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Last active July 25, 2019 16:51
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package com.example
import java.util.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
val title = "Kotlin Demo"
var content = "A 20-mins Kotlin sharing"
var optional: String? = null
// String and template
// language=html
val html = """
// For Loop
fun forLoop() {
for(i in 0..9) {
for(i in 0..10 step 2) {
for(i in 10 downTo 0 step 2) {
for(i in listOf("A", "B", "C")) {
listOf("A", "B", "C").forEach {
fun switchExpr() {
val id = 1;
when (id) {
1 -> println(id)
2, 3 -> println(id)
in 4..5 -> println(id)
!in 4..5 -> println(id)
is Int -> println(id)
else -> println(id)
fun Int.isEven(): Boolean {
return true
fun isPrime(x: Int): Boolean {
return true
when {
id.isEven() -> println(id)
isPrime(id) -> println(id)
fun collection() {
val list = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3)
val set = setOf<String>("A", "B", "C")
var map = mapOf<Int, String>(
1 to "A",
2 to "B"
val mutalbeList = arrayListOf(1)
val mutableSet = hashSetOf("ABC")
val mutableMap = hashMapOf("OOO" to 123) { it * 10 }
fun(number: Int): Boolean {
return number > 1
fun functions() {
fun say(msg: String) {
println("Hello, $msg")
data class QuoteRequest(
val id: String,
val currency: String,
val product: String,
val reasonCode: String = "N/A")
val quoteRequest = QuoteRequest(
id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
product = "SPOT",
currency = "EURUSD"
fun QuoteRequest.toJSON(): String {
return """
"id": "${}",
"currency": "${this.currency}",
"product": "${this.product}",
"reasonCode": "${this.reasonCode}",
fun classes() {
class User {
private val name: String
private var age: Int
constructor(name: String, age: Int) { = name;
this.age = age
fun getName(): String {
fun getAge(): Int {
return this.age
fun setAge(age: Int) {
this.age = age
class Instance {
var instanceId: String
get() {
return "ID_15123123"
set(value) {
instanceId = value
class Service {
fun start() {}
fun stop() {}
// class DemoTest {
// lateinit var service: Service
// @Before
// fun setUp() {
// service = Service()
// service.start()
// }
// @After
// fun tearDown() {
// service.stop()
// }
// }
fun coroutines() {
GlobalScope.launch { // launch a new coroutine in background and continue
delay(1000L) // non-blocking delay for 1 second (default time unit is ms)
println("World!") // print after delay
println("Hello,") // main thread continues while coroutine is delayed
runBlocking {
fun doSomethingSync(): String {
return "Something"
val something = async {
val otherThing = async {
listOf(1,2,3).findLast { it >= 2 }
val duration = measureTimeMillis {
println("${something.await()} is ${otherThing.await()}")
println("Duration: $duration")
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