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Created July 13, 2013 22:44
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Working with examples of semantic-ko:
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<title>edit publications</title>
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data = '@prefix : <> .\n\
@prefix foaf: <> .\n\
@prefix rdfs: <> .\n\
:John_McCarthy foaf:name "John McCarthy" ;\n\
a foaf:Person ; \n\
:inventorOf :Lisp .\n\
:Alan_Kay foaf:name "Alan Kay" ;\n\
a foaf:Person ; \n\
:inventorOf :Smalltalk .\n\
:Lisp rdfs:label "Lisp" .\n\
:Smalltalk rdfs:label "Smalltalk" .';
sko.ready(function() {"text/turtle", data, function(success, loaded) {
sko.registerPrefix("tests", "")"SELECT ?person { ?person a foaf:Person }",function(success, results) {
// process the query results
var curies = [];
var curie;
for(var i=0; i<results.length; i++) {
curie = sko.rdf.prefixes.shrink(results[i].person.value)
var rdfModel = {people: ko.observableArray(curies),
selectedPerson: ko.observable()};
sko.applyBindings("#example3", rdfModel)
sko.applyBindings("#example4", rdfModel)
<div id="example3">
Publication type:
<select data-bind="options: people, value:selectedPerson"></select>
<div about="selectedPerson">
You have chosen:
<span data-bind="text: [foaf:name]"></span>
<p rel="[tests:inventorOf]">
Inventor of:
<span data-bind="text: [rdfs:label]"></span>
<div id="#output"></div>
<div id="example4">
<p about="<>">
<input data-bind="value: [foaf:name]"></input>
<table id="example4">
<tr about="<>">
<td data-bind="text: [foaf:name]"></td>
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