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Created June 5, 2012 12:45
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Lab2 (from last year)
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class Lab2 {
public interface Regex {
<T> T accept (Visitor<T> v);
public interface Visitor<T> {
T visit (EmptySet regex);
T visit (Symbol regex);
T visit (Alternation regex);
T visit (Catenation regex);
T visit (KleeneClosure regex);
/** Empty set */
public static class EmptySet implements Regex {
public <T> T accept (Visitor<T> v) { return v.visit (this); }
public static Regex emptySet() { return new EmptySet(); }
/** Symbol */
public static class Symbol implements Regex {
public Character symbol; // For empty string, symbol = null
Symbol (Character c) { symbol = c; }
public <T> T accept (Visitor<T> v) { return v.visit (this); }
public static Regex symbol (Character c) { return new Symbol (c); }
/** Alternation */
public static class Alternation implements Regex {
public LinkedList<Regex> nodes = new LinkedList<Regex> ();
public Alternation (Regex ... nodes) {
for (Regex n : nodes) this.nodes.add (n);
public <T> T accept (Visitor<T> v) { return v.visit (this); }
public static Regex alternation (Regex ... nodes) { return new Alternation (nodes); }
/** Catenation */
public static class Catenation implements Regex {
public LinkedList<Regex> nodes = new LinkedList<Regex> ();
public Catenation (Regex ... nodes) {
for (Regex n : nodes) this.nodes.add (n);
public <T> T accept (Visitor<T> v) { return v.visit (this); }
public static Regex catenation (Regex ... nodes) { return new Catenation (nodes); }
/** Kleene closure */
public static class KleeneClosure implements Regex {
public Regex node;
public KleeneClosure (Regex node) { this.node = node; }
public <T> T accept (Visitor<T> v) { return v.visit (this); }
public static Regex kleeneClosure (Regex node) { return new KleeneClosure (node); }
/* TODO: Implement here */
public static Regex positiveClosure (Regex r) {
return null;
public static Regex times (Regex r, int k) {
return null;
public static Regex string (String str) {
return null;
public static Regex digit () {
return null;
public static Regex alpha () {
return null;
public static Regex wentworthEmail () {
return null;
/** Regex to string */
public static class StringVisitor implements Visitor<String> {
public String visit (EmptySet regex) { return "{}"; }
public String visit (Symbol regex) {
return (regex.symbol != null) ? "" + regex.symbol : "λ";
public String visit (Alternation alternation) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.append ("(");
sb.append (alternation.nodes.get (0).accept (this));
for (int i = 1; i < alternation.nodes.size (); i++) {
sb.append ("|");
sb.append (alternation.nodes.get (i).accept (this));
return sb.toString();
public String visit (Catenation catenation) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
for (Regex node : catenation.nodes)
sb.append (node.accept (this));
return sb.toString();
public String visit (KleeneClosure kleeneClosure) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.append ("(");
sb.append (kleeneClosure.node.accept (this));
sb.append (")");
sb.append ("*");
return sb.toString();
public static String regexToString (Regex r) { return r.accept(new StringVisitor()); }
/** Finite automata */
public static class StateCharacter {
public State s; public Character c;
public StateCharacter (State s, Character c) { this.s = s; this.c = c; }
public static class State {}
public abstract static class FiniteAutomaton<T> {
public Set<Character> alphabet = new HashSet<Character> ();
public Set<State> states = new HashSet<State> ();
public final State startState = new State ();
public Map<StateCharacter, T> transitions = new HashMap<StateCharacter, T> ();
public Set<State> acceptStates = new HashSet<State> ();
public void addTransition (State fromState, Character character, State toState) {
alphabet.add (character);
states.add (fromState);
states.add (toState);
public void addAcceptingState (State s) { acceptStates.add (s); states.add (s); }
public void merge (FiniteAutomaton<T> other) {
states.addAll (other.states);
transitions.putAll (other.transitions);
public static class NFA extends FiniteAutomaton<Set<State>> {
public void addTransition (State fromState, Character character,
State toState) {
super.addTransition (fromState, character, toState);
Set<State> nextStates;
StateCharacter from = new StateCharacter (fromState, character);
if (transitions.containsKey (from)) {
nextStates = transitions.get (from);
nextStates.add (toState);
} else {
nextStates = new HashSet<State> ();
nextStates.add (toState);
transitions.put (new StateCharacter (fromState, character), nextStates);
/* TODO: Implement here (Next step 2) */
public static boolean recognize (NFA nfa, String str) {
return false;
public static class DFA extends FiniteAutomaton<State> {
public void addTransition (State fromState, Character character,
State toState) {
super.addTransition (fromState, character, toState);
transitions.put (new StateCharacter (fromState, character), toState);
/* TODO: Implement here (Next step 1) */
public static DFA makeDeterministic (NFA nfa) {
return null;
public static boolean recognize (DFA dfa, String str) {
return false;
public static class RegexToNFA implements Visitor<NFA> {
public NFA visit (EmptySet regex) { return new NFA (); }
public NFA visit (Symbol regex) {
NFA result = new NFA ();
State end = new State ();
result.addTransition (result.startState, regex.symbol, end);
result.addAcceptingState (end);
return result;
/* TODO: Implement here */
public NFA visit (Alternation regex) {
return null;
public NFA visit (Catenation regex) {
return null;
public NFA visit(KleeneClosure regex) {
return null;
public static NFA regexToNFA (Regex r) {
RegexToNFA converter = new RegexToNFA ();
return r.accept (converter);
public static String render (NFA fa) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.append ("digraph NFA {\nrankdir=LR;\n");
sb.append ("node [style=invisible]; ");
sb.append (" state_");
sb.append (fa.startState.hashCode ());
sb.append (";\n");
sb.append ("node [style=solid,shape=doublecircle,fontsize=2];");
for (State s : fa.acceptStates) {
sb.append (" state_");
sb.append (s.hashCode ());
sb.append(";\nnode [shape=circle];\n");
for (StateCharacter sc : fa.transitions.keySet ()) {
for (State s : fa.transitions.get (sc)) {
sb.append ("state_");
sb.append (sc.s.hashCode ());
sb.append (" -> ");
sb.append ("state_");
sb.append (s.hashCode ());
sb.append (" [ label = \"");
sb.append ((sc.c != null) ? sc.c : "λ");
sb.append ("\" ];\n");
sb.append ("}");
return sb.toString ();
public static String render (DFA fa) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.append ("digraph NFA {\nrankdir=LR;\n");
sb.append ("node [style=invisible]; ");
sb.append (" state_");
sb.append (fa.startState.hashCode ());
sb.append (";\n");
sb.append("node [style=solid,shape=doublecircle,fontsize=2];");
for (State s : fa.acceptStates) {
sb.append (" state_");
sb.append (s.hashCode ());
sb.append(";\nnode [shape=circle];\n");
for (StateCharacter sc : fa.transitions.keySet ()) {
sb.append ("state_");
sb.append (sc.s.hashCode ());
sb.append (" -> ");
sb.append ("state_");
sb.append (fa.transitions.get (sc).hashCode ());
sb.append (" [ label = \"");
sb.append ((sc.c != null) ? sc.c : "λ");
sb.append ("\" ];\n");
sb.append ("}");
return sb.toString ();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Regex r = kleeneClosure (catenation (symbol ('A'),symbol ('B')));
System.out.print ("# ");
System.out.println (regexToString (r));
NFA nfa = regexToNFA (r);
System.out.println (render (nfa));
// System.out.println (recognize (nfa, "ABAB")); // should print true
// System.out.println (recognize (nfa, "AAA")); // should print false
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