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Created November 27, 2013 19:17
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// This code has yet to be tested
// There most likely will need to be some more adjustments made
// when our group meets again on Saturday (11/30/12) so that the
// Machine works as intended. As of now it compiles and should run.
#include <Servo.h>
int potPin = A0; // PotPin is set to A0
int potVal = 0;
int RightButton = 0;
int LeftButton = 0;// Declares LeftButton as an int and assigns it the value 0
int inPinR = 7;
int inPinL = 6;
int FanVal;
int FanPin = 3; // Asigns pin 3 to the Fan
Servo Cart; // The servo on the rail that is going back and forth is named Servo Cart
Servo Cup; // The servo at the bottom of the deoderant stick is Cup
void setup()
Cart.attach(5); // Attaches the servo Cart to pin 5
Cup.attach(9); // Attaches the Servo Cup to pin 9
pinMode(inPinR, INPUT);
pinMode(inPinL, INPUT);
pinMode(FanPin, OUTPUT);
Cart.write(90); // The Cart is initially at rest
Cup.write(90); // The Cup is initally at rest
Serial.begin(9600); // I don't think I need this line of code but to be safe I added it
void loop()
RightButton = digitalRead(inPinR);
LeftButton = digitalRead(inPinL);
potVal = analogRead(potPin);
if ((RightButton == LOW) && (LeftButton == HIGH))
{ Cart.write(0); // Moves the Cart to the left
delay(2100); // runs for 2100 mS
int x = 90;
if (x = 90)
{ FanVal = 255;
analogWrite(FanPin, FanVal); //Runs the fan at max speed.
if ((RightButton == HIGH) && (LeftButton == LOW))
{ FanVal = 100;
analogWrite(FanPin, FanVal); // The fan remains running but
// not as fast.
int x = 90;
delay(7000); // Could not be enough time for the
//bubble solution to rise to the wand
// the following code will probably give me a lot of
// headaches and I have a feeling I'm gonna be spending a
// lot of time fixing it.
if (x = 90){
int z = potVal;
if ( z <= 260)// If the potometer reads less than 260
{z = 180;} // The servo will spin the cup up
if (( z > 260) && (z <770)) // If the pot is beterrn 260-770
{ z = 90;} // The servo won't move
if (z >=770)
{ z = 180;}
if ((RightButton == LOW) && (LeftButton == LOW)){
FanVal = 255; // fan will run at max speed
analogWrite(FanPin, FanVal);
Cart.write(90); // Servo will not run when both buttons are pressed
if ((RightButton == HIGH) && (LeftButton == HIGH)){
FanVal = 255; // fan will run at max speed
analogWrite(FanPin, FanVal);
Cart.write(90); // Servo will not run when no buttons are pressed
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