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Created November 29, 2013 02:48
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#include <Servo.h>
Servo cup;
Servo cart;
int potpin = 0;
int val;
int inPinR = 4;
int inPinL = 3;
int ButtonR = 0;
int ButtonL = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(inPinR, INPUT);
pinMode(inPinL, INPUT);
void loop()
ButtonR = digitalRead(inPinR);
ButtonL = digitalRead(inPinL);
if ((ButtonR == LOW)&&(ButtonL == HIGH))
{ cart.write(0); // if the left button is pressed the cart will move
delay(2100);} // to the left for 2100 ms
if ((ButtonL == LOW) && (ButtonR == HIGH))
{ cart.write(180); // if the right button is pressed the cart will
delay(2100);} // move to the left for 2100 ms
if ((ButtonL == LOW) && (ButtonR ==LOW))
{ cart.write(94);} // cart wont run if both buttons pressed
if ((ButtonL == HIGH) && (ButtonR == HIGH))
{ cart.write(94);} // cart wont run if neiter button is pressed
val = analogRead(potpin);
val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
if (val <= 70) // if the scaled pot value is less than or
// equal to 70 the servo cup will assigned the value 0
cup.write(0); // when assigned 0 the cup goes down
if ((val >70) && (val < 110)) // if the value is between 71 and
// 109 the cup will be assigned the value 94
// 90 should stop the motor however it would continue to go down
// at a very slow rate
cup.write(94); // cup stops
if (val >= 110) // if the value is greater than or equal to 110
// the servo cup will be set to 180
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