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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save lawrencejones/9824108 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lawrencejones/9824108 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
In kernel.o:
0xc0020c92: thread_foreach (..../../threads/thread.c:532)
0xc0028ada: debug_backtrace_all (...../lib/kernel/debug.c:122)
0xc002bf7c: page_fault (.../userprog/exception.c:178)
0xc002207d: intr_handler (..../threads/interrupt.c:367)
0xc0022280: intr_entry (threads/intr-stubs.S:38)
In kernel.o:
0xc0020c92: thread_foreach (..../../threads/thread.c:532)
0xc0028ada: debug_backtrace_all (...../lib/kernel/debug.c:122)
0xc002bf7c: page_fault (.../userprog/exception.c:178)
0xc002207d: intr_handler (..../threads/interrupt.c:367)
0xc0022280: intr_entry (threads/intr-stubs.S:38)
In tests/userprog/exit:
0x08048094: main (...uild/../../tests/main.c:8)
0x0804867d: _start (.../../../lib/user/entry.c:9)
In kernel.o:
0xc0020c92: thread_foreach (..../../threads/thread.c:532)
0xc0028ada: debug_backtrace_all (...../lib/kernel/debug.c:122)
0xc002bf7c: page_fault (.../userprog/exception.c:178)
0xc002207d: intr_handler (..../threads/interrupt.c:367)
0xc0022280: intr_entry (threads/intr-stubs.S:38)
0x0804bffc: (unknown)
In tests/userprog/exit:
0x0804867d: _start (.../../../lib/user/entry.c:9)
Copying tests/userprog/exit to scratch partition...
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda /var/folders/hq/w9ff1yqn2g799z_5jy7qp1xw0000gn/T/TcgQzhBAtr.dsk -m 4 -net none -nographic -monitor null --no-kvm
PiLo hda1
Kernel command line: -q -f extract run exit
Pintos booting with 4,088 kB RAM...
382 pages available in kernel pool.
382 pages available in user pool.
Calibrating timer... 419,020,800 loops/s.
hda: 13,104 sectors (6 MB), model "QM00001", serial "QEMU HARDDISK"
hda1: 187 sectors (93 kB), Pintos OS kernel (20)
hda2: 4,096 sectors (2 MB), Pintos file system (21)
hda3: 107 sectors (53 kB), Pintos scratch (22)
hda4: 8,192 sectors (4 MB), Pintos swap (23)
filesys: using hda2
scratch: using hda3
swap: using hda4
Formatting file system...done.
Boot complete.
Extracting ustar archive from scratch device into file system...
Putting 'exit' into the file system...
Erasing ustar archive...
Executing 'exit':
In tests/userprog/exit:
EIP: 0x08048665: _start (.../../../lib/user/entry.c:8)
exit (main (argc, argv));
In tests/userprog/exit:
FAULT: 0x08048665: _start (.../../../lib/user/entry.c:8)
exit (main (argc, argv));
PAGE FAULT !!! Addr [0x08048665] <<<
EIP VALUE !!! Addr [0x08048665] <<<
Call stack of thread `main' (status BLOCKED): 0xc00216bc 0xc0021a92 0xc0022f73 0xc002acbf 0xc002023b 0xc00208ed.
Call stack of thread `idle' (status BLOCKED): 0xc00216bc 0xc0021a92 0xc0021ab9 0xc0021a0c.
Call stack of thread `exit' (status RUNNING): 0xc0020c92 0xc0028ada 0xc002bf8f 0xc002207d 0xc0022280.
+++ Successfully read 4096 bytes from file, at offset 0.
In tests/userprog/exit:
EIP: 0x08048094: main (...uild/../../tests/main.c:8)
test = argv[0];
FAULT: 0x0804bf24: (unknown)
PAGE FAULT !!! Addr [0x0804bf24] <<<
EIP VALUE !!! Addr [0x08048094] <<<
Call stack of thread `main' (status BLOCKED): 0xc00216bc 0xc0021a92 0xc0022f73 0xc002acbf 0xc002023b 0xc00208ed.
Call stack of thread `idle' (status BLOCKED): 0xc00216bc 0xc0021a92 0xc0021ab9 0xc0021a0c.
Call stack of thread `exit' (status RUNNING): 0xc0020c92 0xc0028ada 0xc002bf8f 0xc002207d 0xc0022280 0x8048094 0x804867d.
+++ Successfully read 2548 bytes from file, at offset 8192.
EIP: 0x0804bffc: (unknown)
FAULT: 0x0804c000: (unknown)
PAGE FAULT !!! Addr [0x0804c000] <<<
EIP VALUE !!! Addr [0x0804bffc] <<<
Call stack of thread `main' (status BLOCKED): 0xc00216bc 0xc0021a92 0xc0022f73 0xc002acbf 0xc002023b 0xc00208ed.
Call stack of thread `idle' (status BLOCKED): 0xc00216bc 0xc0021a92 0xc0021ab9 0xc0021a0c.
Call stack of thread `exit' (status RUNNING): 0xc0020c92 0xc0028ada 0xc002bf8f 0xc002207d 0xc0022280 0x804bffc 0x804867d.
--- Couldn't find 0x804c000 in SPT
exit: exit(-1)
Execution of 'exit' complete.
Timer: 62 ticks
Thread: 37 idle ticks, 22 kernel ticks, 3 user ticks
hda2 (filesys): 48 reads, 218 writes
hda3 (scratch): 106 reads, 2 writes
hda4 (swap): 0 reads, 0 writes
Console: 2311 characters output
Keyboard: 0 keys pressed
Exception: 3 page faults
Powering off...
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