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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Implements priority donation according to the Imperial Pintos Specification (based on thread niceness and recent cpu time), using Round Robin ordering of threads
PRI_MAX = 63
RUN_TIME = 36/4
crrt = null
ticks = 0
create_thread = (name, nice, pri = PRI_MAX) ->
{ name: name, p: pri, n: nice, rcpu: 0 }
threads = [
create_thread 'a', 0, 63
create_thread 'b', 1, 61
create_thread 'c', 2, 59
].sort (a,b) -> b.p - a.p
sorted_threads = ->
threads[..].sort (a,b) ->
if < then return -1
else if > then return 1 else return 0
space = (str, length) ->
str = str.toString().trim()
length -= str.length
str + (null for s in [0..length]).join ' '
print_key = (key, length) ->
vals = []
for t in do sorted_threads
vals.push t[key]
space vals.join('/'), length
calc_priority = (t) ->
t.p = Math.floor (PRI_MAX - (t.rcpu / 4) - (t.n * 2))
calc_load_avg = -> (59/60)*load_avg + (1/60)*threads.length
tick_second = ->
do calc_load_avg
for t in threads
t.rcpu = (2*load_avg)/(2*load_avg + 1)*t.rcpu + t.n
next_thread = ->
found = false
threads = [].concat threads.reduce(((a,c) ->
a[2* +(c.p < crrt.p)].push c if c != crrt; a
), [[],crrt,[]])...
for t in threads
if t.p >= crrt.p then return t
tick = ->
do tick_second
(crrt ?= threads[0]).rcpu += 4
for t in threads
calc_priority t
crrt = do next_thread
print_row = (crrt_name) ->
console.log " #{space ticks, 3} | #{print_key 'rcpu', 10} | " +
"#{print_key 'p', 9} | #{crrt_name.toUpperCase()}"
ticks = 0
console.log " Timer | Rcpu | Pri | Thread\n" +
for _ in [0..RUN_TIME]
print_row crrt?.name || '-'
do tick
Timer | Rcpu | Pri | Thread
0 | 0/0/0 | 63/61/59 | -
4 | 4/0/0 | 62/61/59 | A
8 | 8/0/0 | 61/61/59 | B
12 | 8/4/0 | 61/60/59 | A
16 | 12/4/0 | 60/60/59 | B
20 | 12/8/0 | 60/59/59 | A
24 | 16/8/0 | 59/59/59 | C
28 | 16/8/4 | 59/59/58 | B
32 | 16/12/4 | 59/58/58 | A
36 | 20/12/4 | 58/58/58 | C
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