nolen-Hoeksema, S"
ROOT_NAME = 'journal'
title = SF('rft:atitle')
source = SF('rft:jtitle')
creator = SF('rft:au')
creatorFirst = SF('rft:aufirst')
creatorLast = SF('rft:aulast')
volume = SF('rft:volume')
issue = SF('rft:issue')
spage = SF('rft:spage')
epage = SF('rft:epage')
issn = SF('rft:issn')
eissn = SF('rft:eissn')
#doi = SF('rft_id:doi/')
schema_location = SF('@xsi:schemaLocation')
class Metadata(Common):
ROOT_NAME = 'metadata'
journal = xmlmap.NodeListField('journal', Journal)
class Referent(Common):
ROOT_NAME = 'referent'
format = SF('./ctx:metadata-by-val/ctx:format')
metadata = xmlmap.NodeField('./ctx:metadata-by-val/ctx:metadata', Metadata)
class ContextObject(Common):
ROOT_NAME = 'context-object'
timestamp = SF('@timestamp')
version = SF('@version')
identifier = SF('@identifier')
encoding = SF('@encoding')
referent = xmlmap.NodeField('ctx:referent', Referent)
class ContextObjects(xmlmap.XmlObject):
ROOT_NAME = 'context-objects'
'xsi': '',
'ctx': 'info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:ctx',
#"rft": "info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:journal",
schema_location = SF('@xsi:schemaLocation')
context_object = xmlmap.NodeListField('ctx:context-object', ContextObject)
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