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Last active July 7, 2020 16:06
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"Created by [Nathan Kelber]( and Ted Lawless for [JSTOR Labs]( under [Creative Commons CC BY License](<br />\n",
"**For questions/comments/improvements, email**<br />\n",
"![CC BY License Logo](\n",
"# Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Modeling\n",
"**Description of methods in this notebook:**\n",
"This [notebook]( demonstrates how to do topic modeling on a [JSTOR]( and/or [Portico]( [dataset]( using [Python]( The following processes are described:\n",
"* Importing your [dataset](\n",
"* Importing libraries including `gensim`, `nltk`, and `pyLDAvis`\n",
"* Writing a helper function to help clean up a single [token](\n",
"* Building a gensim dictionary and training the model\n",
"* Computing a topic list\n",
"* Visualizing the topic list\n",
"**Difficulty:** Intermediate\n",
"**Purpose:** Learning (Optimized for explanation over code)\n",
"**Knowledge Required:** \n",
"* [Python Basics I](./0-python-basics-1.ipynb)\n",
"* [Python Basics II](./0-python-basics-2.ipynb)\n",
"* [Python Basics III](./0-python-basics-3.ipynb)\n",
"**Knowledge Recommended:**\n",
"* [Exploring Metadata](./1-metadata.ipynb)\n",
"* A familiarity with [gensim]( is helpful but not required.\n",
"**Completion time:** 90 minutes\n",
"**Data Format:** [JSTOR]([Portico]( [JSON Lines (.jsonl)](\n",
"**Libraries Used:**\n",
"* **[json](** to convert our dataset from json lines format to a Python list\n",
"* **[gensim](** to accomplish the topic modeling\n",
"* **[NLTK](** to help [clean]( up our dataset\n",
"* **pyldavis** to visualize our topic model\n",
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"## What is Topic Modeling?\n",
"**Topic modeling** is a **machine learning** technique that attempts to discover groupings of words (called topics) that commonly occur together in a body of texts. The body of texts could be anything from journal articles to newspaper articles to tweets.\n",
"**Topic modeling** is an unsupervised, clustering technique for text. We give the machine a series of texts that it then attempts to cluster the texts into a given number of topics. There is also a *supervised*, clustering technique called **Topic Classification**, where we supply the machine with examples of pre-labeled topics and then see if the machine can identify them given the examples.\n",
"**Topic modeling** is usually considered an exploratory technique; it helps us discover new patterns within a set of texts. **Topic Classification**, using labeled data, is intended to be a predictive technique; we want it to find more things like the examples we give it."
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"## Import your dataset\n",
"You'll use the tdm_client library to automatically upload your dataset. We import the `Dataset` module from the `tdm_client` library. The tdm_client library contains functions for connecting to the JSTOR server containing our [corpus]( [dataset]( To analyze your dataset, use the [dataset ID]( provided when you created your [dataset]( A copy of your [dataset ID]( was sent to your email when you created your [corpus]( It should look like a long series of characters surrounded by dashes. If you haven't created a dataset, feel free to use a sample dataset. Here's a [list by discipline]( Advanced users can also [upload a dataset from their local machine]("
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"#Importing your dataset with a dataset ID\n",
"import tdm_client\n",
"#Load the sample dataset, the full run of Shakespeare Quarterly from 1950-2013.\n",
"tdm_client.get_dataset(\"7e41317e-740f-e86a-4729-20dab492e925\", \"sampleJournalAnalysis\") #Insert your dataset ID on this line\n",
"# Load the sample dataset, the full run of Negro American Literature Forum (1967-1976) + Black American Literature Forum (1976-1991) + African American Review (1992-2016).\n",
"#tdm_client.get_dataset(\"b4668c50-a970-c4d7-eb2c-bb6d04313542\", \"sampleJournalAnalysis\")"
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"Define a function for processing tokens from the extracted features for volumes in the curated dataset. This function:\n",
"* lowercases all tokens\n",
"* discards all tokens less than 4 characters\n",
"* discards non alphabetical tokens - e.g. --9\n",
"* removes stopwords using NLTK's stopword list\n",
"* Lemmatizes the token using NLTK's [WordNetLemmatizer]("
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"source": [
"from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer\n",
"from nltk.corpus import stopwords\n",
"stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))\n",
"def process_token(token):\n",
" token = token.lower()\n",
" if len(token) < 4:\n",
" return\n",
" if not(token.isalpha()):\n",
" return\n",
" if token in stop_words:\n",
" return\n",
" return WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(token)"
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"Loop through the documents in the dataset and build a list of doucments where each document is a list of tokens."
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"source": [
"import json\n",
"documents = []\n",
"doc_count = 0\n",
"# Limit the number of documents, set to None to not limit.\n",
"limit_to = 25\n",
"with open(\"./datasets/sampleJournalAnalysis.jsonl\") as input_file:\n",
" for line in input_file:\n",
" doc = json.loads(line)\n",
" unigram_count = doc[\"unigramCount\"]\n",
" document_tokens = []\n",
" for token, count in unigram_count.items():\n",
" clean_token = process_token(token)\n",
" if clean_token is None:\n",
" continue\n",
" document_tokens += [clean_token] * count\n",
" documents.append(document_tokens)\n",
" doc_count += 1 \n",
" if (limit_to is not None) and (doc_count >= limit_to):\n",
" break\n",
" "
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"Build a gensim dictionary corpus and then train the model. More information about parameters can be found at the [Gensim LDA Model page]("
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"source": [
"import gensim\n",
"num_topics = 7 # Change the number of topics\n",
"dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(documents)\n",
"# Remove terms that appear in less than 10% of documents and more than 75% of documents.\n",
"dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=doc_count * .10, no_above=0.75)\n",
"bow_corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in documents]\n",
"# Train the LDA model.\n",
"model = gensim.models.LdaModel(\n",
" corpus=bow_corpus,\n",
" id2word=dictionary,\n",
" num_topics=num_topics,\n",
" passes=20 # Change the number of passes or iterations\n",
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"Print the most significant terms, as determined by the model, for each topic."
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"source": [
"for topic_num in range(0, num_topics):\n",
" word_ids = model.get_topic_terms(topic_num)\n",
" words = []\n",
" for wid, weight in word_ids:\n",
" word = dictionary.id2token[wid]\n",
" words.append(word)\n",
" print(\"Topic {}\".format(str(topic_num).ljust(5)), \" \".join(words))"
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"Visualize the model using [`pyLDAvis`]( This visualization takes several minutes to an hour to generate depending on the size of your dataset. To run, remove the `#` symbol on the line below and run the cell. "
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"source": [
"import pyLDAvis.gensim\n",
"pyLDAvis.gensim.prepare(model, bow_corpus, dictionary)"
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"outputs": [],
"source": []
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set -e
if [ -z "${fname}" ]; then
mkdir -p datasets
dl=`curl -s $service/nb/dataset/$1/info |\
grep -o 'https://ithaka-labs.*Expires\=[0-9]*'`
wget -q -L --show-progress \
-O $dset \
--user-agent "tdm notebooks" \
export DATASET_FILE=$dset
echo "Your dataset $1 is stored in: $dset"
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python -m nltk.downloader stopwords wordnet
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